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  • Jan 1, 2008, 05:23 PM
    My cat is losing weight, I changed him to can food could this be the reason?
    My 11 year old cat is a male tabby... I recently tried some fancy feast and he loves it and will not touch his dry food (hardly) at all. He is losing weight, but he eats and drinks and goes to the bathroom just fine. He is not laying around either.. He only goes out in our back yard with us from time to time but is not an out door cat on a regular basis... I would appreciate any input...
  • Jan 1, 2008, 06:05 PM
    This may be difficult, but can you find out the calorie content of what he was eating and compare that to what he is getting from the current canned food? (For example, if the dry food was 500 Kcal/C, and you fed him half a cup, that would be 250 Kcal. So the wet food needs to supply that many calories.) It may just be that he needs more food to get the same calories. On the other hand, with him being 11, I'd be concerned about weight loss and possible underlying conditions. So if he doesn't start picking up with more food, I'd get to a vet have him looked at.
  • Jan 2, 2008, 06:42 AM
    The vet told me if I wanted my cat to loose some weight to put him on canned food only. So from that I gather that there must not be as many calories in it.
  • Jan 11, 2008, 10:33 AM
    Your cat may have worms, try some worming tablets, if that doesn't work I would take him to the vet
  • Jan 12, 2008, 08:14 PM
    Dear DCGullo - Just wanted to share with you. I had a wonderful black cat, DeeDee, that was overweight and was in fine health. I took her one time to the vet who recommended that I change her food so she could lose weight. At first, it looked like the new food was working out fine. However, within a few weeks I started to notice DeeDee looked tired. The vet said she was fine and I continued the diet. To make a long story short, DeeDee lost a lot of weight -and was never the same again. She was ill from that point on, throwing up, thin and not feeling well. All the way to her death. It was not worth it.

    Today, I have 2 cats that are overweight and I am not changing their food. I saw how DeeDee suffered and I will not allow that to happen again. Please be careful before your kitty becomes ill - making a diet change for your cat could cost him his health. Take care.
  • Jan 16, 2008, 12:05 AM
    It probably is but just in case case I would go back to the other food you gave him

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