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  • Jan 16, 2006, 06:53 AM
    National Driver License
    In a article I read in my local paper regarding the National Driver License, part of the Real ID Act that the Federal Governments wants. It is coming apparent the If the states do not comply, than citizen of that state will not be allow to board and planes of enter any Federal Building, Ex.(Post Office, Library of Congress, Lincoln Memorial, Capital Building)

    Yes we need security, but not at the cost of giving up god given rights.

    Below is a copy of a Letter to Editor I send I Friday.


    In regards to the National driver's license, it coming apparent that the Federal Government is dictating to the State government you must comply. I heard echoes of Hitler and Stalin, “Papers Please!”

    Who are you? Are you a person that the Federal government owns? I am not a Federal Citizen; I am a Marylander in the State of Maryland, and not some piece of property that the Federal Governments own.

    Here is our Governor, why hasn't he told the Federal Government to stay of out the State of Maryland business. Maryland is a separate entity and is not part of the Federal government, why has our State government not told the Fed's butt out!

    Yes, we need security, but not at the cost of our god given rights. The Federal government, in my opinion has overstepped and ignored the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. They are imposing their will, ignoring the rights of the people. What would our founding fathers say?

    “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    Redress of grievances is your right, Federal Government is ignoring that rights, so it is time to speak out, tell our state representatives to tell the Fed's to Butt Out!!

    Does anyone have any suggestions that I can forward to our Representatives who is suppose to represent the people??
  • Jul 11, 2008, 12:53 PM
    Hate to break the news to you but last I looked it was not a god given right to live in aninomity and obscurity. Also, it is not a National Driver's License it is a National ID. I have traveled the world and we are one of the few countries/nations without some type of national ID system for all the people. A passport is a national ID to allow entry into other countries as well as back into the good ole US of A after your soirée to wherever. Only difference is that your passport is not needed to travel the US or to gain unfettered access to Federal facilities. Apparently, you are acting on bad information as to access to Federal facilities whether it be your lack of research or just an idiot assumption but the lack of a national ID (if it ever becomes a reality) will only deny you access to Federal facilities that require ID to enter them. Last I went to the Post Office, the Library of Congress, and the Lincoln Memorial I sure don't remember having to show ID so you may want to quit trying to make it sound like the sky is falling and we are entering a Gestopo state.
  • Jul 11, 2008, 04:24 PM
    I don't think it's a big deal except for the fact that if the Fed. Gvt. Is going to establish standards that States must comply with ;and it becomes a costly conversion... then the Feds should pay the states to make it happen.
  • Jul 12, 2008, 09:29 AM
    Curiously, if people can come from a foreign country and obtain drivers license and social security cards as they have done in the past, why would they be unable to obtain a national ID?
  • Jul 16, 2008, 02:04 AM
    The idea is repulsive to me. And I do think that anonymity is a natural right. It has to do with privacy. purplewings is right that it's not a cure-all for national identity for security purposes (I didn't take that too far for you did I purp? <G>) The gov't want the cards to keep track of us. Biometrics on the cards makes it seem secure but with RDIFs, all you med and financial history that will also be on them will be open to anyone with the smarts to access it.

    And wasn't one of the things we used to point to in the Eastern Bloc as a bad thing the fact that you could be stopped on the street and demand uyou give them your 'papers'? What's the dif between that and a nat'l ID?

    Besides, we already fought one war that had states' rights as a contributing factor...

  • Jul 27, 2008, 07:37 PM
    It may not be a God given right to be anonymous, but then neither is it a God given right for some bureaucrat to know where you are all the time either. I kind of like to be mostly left alone by my government.
  • Jul 3, 2012, 02:08 PM
    What scares people about a national ID is they don't know what information will be included on it. They have been told their health, their financial information, etc. The problem or reason for a delay in requiring a National ID is first off they can't agree on what should or should not be included on a National ID and secondly they can't agree that a National ID is even needed, as in what useful purpose will it serve. The RDIF contains scannable information but it can not be used to monitor you. Anyone who has been to the hospitable lately will be asked whether they want their information in a national database. It is YOUR CHOICE; join or not join. If you join and have any issues or recurring problems and far from home and can't communicate that to them it is in the database. I had a brain aneurism that burst causing me to have a stroke. Through brain surgery they inserted a titanium coil to plug the hole in the bursted vein. I was one of the lucky ones and had very few lasting effects from the stroke and one would not know I had one unless I told them. BUT, I have one limitation and that is that I can not have a MRI. The reason being is that the M in MRI stands for magnetism and if I was to have an MRI it would attract the coil pulling it out of the vein and probably through layers of brain matter with a possibility of at minimum disabilities, another brain bleed and stroke, or worst case; death. If I am brought in unconscious from say an car accident, they can check my medical history on the database and that Caution is the first thing they see. Likewise, I have an adult son who is a diabetic. Nice bit of information to know if brought into the hospital by someone who does not know him and he is in a diabetic coma and unable to communication that information. Now if you have had 12 cases of gonorrea, 6 cases of clymidia and the Aids virus in the last couple of years, you may want to choose to opt out. You give as much or as little as you want. That is your choice. The Medical facility can't post it without permission which you must sign. As far as financial you are already monitored by large part. What do you think your credit score is.
    Last bit of opine on this matter. Both of these things are already monitored to some point and both of these things are dynamic; which means they change. Medical conditions can change daily. You can go from deaths door to full recovery in 24 hours and vica versa you can go from completely healthy to near death in that same 24 hours. Same with rags to rich, you can become wealthy overnite and can loose everything overnite. Now, just how are they going to update that information? Require you to come to a government update station once every 6 months. Lastly, another huge roadblock is the cost to the states, they are not willing nor able to bear the costs so whom will foot the bill. There is too much big brother conspiracy in this, get educated and research these things and you will better understand that is not the intended purpose. If you don't think you are not already being watched in some areas then you explain to me why Obama has allowed hundreds of homeland Security missions exclusively within the US with drones similar to what is being used in Pakistan and afghanistan. Not only have those missions been allowed but so has the fact that homeland security has budgeted for hundreds of more drones.
  • Jul 3, 2012, 02:54 PM
    The long and short of it is, neither of those bits of info are needed on your ID. Main issue people had with medical being on ID is they could be denied insurance or a job because of cost with a pre-existing condition. Obamacare took care of that. What purpose would it serve to know how much money someone's got in the bank? No need to put your medical nor your monetary on the National ID, they alreay have huge national databases with that info. Basically a computer and an Social Security Number and you can find out anything you want on an individual and do anything you want, up to and including steal that persons ID.

    Like stated above. In my opinion the main reason they have not issued one is they have not yet figured out what useful purpose it would serve.

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