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  • Dec 21, 2007, 01:20 PM
    Payment Plan Mortgage payment behind
    I was recently off work for two months and unable to pay my mortgage payments. My company put me on a payment plan and now they are charging me with other fees that were not told to me. I want to know how can I find out if their practices are legal. Who is the watchdog for these companies. I am making the payments in the plan that they put me on. They also told me that they had someone to go to my house and see if someone lived there and that they were charging me for that. Please help.

  • Dec 21, 2007, 05:06 PM
    Sounds like a bad lender, they can only charge you fees that are listed in your mortgage contract, get it out and read it.

    If they are sending someone out to your house, they are getting ready to start foreclosure ( my guess) since having a home inspection is the first step, there would be no other reason to send someone out.
  • Jan 9, 2008, 11:15 PM
    You might send a letter to the Comptroller of Currency in your State and they most likely will compel the institution to divulge to them exactly what is going on with your note. They act as somewhat of an arbitrator or go between. Good Luck
  • Dec 12, 2010, 10:35 PM
    I feel really bad for you and wish I could help but my lesson was a hard one learned with my mortgage I too let you got where I could not pay my mortgage they did not care about me and tired to at first get information out of me about is there anyone as living with you where is you ex living, just seening what money they could get out of me before they bell out , or let to drown. I told them on one and I did not know anything about my ex and they made me so angry I told them that if they would not work a new mortgage modification plan because I could not afford to pay with next to no job that they could have the house because I don't have any money and know of no one that could help me and I would just let the house go. They agreed to work a new mortgage which was 300 bucks lower, and I dose not help to tell them if you could get money from else where because all they want to so is get more and more out of you. Good luck

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