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  • Dec 18, 2007, 10:41 AM
    How do I evict my son, girlfriend, and son from my home?
    My wife and I currently have my son, girfriend and son living at our house. He is a recovering drug addict who still causes us trouble. He argues with us, me especially,and beats me up. Two weeks after open heart surgery, he threw me into a wall by pushing me in the chest. Just recently while I was recovering from my back being out, he beat me again. My wife won't throw him out right now because of the baby. Other than filing a restraining order, what can I do to remove them? They are not considered a tenant as there is no leases involved. Do I need to serve them any papers to remove them in say 30 days? Please help me. He is 25 years old an I am tired of them living off us. Also, as a grandparent, will I be entitled to seeing my grandson who I love very much. My wife and I love each other very much but they are causing us to argue a lot.
    Thank You, Allkrome
  • Dec 18, 2007, 10:46 AM
    Sir your first step is to call the police , when he hits, pushes or gets loud and abusive. I'm not sure if he has any legal grounds to be there or not, esp if your wife is not willing to stand behind you.
  • Dec 18, 2007, 11:21 AM
    Call the authorities. Either they get out or you get alternative accommodation in a safe housing authority . You have to be Cruel to be Kind. Be strong, and let the authiorities handle your grandchild temporarily. Your children are well able to looke after themselves. (no excuses)
    Take care of yourself. & LOOK AFTER No. One Be strong!
  • Sep 7, 2010, 12:48 PM
    My grandmother is having the same problem with my nephew. He is also a recovering drug addict. And him and his girlfriend live off her and she is on ssi and only gets 845 a month. But he will stand up call her names. He has not hit her yet. But I am afraid it is coming next. And well, we called the authorities. Since he has not hit her they said she has to give him a 30 day eviction notice. Because he is living there. That's what we are suppose to do tomorrow. He has no other in town except for me and I won't put up with him living off me. I have constantly told he that he is only doing what he can get away with. She has always babyed and taken care of him so now he don't think he has to get a job and fend for himself because she always has. He just turned 26 and has never worked. Good luck to you because I know we need it!

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