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  • Dec 20, 2005, 12:04 PM
    Muscles spasm trouble
    Im not sure if this is the right place to put this. Can anyone tell me what I can do to stop muscle spasms? I don't want to spend any money on expensive prescriptions so if there is any alternative please let me know. I was not able to sleep with this muscle keeps clenching up and it hurts after a few minutes of that going on. I take some asprin and it helps pain a little but not other problem and I have not done anything that should cause these problems that I know of. If anyone can assist me I would be glad. Thank you.
  • Dec 20, 2005, 08:34 PM
    Where are the muscle spasms? Like what part of your body? I have really bad leg cramps at night, and I don't like taking painkillers either. What I do is try to massage the cramp out with my hand... it hurts really bad but it seems to make the leg relax more quick. I've also found that a hot bath before bed seems to help. And if I'm doing aerobics or any other heavy exercise during the day I always make sure to stretch first. Good luck, cramps really suck!
  • Dec 20, 2005, 08:46 PM
    Um I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally don't want to say where the spasms are, but they do hurt something awfull. I might give the hot bath thing a try. Ive been doing the shower thing so a hot bath might be just what I need. Thanks for the help. It is definitely appreciated.
  • Dec 20, 2005, 09:26 PM
    Most spasms to the muscles are caused by1)not stretching before exercise or2)over working a muscle group.3)lactic acid has built up in a particular muscle group and got you jerkin' all over the place.Been there.check either your exercice routine or your diet-make sure of your warm-up routine is not too much and do not overdue!:cool:
  • Dec 20, 2005, 09:50 PM
    No mo gazelle
    Ah! Maybe I am guilty of not strecthing and Perhaps I should slow down on the gazelle machine thingy. Cursed machine!
  • Dec 20, 2005, 10:01 PM
    Yes, not stretching definitely makes it worse for me! I'm willing to bet you'd see some improvement if you stretched more. Also be sure to drink lots of water. I've noticed I get more pain if I'm dehydrated.
  • Dec 20, 2005, 10:01 PM
    For a Georgia peach you sound more like an english plum!before working ot you MUST stretch,or else it will hurt like a mo*******,been there done that!:cool: :eek: :cool:
  • Dec 20, 2005, 10:10 PM
    Now, just what do you mean by calling me a plum? Ah so stretching is actually useful. Well, then I shall give it a try. Thank you ever so much.
  • Dec 20, 2005, 10:19 PM
    All the experts tell you to warm up before you engage in any exercise to prevent injury,at the age of 52 I do not question the experts and.. well I'm in pretty.. well fairly good shape,but I have to work at it even harder than I did when I was 25!. #%, okay 35... last offer45,. FINAL last offer.. :cool:
  • Dec 22, 2005, 01:28 PM
    Try magnesium
    I've had problems with muscle spasms and with grinding my teeth when I sleep. I got rid of both problems by taking magnesium (500 to 750 mg) at night an hour or so before I go to sleep. Magnesium deficiency is common - it's high in almonds and real soup broth. It's like putting insulation on an electrical wire - it just seems to calm the system down. Another plus is that it helps keep you "regular" - if you take too much of it at once it will give you the runs.

    Try it. It's cheap and it works.
  • Dec 22, 2005, 02:08 PM
    crankiebabie and talaniman - you just made me laugh so hard that I have to take some magnesium or I won't be able to sleep tonight. I pictured the interlude between the two of you as in a comic and just loved it.
    Now on the serious side, warming up before exercise and taking magnesium as kcora suggested are both very good advice and a nice hot bath after won't hurt either. I have found that these symptoms are more prominent as the weather gets a little damp or cooler - yes I know Georgia and Texas don't get that cold (except up in the panhandle), but it did snow in Hinesville on Jan 3, 1976 (the day I got pregnant) it only lasted about half an hour. It's also a fact that when on hot days, we drink more but forget that the body needs at least 2 1/2 liters of water no matter what time of the year it is - it will always need it's liquids. The more liquids in the colder days, the more protected our skin is and able to keep it's moisture from within. So think about it.
    Crankiebabie, what crampy part of the body don't you want to reveal? I've been trying to image which, and cannot for the life of me think of what you would be ashamed of talking about... Oh, well, at least try the Magnesium and also B-50 (which I take together) - it works for me... watching this little guy makes me perspire!
  • Dec 22, 2005, 02:16 PM
    Its my hiney :o :o
  • Dec 22, 2005, 03:08 PM

    Originally Posted by crankiebabie
    Its my hiney :o :o cutie, but I just couldn't help myself for that smiley. That's what I thought. You can stop that by using a heating pad every now and then. Climbing stairs a few times will also strengthen those muscles, then take the magnesium and B-50 for a while, and it'll be history in no time.
  • Dec 22, 2005, 05:36 PM
    Yeah, vitamins is good to as we lose a lot of minerals through sweating,and a hot bath and an aspirin help me sleep like a log,Sorry about the plum remark just a quacky sense of humor,and I sincerely wish your hinney good luck:cool:
  • Dec 22, 2005, 05:37 PM
    The magnesium supplement is a great idea but calcium supplements (or milk) are also important. Your body needs calcium as well as magnesium to prevent muscle spasms and cramps! Hope this helps!
  • Dec 22, 2005, 05:54 PM

    Originally Posted by crankiebabie
    Its my hiney :o :o

    OH I thought it was somewhere else, more private, LOL! Actually I had that after I did too many bum crunches at the gym once. So I bet that machine is the culprit... do some gluteal exercises before you work out on it.
  • Dec 24, 2005, 03:45 AM
    1 Attachment(s)

    Originally Posted by mrs.pennell
    The magnesium supplement is a great idea but calcium supplements (or milk) are also important. Your body needs calcium as well as magnesium to prevent muscle spasms and cramps! Hope this helps!

    Another good ideas from a fellow cat-lover. I think that my daughter's cat and your's are the same breed. Simba used to be sleek like a panther until his 'operation' and now he's hugh!
    Happy Holidays to all!
  • Dec 24, 2005, 07:32 AM
    Oh very cute cat Chery! Huge but cute! :) My cat is also named Simba, but he's a siamese.

    Btw I love the smilies you have all the time.
  • Dec 24, 2005, 08:24 AM

    Originally Posted by orange
    Oh very cute cat Chery! Huge but cute!! :) My cat is also named Simba, but he's a siamese.

    Btw I love the smilies you have all the time.

    Thanks orange. My profile picture is my cat Larry, and then there's Tommy a purrrrrsian, and lots more outside. I just love them all. I get to spend the weekend with Simba who is my daughter's cat, so really looking forward to it. Have a wonderful holiday!
  • Dec 24, 2005, 08:49 AM
    AAAAAAAACCCCCHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!:cool: :eek: :rolleyes: ;)nose had a spasm!

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