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  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:10 PM
    Lying for sympathy, getting attention or just because?
    I always make it seem like something is wrong when its not. Why do I do this, am I the only one? I'll even make up stories about my life or my past, things that don't make me look better but worse, or make my life worse. Why? I know I'm doing it but I still do it... in many different ways..?

    :confused: :confused:
  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:16 PM
    Hello Anyone514 Are you comfortable giving a little more info on yourself or situation?:cool:
  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:42 PM
    Maybe you want to feel bad about yourself for some odd reason and maybe that's why you posted here to get others to agree that you're a bad person or that something is wrong with you. Only you know why and yes, you do know why.
  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:52 PM
    I used to do this all the time when I was a tween, from about age 11-13 or so. I would lie about my family, how old I was, my nationality, my name, things that had happened to me, and ailments that I had... anything really. I grew up in foster care and at the time I was very unhappy and lonely. I wanted people to pay attention to me but I felt really inadequate about myself. So I made stuff up, and pretended to be sick so that people would feel sorry for me. Luckily, I grew out of it after a while, learned to like myself more, and have more "healthy" interests.

    The problem with lying is of course, that it becomes a habit and it's hard to keep track of all the lies after a while. And people tend to not trust you anymore or think you are a flake. And an adult who lies constantly usually has some sort of emotional problem or mental illness. I have a friend with Borderline Personality Disorder who has a big problem with lying, especially for attention, but luckily she in therapy now and doing better.

    As talaniman asked, why don't you tell us a bit more about yourself? Are you very unhappy? What are your reasons for wanting so much attention? Are there other more positive things you can do to get attention? Please let us know.
  • Jan 22, 2006, 10:56 PM
    I also noticed you have started two threads which should we refer to?:cool: :eek:
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:18 AM
    Well I'm 16 and insecure, very self conscious. I'm in a relationship as my other post states and worry about that a lot. I say I don't care what people think yet I'm always thinking of the bad things people may notice and that people are constantly judging me. I feel good about myself and feel pretty when I'm alone. I'm only comfortable around people I know well.. or well enough but I don't trust anyone, not fully at least. When I was a child I was treated for depression in 2nd grade. I don't know why I do it. I'll act like I'm depressed just to get people to ask me what's wrong, to feel like someone at least notices. Then I'll say "nothing" when they ask... or I'll try and make people see me as having a not so perfect life, so that I'm not... idolized? In any way. Nothing scares me more than being in a room full of strangers staring at me while I look completely lost... but tomorrow I could look at this thread and feel different, feel confident... but it always goes back to what I just mentioned...
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:19 AM
    Posting to my other thread would be nice too
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:43 AM

    Originally Posted by Anyone514
    posting to my other thread would be nice too

    It may be nice for you if you need that much attention,but is not fair to me,or anyone who might have a few suggestions to send to you.By your own admission for reasons only you know ,you don't trust anyone,you lie for sympathy,and you need attention,whether it be some sort of chemical imbalance or the results of a trauma you went through,I need to know more or else I'd be shooting in the dark,and can only refer you to a professional for help for your problem,but if you want to talk then you need to be honest and forthright and no games!:cool:
  • Jan 23, 2006, 05:55 AM
    By judging by what you have posted, I think you need to talk to a professional about this situation. Oprah had a show on about this a little whil ago. There were woman on the show who lied about everything from there past down to what they did on that particular day and they couldn't control it. I hate using the term pathological liar because it does sound very harsh, but that was what these woman were known as. They ended up going to get treatment because it was ruining there families and their lives. Please try to talk to a professional because it sounds as if you are going through some highly emotional stuff right now and you may need to tackle these issues. There are plenty of doctors that can help you. And like always you can use us for support.
  • Jan 23, 2006, 06:08 AM
    Hi, Anyone,
    I do agree with Bizygurl in seeing a Professional again.
    If you have talked with someone in the past about depression, it really would be good to talk with someone again, such as a professional in that area.
    I am not a doctor, and don't pretend to be one. But when someone keeps referring to things that make them look worse, "putting themselves down", and not looking at the positive side of life and what's good about it, it can mean one is looking for sympathy and understanding from others.
    Please see a doctor again. Sounds like you have come a very long way, but still could use some reinforcement about the positive things in your life. We all have good things to think about, not just the bad. I do wish you the best.
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:02 PM
    I would go to see a professional... but how? Since I'm only sixteen I'd most likely have to talk to my parents first and I don't know how to picture that conversation. "Hey mom, take me to a shrink i'm depressed and slightly crazy, whats for dinner?" I don't know... I'll try and talk to her, or a friend and see if a doctor can help. Thanks
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:04 PM
    Actually you could go to your family doctor first, or talk to a school counselor, if you're worried about talking to your mom. Good luck!
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:22 PM

    Originally Posted by Anyone514
    i would go to see a professional...but how? since I'm only sixteen I'd most likely have to talk to my parents first and i don't know how to picture that conversation. "Hey mom, take me to a shrink i'm depressed and slightly crazy, whats for dinner?" i don't know....i'll try and talk to her, or a friend and see if a doctor can help. thx

    More than likely, your mom is no stranger to your problem. As parents, we do pay lots of attention to our kids, we worry and wonder if it was something we did or said that could have affected our kids in a negative manner. Sit down, talk with her and don't hold anything back for fear of how she may react or judge you. You're not going crazy, you're struggling, like everyone does, just in a different way. Let your parents help you. If you know to the contrary that they will offer no help whatsoever, then by all means, speak to a counselor at school but don't ignore it. It will only get harder, and you will only feel lonelier as time goes by. Make this a priority if you do want things to get better. The reason I say that is because many times, people, as much as they complain and fight with certain feelings, they choose to do nothing about it because as complicated as it may make things, its familiar. Doing something about it to improve things, changes things and they aren't comfortable with change, they don't know what to expect and it scares them. Coming and posting to this site was your first step, a big one, now take the next one and we'll be here if you need us...
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:25 PM
    I agree with Orange, you could talk to your family doctor first. Im sure there could be someone you can talk to besides your parents. Another family member? Or like Orange suggested a school counselor.

    I obviously don't know how your mother would react only you know that. You don't have to tell her you think your crazy or anything like that but you could let her know that you have been down a lot lately and would like to talk to someone about how your feeling. If you feel comfortable with telling her that then its worth a shot.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 01:16 AM
    Yes I definitely think you should see a doctor about this. Before it gets worse. My sister has the exact problem you have. Only now she is over 30 with a child and her compulsive lying for no reason has destroyed her life, relationships, and family. Don't let that happen to you. You need to take control of this now. I'm so happy to hear that you can at least admit to this and want help. You really need to be strong and take that next step. And if you need to talk we're here.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 05:30 AM
    This post is a month old!
  • Feb 23, 2006, 06:01 AM
    Often anyone of us can have problems in our lifes that at that time seem beyond our ability to handle and lying about it is a way for us not to have to face or deal with that problem directly. Others merely ignore the facts that certain things have even happened. In some stages it is merely a stage in coping with a event, in others it can be a sign of much more serouis problems. These can range from emotional to chemincal imbalances. You need to get both medical and professonal help in dealing with these problems. If you don't know where to start, talk to your school counseler if you can't talk to your parents or guardian
  • Mar 2, 2007, 11:18 AM
    Hi! I have the same problem. I lie about everything even when I don't need to and I make my life seem worse than it is even when it's not. I'm embarrassed to be like this. Everyone pays attention to me and takes care of me, but this is not right. Do I crave attention that much? It horrifies me to think that I might be that kind of person. I'm also really worried that everyone I've lied to will figure out that I've lied to them and will leave me. Can someone offer some advice?
  • Mar 3, 2007, 08:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Anyone514
    I always make it seem like something is wrong when its not. why do i do this, am i the only one? I'll even make up stories about my life or my past, things that don't make me look better but worse, or make my life worse. why? i know i'm doing it but I still do many different ways... ???

    :confused: :confused:

    I find myself doing the same thing sometimes. Just to have someone praise me for no good reason. I feel terrible afterwards and have decided to just not talk when I feel the need to lie. Perhaps you have something to hide or you are ashamed of something - just as I am. I encourage you to seek help or to speak with someone close to help you out.
  • Oct 10, 2012, 12:26 PM
    I have lied for sympathy as a teenager, so I understand why some people do it... But seriously when you're an adult people aren't stupid anymore... They might believe the first couple of lies and then either go along with your lies and laugh about you to their friends, or really get scared that your some psycho and distance themselves from you... Every body is fighting a hard battle in life. Just set yourself free from bullsh!t... Heaven ain't hard to find.

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