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  • Jan 22, 2006, 08:07 PM
    I need help quick!!
    ok I need help I just got a 3 month old pitbull 2 day and her name is Bookie and she wouldn't eat or drink anything the whole day 2 day also she's been throwing up all day and sh'e kinda weak does that mean she has parvo
  • Jan 22, 2006, 08:18 PM
    You should call your veterinarian if you are worried that your puppy has been exposed to parvo virus. Vomiting is a symptom of parvo along with bloody diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration and a high temperature. However, there are many causes of diarrhea in dogs and only your vet can know for sure. Good luck.
  • Jan 22, 2006, 11:40 PM
    If you puppy has not eaten for a whole day and yet has been vomiting she could be dehydrated. Dehydration can kill very quickly, especially the young. Pinch the scruff of your puppy's neck. If it stays in a fold and doesn't go back to it's original position then your puppy is dehydrated. Sometimes you can give fluids orally, like tepid water, a couple of tablespoons every 15 minutes or so for a couple of hours or more. Sometimes the dehydation is too severe and you'd need a vet to give subcutanous fluids under the skin because only that way would you puppy be able to get all the fluids she needs. In cases of severe dehydration the pet needs large amounts of fluids- too much for them to take in by mouth. A lot of vomiting can cause something called an electrolyte imbalance and also a potassium loss. That, the lack of food, and dehydration could all account for your puppy's weakness. If there is not blood in the vomit or stool it may not be parvo but with something like this it's best not to take a chance. A sudden change in food could have caused a digestive upset for your puppy , it depends on what you were feeding her. . There are electolyte and potassium replacement drinks - called Pedialyte- you can get it from a drugstore- it's for children but it's also used for pets. You would have to give it according to the directions on the side of the bottle .The thing about puppies and kittens getting sick, because they don't have strong immune systems they can go downhill very fast so if your puppy is dehydrated, still vomiting and very weak it would be best to bring her to a vet.
  • Jan 23, 2006, 05:59 AM
    If she is still sick today, don't mess around treating her yourself. Call the vet. As above, parvo usually includes diarrhea. However there are other problems.
  • Jan 23, 2006, 11:31 AM
    Well I had 2 take her to the pound 2 day be because my dad dindn't want our 3 other dogs 2 get sick but 2 morrow and Wednesday I'm working at the pound 4 community service so I can find out what's wrong with her but thanks for the help guys and the good thing about it is that if she doesn't have parvo then when she gets healthy again my cuzzin is going 2 adopt her from the pound:)
  • Jan 23, 2006, 12:31 PM
    I hope things work out OK for her. Your dad's decision may have been best. I am sure you don't want the other 3 dogs getting sick. I hope once you saw she was sick, you kept the rest away.
  • Mar 15, 2009, 03:16 AM

    Take the puppy to the vet, its better to know exactly what's wrong then guessing and trying to treat the problem yourself... really u don't know what the problem is!! Seek help!!
  • Mar 21, 2009, 07:37 PM

    Take that puppy to the vet imediently, also maybe it could be salmon poisoning, did your puppy go near any fish, or did you take her or him to a lake, River, or Ocean?
    And even if its not

    You shouldn't try to treat these stuff yourself.
    You should take it to a vet imediantly
  • Mar 22, 2009, 04:58 AM
    ^^^ look up, she doesn't have the puppy any more she took the poor thing to the pound.
  • Mar 23, 2009, 07:39 PM

    If the puppy did have parvo, your other dogs are already exposed! If they are not current on their vaccinations, call your vet ASAP to see what he recommends.
    Parvovirus remains in the environment for extended periods (years), so any future puppies brought on the property should already have had at least 2 rounds of vaccines.
  • Mar 23, 2009, 09:43 PM

    You very much endangered if not caused the end of many other animals in the pound. If it was in fact parvo then it is likely that all other puppies there will pick it up, and possibly puppies that are put there in the future if the place is not sanitized well enough. What was done was ignorant and heartless beyond reason. I certainly hope that the puppy gets better and is adopted by a different family that is willing to love the dog for better or for worse. A home, unlike the one it just came from where it won't be thrown away like a dirty rag the second something goes wrong.

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