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  • Feb 25, 2008, 04:39 PM
    Embarrassing when somebody looks at my feet ! Shoe bites or corn?
    Hi people,

    Its all about a pointed formal shoes I had worn which accumulated think layers of skin on almost all my toes.Generally people get it on their little toe. BUT I have it on all toes except one toe in the middle.Its for sure not a shoe bite,but its due to the frequent friction of the shoe its resulted in the development of extra think skin.It doesn't pain or hurt,so some times when it looks too ugly I take a blade and peel it off.(Which I must not be doing).BUT again the skin develops those layers ,making a think film of brownish black hard skin.

    I am really helpless as I have tried and number of things on my feet already.Had been to a dermatologist who asked me to apply Aloederm cream,which I did.I have tried messaging with moisturizer ,vasline petroleum jelly , vitamin E oil etc and find no difference.This skin becomes soft for some days and again returns back to the think dirty layer.I don't see a solution.I agree that there are so many people who have lost their legs,but trust me I feel disgusted to wear open sandles .If anyone looks at my feet I feel so damn ashamed.Please please for gods sake give me a good solution.This is there from past one and a half years.I was waiting for so long thinking that It will go .BUT it dindnt .Please help.
  • Feb 25, 2008, 05:55 PM
    I used to buy a product called Pretty Feet and Dr. Scholls has a rub that you put on, work into rough skin and it sloughs away over a period. I use pumice stone on a regular basis and my feet used to be in really bad shape!
  • Feb 25, 2008, 09:37 PM
    I'm sorry you feel disgusted to wear open sandals. Try a second opinion from a dermatologist. If there is nothing you can do, you have no choice but to try to accept it. I've seen numerous movie stars with beautiful bodies and toes that are uneven and with corns, besides bony. They still look fine because they have self confidence. Nobody is perfect. We must accept our inperfections. It's not easy, I've been through a similar situation. At least you can hide your inperfection under closed cute sandals, sketchers has numerous styles. I'd be worried if the inperfection was on my face. Anyhow, try a second opinion. Look at the bright side. "A beautiful body is a body that can move".
  • Feb 27, 2008, 10:18 PM
    I asked my mom, she had a similar problem. Her feet looked like they gad scales, the skin layer on top was thick and crusty. The doctor said it was caused by her everyday use of open sandals. She used synthetic materials. Well, she used a antifungal cream, even though she didn't have fungus. She used vaseline and put socks day and night. Her feet went back to normal or close to normal. I have small imperfections that I cover. We all do. I use open sandals, but not too open, because my left foot is skinnier and I don't really like my toes. But, I'm O.K. -when I start complaining, I picture myself with a prosthesis.
  • Apr 18, 2012, 12:00 PM
    I Have Bad Feet And Im In High School And My 17th Birthday Is coming Up ANd I Found The Best Dress In The World But Im SCared To Wear Scandels Because Im Scared Everybody Will Look At My Feet Because I Don't Normally Wear Them Out And Everybodies Going To Be Surprised And Trying To Look And I Don't Want To Embarrase Myself :'( May 10th , Is My Birthday
  • May 14, 2012, 02:35 AM

    Originally Posted by Shuntell11 View Post
    I Have Bad Feet And Im In High School And My 17th Birthday Is coming Up ANd i Found The Best Dress In The World But Im SCared To Wear Scandels Because Im Scared Everybody Will Look At My Feet Because I Dont Normally Wear Them Out And Everybodies Going To Be Suprised And Trying To Look And I Dont Want To Embarrase Myself :'( May 10th , Is My Birthday

    Try helping your feet breathe, relax and soak them for 15 or 30 minutes,. warm water and epsom salt. This may reduce swelling too, depending on how much you feel necessary, the nails on your feet and hands are softest when getting out of bath or shower, try clipping them soon after shower, 30 minutes or less and follow up occasionally. You will see improvement, moisturize and I think name if cornstones, PEGS or something close, will evenly shave small layers of skin and is your bodies reaction to your daily actions to keep your bodies durability as a whole. Minor maintenance and epsom salt is cheap with the water.

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