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  • Dec 30, 2007, 11:07 PM
    She wants to go on another date 2 days after out first one,
    Hi, me and this girl, amanda who I happen to really like went on a date Sunday night and we had a great time. For out 2nd date she wants to go out this Tuesday and I don't know if it's a good idea cause its pretty close to our first date.

    I don't want to say the wrong thing because I really like this girl and she told me that she really likes me to and that she wants me as her boyfriend A.S.A.P.

    Any answer will be thanked!!

    By the way, I'm 15 and she is 14 and were both freshman in high school.
  • Dec 30, 2007, 11:12 PM
    Are you still on winter break the rest of this week? Tuesday IS New Year's Day. Is there a movie you two might want to see (and fight the crowds), or maybe just spend time at someone's house and watch a DVD and eat microwaved popcorn? Otherwise, certainly she could wait for the weekend. Two days between dates is pushing it a little. You'll get tired of each other after the first week! Tell her you want to savor the first date for a few more days.
  • Dec 30, 2007, 11:16 PM
    My personal advice is to slow down. It seems like you are both eager to be in this relationship with each other. Since you said it was "close" to the first date, that seems like you might feel that things are going too fast. It's never wrong to listen to yourself.

    I would spend some more time getting to know her, and try to figure out a schedule you are both comfortable with.

    Let me ask you "What do you consider the purpose of dating to be at your age?"

    Is it to find a lifetime partner? Well, I'll let you tell me...
  • Dec 30, 2007, 11:48 PM
    Relax a little, you guys already had a first date... I think the second should come up like not forced. Like let things go naturally... maybe if you see her somewhere or something, you could ask her to go out... otherwise I think you guys might end up overwhelming each other too soon. Sometimes time and patience are your best friends.
  • Dec 31, 2007, 12:22 AM
    Simple Asian
    Dang dude.. I glad that you had a great time...

    And second date already?. isnt it a little bit too fast.. .

    But it OK... as long as you feel comfertable about it then it OK... but if you don't feel so... tell her that you want the date like next week or something... you don't want to rush things
  • Dec 31, 2007, 07:22 AM
    I really like her and all but the it's a little to quick for me, and in my opinion, I only want to be in a relationship because its someone that you can trust with everything, tell anything to, spend time with, have fun around by being yourself and not having to fake anything, and its someone who likes you for who you are.
  • Dec 31, 2007, 07:28 AM
    And yes I am still on winter break for the rest of this week
  • Dec 31, 2007, 12:45 PM
    I do agree with the others above that to go out on a "date" so soon after the first one is probably not a good idea. However, it is winter break. Maybe there is an activity that you could do as a group with some of your buds while you have the time since you have this break from school?

    Where I live, there is a lot of snow. Do you have snow where you are? If you do have snow, then maybe you could organize a sledding or even ice skating party?

    If you don't have snow, then this is still a good time to organize some sort of group activity. You could have fun with Amanda and also others, without making it so much like you are on a date. Doing things like that helps to slow things down as far as yours being a serious relationship too soon.
  • Dec 31, 2007, 03:57 PM
    Nah, sadly there's no snow in Florida, haha man do I hate it here I would love to be in New York but that's not going to happen for a long time. Most of my friends are away on vacation and don't get back till like the 3rd or 4th
  • Dec 31, 2007, 03:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl
    Tell her you want to savor the first date for a few more days.

    Thanks for that one, I told her that I wanted to savor the first date and that we were moving a bit fast for me and thankfully she understood. Thanks!
  • Dec 31, 2007, 04:07 PM

    Originally Posted by schwartzyms
    Thanks for that one, i told her that i wanted to savor the first date and that we were moving a bit fast for me and thankfully she understood. thanks!!

    Females just LOVE it when their men tell them that they want to savor something! Men must learn that we females are big on emotional stuff and want to hear them buy into that too.

    I'm glad it worked! (I bet she is sitting down right now staring out the window and dreamily thinking, "Oh, my! He's SAVORing our being together! Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh! I really like him a lot.")
  • Dec 31, 2007, 10:51 PM
    Haha I hope so to, she tells me that she really likes me every once in a while and its nice to hear cause I say it right back! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!
  • Dec 31, 2007, 11:11 PM

    Originally Posted by schwartzyms
    I i only want to be in a relationship because its someone that you can trust with everything, tell anything to, spend time with, have fun around by being yourself and not having to fake anything, and its someone who likes you for who you are.

    I appreciate your answer tremendously! I will keep that in mind as my son grows a little older... right now he is 10 and dating is not something he wants to do... He clearly says when he is older...

    Anyway, my brother's philosophy with his 7 kids is that the purpose of dating is to find a life time partner, and if they are not ready to make that kind of commitment, then they don't have a reason to date. I was kind of hesitant to accept that philosophy, and now with your answer, I know why.

    Enjoy, and have a great new year!
  • Jan 1, 2008, 01:51 AM
    In my opinion the purpose of dating is really to have fun and find the kind of person you like to be around. Maybe you like someone funny, someone serious, someone tall, someone short, maybe someone with experience, maybe without experience. I'm only 15 so I don't have much on this subject, I just know that everyone has a different opinion on it.

    Have a great new year too.

    I also have a question, when is a good time to go for the first kiss?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 10:53 AM
    First kiss: You've walked her to her front door. The two of you have been chatting about the movie and about the fun you've had. She thanks you for a nice time. You chuckle and tell her the pleasure was all yours. She smiles. The conversation stops. She looks down at her feet. You put your fingers under her chin and gently raise her face so she is looking at you. You tell her how lovely she is. She sighs softly and closes her eyes. You move your hand so it briefly caresses the side of her face then immediately move your hand to the middle of her back, pulling her upper body a bit forward as you lean over to lightly brush her closed lips with yours.

    The rest is up to you.
  • Jan 1, 2008, 11:08 AM
    And that would be about the time the porch light comes on, she slaps you, her dad loads his shotgun, and the entire high school jumps up from behind the bushes to see if you wet yourself...

    Just kidding, and good luck.
  • Jan 1, 2008, 12:56 PM
    I would love to do that but I can't. I'm only 15 and don't have a license and don't receive one for another year. Plus, I don't need my dad to see me do that. Especially cause when I get back to the car he's going to be annoying me about it the whole way home. Is there another time that would work?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 01:26 PM
    Will you ever be alone with her?
  • Jan 1, 2008, 01:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl
    First kiss: You've walked her to her front door. The two of you have been chatting about the movie and about the fun you've had. She thanks you for a nice time. You chuckle and tell her the pleasure was all yours. She smiles. The conversation stops. She looks down at her feet. You put your fingers under her chin and gently raise her face so she is looking at you. You tell her how lovely she is. She sighs softly and closes her eyes. You move your hand so it briefly caresses the side of her face then immediately move your hand to the middle of her back, pulling her upper body a bit forward as you lean over to lightly brush her closed lips with yours.

    The rest is up to you.

    Really sounds like the classic movie/soap opera. Very ideal but unfortunately doesn't happen too often. In my opinion a first kiss should be when you guys know each other better... it should be when you are already dying to give one or ready to... and spontaneous not planned. It's something that should just come right at the moment. Something mutual. But that's just my opinion.
  • Jan 1, 2008, 01:57 PM

    Originally Posted by METERRE
    Really sounds like the classic movie/soap opera. Very ideal but unfortunately doesn't happen too often.

    That was pretty much how my first kiss went. I can still feel it a thousand years later.

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