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  • Jan 24, 2006, 03:20 PM
    Hot feeling in face
    I was just wondering if anyone else ever has hot flushes in their face, like JUST the face, not any other part of the body. I have these quite often, to the point where I have to put a cold cloth or even ice on my face to feel better. There's no redness on my face when it happens, and no sweating. I'm pregnant, but I had this problem for a long time before that. I had a checkup recently and was fine, and my husband is a doctor and he's not sure what it is either LOL. Plus I'm only 26, so kind of young for menopause! Anyway I'm not really expecting an answer, just wanting to see if anyone else has this and maybe even what you do to relieve it! Thanks.
  • Apr 7, 2007, 12:37 PM
    Yes I have I have wondered many times if I am the only one that goes through that. I do get a red face when it happens but usually towards the end of the so called hot flash I sweat all the time and then I am freezing.
  • Sep 11, 2007, 11:17 PM
    Julie Bob

    Originally Posted by orange
    I was just wondering if anyone else ever has hot flushes in their face, like JUST the face, not any other part of the body. I have these quite often, to the point where I have to put a cold cloth or even ice on my face to feel better. There's no redness on my face when it happens, and no sweating. I'm pregnant, but I had this problem for a long time before that. I had a checkup recently and was fine, and my husband is a doctor and he's not sure what it is either LOL. Plus I'm only 26, so kind of young for menopause! Anyways I'm not really expecting an answer, just wanting to see if anyone else has this and maybe even what you do to relieve it! Thanks.

    Hi Orange,

    I've been experiencing the same thing for several months now, and no doctor can give me an explanation. It feels like my face is beet red, but when I look in the mirror, I'm the same color as ever. I almost always have that "hot face" sensation, especially on my cheeks. I'm so tired of it! And sometimes it spreads to the rest of my body and I feel weak and have to run to the bathroom... My hands and feet also feel like they're burning.
  • Sep 17, 2007, 12:15 PM
    I am having the same issue and I'm a guy so female hormones aren't the issue... Trying to find out some info as to what may be causing it. Its annoying!
  • Jan 3, 2009, 02:15 PM
    Yeah, I've recently started to get this. I was just wondering if anyone has back pain also, as a it has been suggested that the two are linked.
  • Jan 21, 2009, 09:09 AM
    Yes I do have back pain upper, mid, lower you name I have it. I have severe leg pain also
  • Feb 19, 2009, 02:34 AM

    I also have acute hot sensations in the face but I also when I have the flushes. I have them all the time, it just gets better when I am out in the cold. If I stay too much in a closed room, I sometimes feel intolerably hot and my cheeks and my era burn. Anybody any idea what this is? Thank you.
  • Sep 5, 2009, 08:50 PM

    Originally Posted by Julie Bob View Post
    Hi Orange,

    I've been experiencing the same thing for several months now, and no doctor can give me an explanation. It feels like my face is beet red, but when I look in the mirror, I'm the same color as ever. I almost always have that "hot face" sensation, especially on my cheeks. I'm so tired of it! And sometimes it spreads to the rest of my body and I feel weak and have to run to the bathroom... My hands and feet also feel like they're burning.

    The fatigue and burning symptoms are caused by the central nervous system. This can be caused by many things including poor diet, heavy metal toxicity, and mold exposure. My bet is that you have candidiasis or systemic yeast overgrowth. This is extremely common if you eat the standard American diet.

    The main cause of auto immune disorders (where the body attacks itself- including the central nervous system) is leaky gut. Leaky gut can be caused by poor diet which leads to candida albicans overgrowth. Candida is a fungus that live in your bowels and are a food source for the good bacteria. When the bad bacteria overwhelm the good bacteria they develop rizoids which burrow into the intestinal lining. This causes microscopic holes in which foods particles and toxins leak through into the blood stream.

    Treating this problem is very difficult as the medicines are ineffective (masking the symptoms and the yeast comes back WITH A VENGEANCE). The only real course of action is to go on a candida diet. Once the candida is under control then switch to a GAPS diet to heal the leaky gut. It can take months to a year to be fully healed.

    You can eat normally again in the future, but it will always be necessary to balance alkaline and acidic foods to keep from relapsing.
  • Oct 24, 2009, 06:24 PM
    Within just the past few weeks this (the facial flushing) has started happening to me quite frequently, and it lasts for pretty much the rest of the day once it occurs. It feels like my face has a fever. I've also noticed that lately I've been having bouts of nausea just as often. Not to mention a touch of vertigo. Yesterday I nearly fell off a stool I was sitting at, and that's the worst I've ever experienced it. And no, I am not pregnant.
  • Dec 22, 2009, 02:51 PM

    Originally Posted by atarijen View Post
    The fatigue and burning symptoms are caused by the central nervous system. This can be caused by many things including poor diet, heavy metal toxicity, and mold exposure. My bet is that you have candidiasis or systemic yeast overgrowth. This is extremely common if you eat the standard American diet.

    The main cause of auto immune disorders (where the body attacks itself- including the central nervous system) is leaky gut. Leaky gut can be caused by poor diet which leads to candida albicans overgrowth. Candida is a fungus that live in your bowels and are a food source for the good bacteria. When the bad bacteria overwhelm the good bacteria they develop rizoids which burrow into the intestinal lining. This causes microscopic holes in which foods particles and toxins leak through into the blood stream.

    Treating this problem is very difficult as the medicines are ineffective (masking the symptoms and the yeast comes back WITH A VENGEANCE). The only real course of action is to go on a candida diet. Once the candida is under control then switch to a GAPS diet to heal the leaky gut. It can take months to a year to be fully healed.

    You can eat normally again in the future, but it will always be necessary to balance alkaline and acidic foods to keep from relapsing.

    With your answer, I was wondering about taking a probiotic won't that help as well?

    Plus I think the burning in the face is part of anxiety... I have anxiety really bad and when I "freak out" or having bad anxiety my face tends to feel like its on fire...
  • Feb 15, 2010, 05:00 PM
    I also have the same annoying problem. I often wash my face with cold water to stop it for a little while. I'm usually back to the hot sensation within 5 minutes of cooling off my face. I'm a 31 year old female. I have hypothyroid, and also in June 2009 I had the Essure procedure done. I had both my thyroid glands removed in 2008.

    This hot sensation only started a few months ago, but I hate it! I feel crazy because I'm constantly asking my husband if I feel hot (he says I feel fine) or I'm checking my temperature. It's an uncomfortable feeling & extremely annoying.

    Anyone else?
  • Apr 24, 2010, 09:28 AM
    I'm experiencing the same thing.. It's been months already and without an answer.. my face would get hot for no reason.. sometimes it spreads to the upper part of my body including my hands and palms. Doctors don't even know what's wrong! And plus I'm a guy, so it's nothing to do with menopause or andropause for that matter! Tried probiotics as well but not much of an effect still.. IT's freaking annoying! My eyes get dry as well as if the feeling of lack of sleep, but I get fairly enough of sleep everyday! I just couldn't find an answer!
  • Apr 24, 2010, 09:34 AM

    I'm experiencing the same thing here!. It's just so annoying.. my face would turn hot for no reason.. I've been to dozens of doctors all without an answer.. Sometimes my eyes would get dry as if it's a feeling of lack of sleep.. but I get fairly enough of sleep everyday.. I just don't seem to understand what's causing all these.. plus I'm also a guy which rules out menopause or andropause for that matter, I'm only at my 20s.. Tried probiotics as well, didn't help, didn't have much of an effect.. and it's been almost a year now! Sick of it!
  • Jul 6, 2010, 02:33 PM
    I am 29 and feel my face is burning! I have noticed it happens when I am excited or worried. So anxiety can be it. It lasts for a while and if I check my temperature it is normal. The color on my face does not change and I do have back pain often. It is annyoing and weird. I live in Mexico so my diet is different.
  • Dec 5, 2010, 06:56 AM
    Tibetan herbal medicine name ""MAN-NYEE"" will make it all gone. Trust me
  • Jan 28, 2011, 01:20 PM
    Hi there.
    I think I'm experiencing the same thing and have been trying to do a candida cleanse but am having a very bad time of dealing with the die-off.

    I started some Hormone Replacement Therapy back in Sept 2010, ended up on a round of Medrol (prednisone) late Sept for back paing from a herniated disc in lower back, only took the first 3 days. It all went down-hill from there... the experience I had on the prednisone was the worst in my life... the stinging skin, exhausted, freezing cold yet sweating just to name a few symptoms. I lost 7lbs in 1 week and my BP was 160/99 when I got to the Dr. office a week later.

    Since then, I would have "flare-ups" now and then that would incapicitate me for a whole day... sick feeling, stinging face, hands, feet, sweats, freezing, etc and finally made the connection that it happened when I took any of my biodentical hormones. In December, I actually had a flare-up taking Ibuprofen and Aspirin and I haven't been able to take either since then without experiencing the burning sensation in my face. I've been doing a yeast cleanse and a better daily diet for about 3 weeks off and on now and I can actually describe it as a burning sensation now instead of stinging so I guess it's getting better?

    Sorry this is so long, but I have to say I'm kind of glad to see I'm not the only person with this issue. Now to just get rid of it...
  • Mar 3, 2011, 08:09 PM
    I too have a hot flushed face all the time. I've been to every doctor imaginable and nonone can figure out the problem. I'm healthy as a horse according to everyone.No answer yet.
  • Sep 11, 2011, 09:31 AM
    My husband has been having the same thing. I have look all over the internet and found some other people with the same problem. Some where told be their doctors that it was stress. So they rec-amend others to talk to their doctors about lowering their stress levels. I hope this helps everyone.
  • Oct 10, 2011, 06:43 AM
    I am a male , and facing same issues since last six months, what to do?
  • Feb 4, 2012, 05:44 PM
    Hello - I have had burning sensations on my cheeks since 2011. I believe it started from a mold spore problem in the heating and cooking system at work. I have had leaky gut syndrome in my 20s which is indicative that I am prone to Candida. The problem all but went away for 20 years until now.

    The burning cheeks was the first sign. Then I would wake up with a swollen bottom lip. Then swollen lips. Then swollen lips and eyes until my whole face got very swollen and painful. I do not work for the company anymore, but feel that the spores have invaded my system and now I have to very careful with what I eat and drink. For instance, I had one cup of tea this pm ( tea has mold spores) and my cheeks are burning.

    I think that Johnkx3 is right. Candida. I have given up wheat, wine, cheese, all condiments and sugar. I limit myself to 1 cup of coffee a day (which also carries spores). This diet prevents my face from painfully blowing up. It is very very hard to be live a normal life on this diet, but it is better than the alternative.

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