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  • Jan 1, 2008, 04:49 PM
    She kisses me on the mouth when her husband is not around . What's up?
    She kisses me on the mouth when her husband isn't around and hug me when he is around.. . What's up?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 04:51 PM
    You may need to stay from that... who wants to get mixed up in a love triangle... not good. Do you think hubby has any ideas?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 04:53 PM
    She obviously want t=you...

    why don't you ask her

    see what she says

    do you like her?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 05:13 PM
    That's nothing out of the ordinary. A lot of people kiss their friends hello and goodbye, and don't think anything of it. Some limit that a bit when their SO is around, such as not kissing people the SO doesn't really know, or not doing it at all, or just doing it with a few specific people.

    Or she may want to ride the old bone roller coaster.

    She's the only one who knows. Ask her.
  • Jan 1, 2008, 09:14 PM
    It is common for people to not feel as comfortable expressing themselves physically in front of their spouse, but it can also mean more. I can also understand how it wouldn't be as strange to you if she did it in front of her husband as opposed to behind his back as if she had something to hide. Have you noticed anything else different about the way she acts around you while her husband is not away. Does she sit closer? Maybe touch you on the arm while she talks, things like that? I wouldn't worry about it if the only difference is the way she says goodbye, but if you notice a lot of differences than you need to confront her about it. Maybe make it a point to say that you look at her as if she were your daughter. Good luck and let me know what happens!

    <3 Leslie
  • Jan 2, 2008, 02:34 AM
    Her mother and I who recently pass away was good friends. Some how I got adopted into the family. We always greet each other with a hug and never part without saying I love you. I don't have a problem with any of that. I just think kissing on the lips may be a little inappropriate and may lead to a lot of confusion resulting in the lost of such a valuable friendship. (Are we on the same page?) Don't get me wrong that kind of affection is so validating, yet so dangerous.
  • Jan 2, 2008, 04:30 AM
    I agree completely. I was going to say that I felt it to be an inappropriate way of saying goodbye or hello, but I didn't want to step past that line quite yet. I know people greet in many ways. Maybe the next time you part, and she goes to kiss you on the lips, turn your head slightly so that she is in fact kissing you on the cheek. This way you aren't embarrassing her by pointing it out directly. I hope that I could be of at least a little assistance.

    <3 Leslie
  • Jan 2, 2008, 05:00 AM
    NKYCHIC, you're simply amazing to be so young
    Where do you get your insight from? By the way, Happy Birthday!. How do you plan to celebrate this weekend?. It's not that I don't know how to resolve issues of this kind, I just like to seek other opinions and not always think I have the best answer.. . We are wired differently you know :) Again, enjoy your birthday.

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