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  • Feb 9, 2008, 07:54 PM
    Being naked,looking good,
    So, I want to know how to look good and be comfortable being naked. I'm a big girl I weigh a whopping 203 pounds which I'm not happy about. After I had my daughter I just didn't think about getting my body back. I was focused on getting my life in order. I just want to know what to do to make myself feel better? Instead of running scared and hiding and covering my body during intimate moments. How can I make myself believe what he sees? I know I have to be comfortable with myself. I weighed about 220 not to long ago and I got down to 203 which I am very proud of but I want to feel sexy and confident. Do I just dress differently? Or do I just have to look at things differently or what? I mean I know its something I have to do myself but any advice? I know some people think thick girls are nasty but everyone is sexy in there on way and big girls can be sexy to.
  • Feb 9, 2008, 09:00 PM
    To me there is more to looking good than just looking good. A woman with confidence is very attractive. If you think you look good, you will look good to others. I think there is nothing wrong with improving how you look, and losing 17 lbs is a big accomplishment. Just keep doing what you are doing and remember that in the end beauty comes from within and you will feel great.

    Ps, don't exercise with the goal of getting skinny. Exercise with the goal of getting healthy, and a healthy body will always look good
  • Feb 9, 2008, 10:06 PM
    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Like you said, "some people think big girls are nasty"... but, then again... some men love big girls. When I was a size 3, a model body, I often had complains about being too skinny. Many men told me to gain weight and get some meat on my bones, many love big booties and hips. Now, I'm a size 7, because I gained it on purpose to meet weight requirements for a job. O.K. sexy is about the way you move, talk, walk... sexy can be you, if you feel you are! Take the above advice, excellent! Loose weight for your health. Try this, if you are not comfortable naked yet, go shorter... use short baby dolls. Man love that too. Use a short sexy silky rope for modesty as you walk around the house. Many of us don't feel good naked. I don't. I know many people that don't. My ex (a body builder) didn't feel comfortable naked. He was shy... sometimes this is influenced by culture, believes, or shyness. I'd say if you want to do it for yourself, do it. If he loves you, he'll love everything about you, including your insecurities... or shyness... we all have them. Like I said, I'd just go shorter, sexy, silk...
  • Feb 9, 2008, 11:28 PM
    I agree with the other posts, but here's a bit of extra info for you...

    Gok Wan is definitely the way to go, check out the site for his television show here;
    Style, Fashion & Beauty Tips - How To Look Good Naked - Channel4
    It gives out all sorts of great tips!
    I suspect you could watch his show on youTube or onDemand!

    My girlfriend loves him and it is a great show to be honest, he also has a book out if you like the website!

    Hope that helps a little!

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