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  • Jan 7, 2006, 10:03 AM
    Need help, zelda majoras mask on n64
    All right I need help with finding some places and stuff on zelda majoras mask...
    *wher is ikana canyon?
    *wher is sakons hideout?
    *how do I get the night time mask at the curiosity shop for 500 rupees... all I can hold is 200, wher is the larger wallet?
    *on the bomber notebook, who is the 2nd to last person on the list?
    *what do I need the deed for from the deku flower? Besides giving it to the guy in the toilet
    *wher do you get the powder keg bomb?
    *how do I get a proof of membership for the milk bar?
    *how do I get the smell from the bathroom into a bottle?
    *i heard that your supposed to answer the ? To the second story the old lady wrong, is that true?
    *wher is the graveyard?
    *how do I get across the pit in goron village to talk to the owl?
    *wher are all the torches in goron village?
    *wher is the spider house?
    *wher is the house that looks like a "music box" and you have to go downstaires, and a mummy down there for the gibdos mask?
    *what is the fierce deity?
    *wher is the hookshot?
    *wher is the hot spring water for the hearth at the sword sharening place?
    *wher is the invisable mask?
    *what do I have to do to help the old lady from the inn?
    *what do I have to do to help gorman? (leader of traveling troupe)
    *what do I have to do to help toto? (fat zora)
    *what do I have to do to help the mayor?
    *what do I have to do to help the man from curiosity shop?

    All right thanks a ton guys if you have red this far, please I need help with this game!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  • Jan 7, 2006, 10:40 AM
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.

    Hope they help
  • Jan 7, 2006, 06:19 PM
    Still need something
    All right so now I'm a goron, well I'm at snowhedge and I'm trying to do that roll down the narrow path way thing, but I keep getting blowen off the side, am I doing it right, I must have tried this like 40 times, seriously! OK well I was thinking maby I need the hookshot to hook to the poles with the red flag, but I can't find the hookshot ither so yeah... help... :)
  • Jan 7, 2006, 09:38 PM
    Help is here
    I've beat the whole game so here.
    First no hookshot. You need to break a snowball on day 1 or two in the area with the big boulder blocking the get to ikana canyon l8er in game ull need powder keg. Thatll be in a cave close to the mountain were goron city is.
    O you a gorons in the snow ball use your drums in front of her.after you get powder keg blow up the boulder near romani ranch on the first day talk to maron or what her name. COMMENT THIS POST!! then after you got epona your horse from the ranch you will need 2 go race the gorman brothers near the ranch. 1ce you do
    That they will give you a garos mask. Go to the desert and talk to guy in purple suit with mask on then hookshot the tree. The snowballs near tingle. Now
    1ce you have got your horse you need 2 go to the ocean.after that there's a house that when you enter there's a cracked wall. It'll take a while but get all the golden skulltullas in the house. Upon exiting a man will give you giants wallet.ill answer the rest on this post l8er.
  • Jan 7, 2006, 09:41 PM
    If you got all masks in the game and your... no spoilers... just get all masks in game and wait until you get to the final place.
  • Jan 7, 2006, 11:18 PM

    Originally Posted by mrfancypants
    alright so now im a goron, well im at snowhedge and im trying to do that roll down the narrow path way thing, but i keep getting blowen off the side, am i doing it right, i must have tryed this like 40 times, seriously! ok well i was thinking maby i need the hookshot to hook to the poles with the red flag, but i can't find the hookshot ither so yeah... help...:)

    Okay. The above post is unintelligable so I'll have a go at this. It's been literally ages since I played this game, so I might be a little off in the way of specifics.

    1) Go back to the spot where you got the Goron Mask. Pull on the tombstone and it should move, allowing water from the underground hot spring to fill the chamber. You'll need some of this.

    2) Roll around as Darmani in the area between the swordsmith's and the Gorons' village. One of the snowballs in this area contains a frozen Goron elder. Your annoying and ever-present faerie will turn green and hover around it when you are close. Punch the snowball and it will explode (please don't bring up the mechanics of this, it takes all the fun out of life ;)).

    3) Use the hot spring water to melt the frozen Goron. He will teach you a badly-written song. Go to the Goron village and play the song to the wailing baby Goron, who will teach you the other half of the song.

    4) Go back to Snowhead and play the song to the giant invisible Goron in your way. He will fall asleep and tumble down into the chasm and smash his skull on the rocks. You should now be able to cross the pass.


    Okay, now that that's finished, here are a few suggestions.
    1) When Curlyben posts a link, actually follow it. I'm sure all of this information is in one of those walkthroughs, if you had actually bothered to look.
    2) Drop the AOL Speak already. I don't care if you type at 10 words per minute, this is not realtime communication and you can spend the time to spell out words with proper spelling and punctuation. Remember, if people can't understand what you have written, they probably won't be very inclined to help you.

  • Jan 9, 2006, 11:33 AM
    Awsome guys
    K now I got there, but now I think I need the fire arrows, wher are they? Thanks:)
  • Jan 11, 2006, 04:01 PM
    Fire arows on zelda
    Wher are they?
  • Jan 12, 2006, 05:55 AM
    They're weapons you need to find in the game.

    Click here for lots of links about them.
  • Jan 12, 2006, 08:53 PM

    Originally Posted by mrfancypants
    k now i got ther, but now i think i need the fire arrows, wher are they? thanks:)

    Now u neeedd go gett 2 the tmple 2 gt into theg romr that heave chest and it has fiar arroze. 2 do this, u neeed go threw tempel (u ned 2 use the walkhtrou mentoinned abuv to get 2 room) to get fire arozse.

    Okay. Did you get any of that? No? I didn't think so. Now, here's the Big Lesson:

    You need to learn how to spell.
    You need to learn how to read.

    You can get pretty far in life if you know a little grammar. Stay in School.

    Seriously, all the answers you need are in the walkthrough, if you would just read the thing, you would be very, very happy.

    Have a nice day, ;)
  • Jan 19, 2006, 04:39 PM
    Need help with zelda majoras mask
    Wher do u get the hookshot for zelda majoras mask?:confused:
  • Jan 19, 2006, 04:42 PM

    Originally Posted by mrfancypants
    wher do u get the hookshot for zelda majoras mask?


    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.


    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.


    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.


    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.


    Originally Posted by Curlyben
    HERE'S A whole bunch of walkthroughs for this game.

    Get the message?

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