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  • Jan 31, 2008, 12:27 AM
    Fraudlent Colleague
    I just discovered that my "know it all" co-worker is a liar and a fraud! He has forged university degree to get the current job which is a systems' analyst at a Telecommunications company. I discovered this because one of his former university colleagues asked me if worked together? And I told him what we do, then he asked me how it was possible for him to get that job without a degree.

    I found out that he never completed his degree from a whole lot more people, and its possible that he forged his degree when he used to tutor at that same university. I asked him whether he completed his degree and with full eye contact he said yes.

    Our work relationship has now deteriorated and we can't really communicate anymore. I guess he is playing mind games with me. How can I deal with this situation? Should I talk to my manager about it? And how should I convey the message?
  • Jan 31, 2008, 10:59 AM
    A good one would be for you to talk to the former university colleagues again and ask them if it would be at all possible for one or a few of them to write a letter to your manager. This will cancel you out of the picture. For some one to possible forged his degree it plan out wrong. Do you have solid evidence on this matter? If you do not care for him knowing that you would approach the manager about it. Then do it. But make sure you have solid evidence. It would look wrong on your behalf if you where wrong.
  • Jan 31, 2008, 11:18 AM
    Perhaps sending an annonymous letter to your company stating the likely need to verify with the university.. Remember, he may have completed the degree in some alternative fashion... and the other people might not be aware of it... I would be careful about making accusations... and it will be up to the employer to decide if they want to verify the legitimacy of his degree... He may figure out that it is you who are questioning his credentials... based on how much you have said about it to him...
  • Jan 31, 2008, 11:23 AM
    First you may wish to check with the college, it is possible he went back, finished part time or even finished online. If he has the dipolma hanging on the wall, check the date and call the college. If you talked to the people I first went to college with, they would have told you I ended up dropping out, but they did not know since they had left school that I went back and back and back till I completed several degrees.

    IF you call them on it, and they know or they like him anyway, or if they lose trust in you for this, many times we have to be careful is it is worth it or not.
  • Jan 31, 2008, 12:14 PM
    Your post doesn't indicate why this is an issue for you. Did he take a job you had wanted? Has he offended you in some other way? A lot of guys come off as "know at all" and that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be hard on relationships.

    If you had not discovered the "possibility" he has lied about his credentials, if this were completely off the table as a topic, would you still have your sights on this guy? Is he someone you want to get back at or is this the only real beef you have with him?

    If there's no other TRULY bad blood between you and he hasn't negatively affected your career. Do you need to do anything about this? Have you considered dropping the investigation and going to him about it as a respectful colleague, like a concerned mate? Let him know you bumped into an old friend of his from school who was concerned about the job and his credientials, give him a chance to take care of it.

    If he has done nothing wrong, your public accusation (or anyone's) can often do damage to a person that can't be undone. Even if they prove all is well later, everyone around them is left with a bad taste in their mouth. You know how that is, the media does this all the time... presents an accusation on page 1 and the proof of their innocence on page 39.

    Anyway, lots of ways to handle this... butt out, go to him, or the suggestions above having someone else throw the knife at him. Make sure you REALLY want to do that.
  • Jan 31, 2008, 11:21 PM
    I don't have bad blood with him! My only concern is that, if he is capable of lying and defrauding a big company, he is capable of jeopardizing my career at this company. Another thing is that he lied to me eye to eye, that again proves that he can lie to me about anything and show no emotion. I have enough proof that he didn't legitimately complete his degree, because all his former colleagues confirmed that didn't complete his studies.

    I don't want him fired, I just want to work with an honest person.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 05:14 AM

    Originally Posted by benn11
    I just want to work with an honest person.

    Hello benn:

    You found ONE liar out of probably TWENTY FIVE in just your office alone. You can't fix the world. Butt out!

  • Feb 1, 2008, 05:31 AM
    Information such as you have could well blow up in your face, if you decide to pursue this with the employer. IF you decide to follow through, you really need to have concrete evidence - not just someone at the university saying this fellow did not complete the educational requirements for the degree. It would have to come from the registrar's office with bona fide proof that this fellow does not have a degree.

    Sounds like a lot of hassle to me. Going a great length to prove someone is a liar. In my life I have found that those people generally will trip up and reveal themselves. The practical application of the Laissez Faire doctrine seems to be in your best interest in this matter.

    Instead of boiling over in anger, concentrate on your own career and watch your own back, not others.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 06:54 AM
    I'm on the fence with this one. If the person is doing his job and is productive at it, I'm more inclined to not blow the whistle. On the other hand, if he lied about this, no telling what else he lied about.

    Another factor would be how long he has been at this job. The longer he has been there the less inclined I would be to report it.

    I might suggest an end around. I would send a letter (anonymous if you want) to the Provost at the university. State that so and so got a job at such and such company partially on the basis of receiving a degree from the university. That you have heard that he may not have actually received that degree. Leave it up to them to pursue it.
  • Feb 1, 2008, 03:20 PM
    I have thought about this through out the day and wondered why the person who hired him did not verify his qualifications - that includes verifying his degree. If the position requires a degree then there has to be something that is a qualifier. The one who does the hiring has the responsibility to check out that diploma.

    Now it could be like Fr. Chuck stated - perhaps he did not get his degree at that university you are talking about but he did finish the degree elsewhere. If that is true and you go about stirring this up, it going to come back on your face. Your employer will wonder why he hired you.

    I still think you should stay out of it. Do your job the very best that you can, concentrate on your own productivity, and stay out of trouble. If you absolutely cannot let this go, then go and talk to the human resource department and who hired this fellow. Say what you know, or think you know. Tell who has contacted you and what was said. Names! Don't just say something like, "this guy I know from such and such university." Name names.

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