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  • Dec 18, 2007, 11:52 PM
    Simple Asian
    How do you know if a girl "Play Hard To Get "?
    I am sorry I am new here.. so if I do something wrong please excuse me...

    Lately I have been really confused about girls... well about this girl... we have know each other for like almost 2 years now... thought school... she really great and fun to be with... it just lately she seem really into me.. like always hugs me and hold on me really tight... lol.. even kissed me when I wasn't pay attention... so I started to like her...

    But about a week ago or so... she seem like on and off with me... it not like we dating or anything.. but just like whenever we see each other in school she always jump on me and stuff... but lol.. she just like on and off... it like she saw me in the hallway and just walked off.. or just like " hi " "bye"... but then later that day... she like all over me again... and it keep happening...

    So my question is... " is she playing hard to get " "does she like me ?"

    And like after if I know her that she play hard to get... shoud I play along with her or should I just play it cool ?

    Sorry for all the question guy?. this pretty much will be my second relatiionship since when I born lol... I just been date a lot but never go on relationship b.c of all the drama jealousy and fighting... so I really confused about this...


    Excuse for my english and stuff...

    P.S : I am 18 asian and she is 17 blonde... :D
  • Dec 19, 2007, 12:02 AM
    It sounds to me like she does like you and that she is playing hard to get. How about asking her out on a date?
  • Dec 19, 2007, 07:10 AM
    Silent Breeze
    It seems as though she really likes you and is trying so hard to show you that but still trying to play hard to get. I agree with Clough, you should ask her to go out on a date, the worse thing that could happen is that she'll say let's just stick to being friends, but at least then you'll know.
  • Dec 19, 2007, 07:15 AM
    Hey sounds like she likes you and maybe you should ask her out on a date and see how it goes?
  • Dec 19, 2007, 12:52 PM
    Simple Asian
    You thanks a lot guys... I'll try to ask her out... soon... but I just want to know.. how do you know when a girl play hard to get?.

  • Dec 19, 2007, 12:56 PM
    From my experience, it sounds like she is by the way that you describe her actions in your first post here. It sounds like she wants you to "chase" her. She is teasing and flirting with you. That is one way that you tell if a girl is playing hard to get. You could also ask her about this stuff when you take her out on a date.
  • Dec 19, 2007, 05:08 PM
    I think that she likes you and she was flirting with you but if you don't show ask you will never know. The fact that she is starting to distance herself is possibly that she is trying to tell you she likes you and doesn't feel that you are receptive of this.
  • Dec 19, 2007, 05:16 PM

    Originally Posted by UnAnaray
    The fact that she is starting to distance herself is possibly that she is trying to tell you she likes you and doesn't feel that you are receptive of this.

    That could very well be true. Excellent thought! Time for Simple Asian to make his move as far as going forward with the relationship.
  • Dec 20, 2007, 12:21 PM
    Silent Breeze
    I totally agree with UnAnaray, she is being distant to make sure and to see if you share the same feelings towards her. Its like she's playing a game, she gave you signs she likes you, now are you going to be smart enough to do something about it? Goodluck, and I recommed you make the move fast before she gives up hope!
  • Dec 21, 2007, 01:49 AM
    Simple Asian
    I am going to ask her out for the movie this chrismast hope she will say yes... lol... to tell the true I am still scared of rejection.. not that b.c of anything.. just that I scared after that she will leave me and like feeling all akward and not talk to me (if she doesn't like me I mean )
  • Dec 21, 2007, 02:18 AM

    Originally Posted by Simple Asian
    I am going to ask her out for the movie this chrismast hope she will say yes... lol... to tell the true I am still scared of rejection.. not that b.c of anything.. just that I scared after that she will leave me and like feeling all akward and not talk to me (if she doesn't like me I mean )
    Hello, Steven!

    Whether she says "yes" or "no," at least you will know that you have tried. It takes lots of practice asking people out to get good at it. You know that you will have gained nothing if you don't ask her out. You stand the potential to gain not only her friendship but also someone with whom the potential might be for you to be together as a couple. If she does say "no," then you will just have to accept that. When I was dating, I was rejected a number of times. It also takes practice learning how to deal with rejection.

    I do think that it is more likely than not, that she is going to agree to go out with you. Please let us know what happens in that regard. Thank you!
  • Dec 21, 2007, 02:22 AM
    Silent Breeze

    Originally Posted by Simple Asian
    i am gonna ask her out for the movie this chrismast hope she will say tell the true i am still scared of rejection ..not that b.c of anything ..just that i scared after that she will leave me and like feeling all akward and not talk to me (if she doesnt like me i mean )

    Let's try to be positive and hope she says yes. If not, try to truly show her that you don't mind, and you'd rather be friends with her than nothing at all. And don't just show her that, feel it as well; because if she really is a great person to be with, then I guess you'd be willing to spend time with her as 'just friends' than nothing at all. And as Clough said before me, it takes practice to get it right, so there's no problem if she says no, you'll learn something so in the next times you'll get a yes instead.
    I truly hope everything works out all right, please let us know what happens!
  • Dec 21, 2007, 04:02 PM
    Simple Asian
    WEll.. pretty much today is the sucky-ish day every... as everyone saying GIrls are the most complicated and confused thing in the world.. is right... hand down...

    as I with all the high hope I have I asked her out and I even before that gave her a x-mas card saying "gonna be apart this x-mas just made me reallized how much i gonna miss you and love you ".. after she read the card she was about to cry... and I ask her " there nothing i want for christmas but you so will you be my christmas ? "

    and she like shock... quite for like 2 minutes X_X... then "i am sorry Steve...i see you as a brother ..the one i love so much "

    BS all the way ;... why didn't I stick with just dating and have to ask for a relationship.. . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    sorry guys for making you guys helping me and all but now I F****d everything up...
  • Dec 21, 2007, 04:10 PM
    Silent Breeze
    I'm sorry to hear she doesn't share the same feelings. But I hope, after some time of course, you can try to accept the fact and tell her (if you mean it and feel like it) that you'd rather be her "brother" than nothing at all. And the right girl will come along, she might even be across the corner, you never know. Don't stay in your misery too long though, stick to being friends with this girl, she seems really nice.
  • Dec 21, 2007, 04:42 PM
    Simple Asian
    It OK you have nothing to be sorry about...

    I am trying to accpeted the fact but you know it just not easy and stuff..

    And I don't want to lose a great friend like her you no.. when pplz tense to know tat someone like them but they don't have the feeling back?. they have this akward feeling and like trying to avoding them and not talking to them and stuff...

    I willing to be friend with her and stuff... just... ahhhhhhhhhh
  • Dec 22, 2007, 02:08 PM
    Silent Breeze
    It just needs time. Your willing to be a friend, let her know, and see if she can as well. The awkwardness won't last long though.
  • Dec 23, 2007, 09:12 PM
    Simple Asian
    it just feel sux to be alone and don't do anything during x-mas... new year... and stuff
  • Dec 23, 2007, 10:16 PM
    Do you have family with whom you can spend time?
  • Dec 23, 2007, 10:58 PM
    Simple Asian
    you u got a point there... I have family and friends... sometime it all you need... ^^

    but as I am saying I want to... u know to have someone I like/love spending x-mas time with...

    it just feel weird
  • Dec 25, 2007, 12:18 PM
    Feel your pain, females don't make life easy for a young guy, but don't worry, look around and see all the options you haven't tried. Don't let fear, or the actual rejection, stop you from finding what you want elsewhere.

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