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  • Dec 17, 2005, 01:38 AM
    Period suppression for PMS?
    Has anyone on the board tried period suppression (taking birth control all the time with no 7 day break) for PMS? I've been on the pill for a while now, but in spite of that I have really wicked PMS and periods... bloating, cold sores, soreness, allergy symptoms, cravings, headaches and insomnia for several days before the period, and then nausea, pain and heavy bleeding during. I've tried different things and been to different doctors without much relief. Not having a period at all seems pretty wonderful at this point. So I am wondering if anyone else has had experiences with period suppression and if it was helpful. Thanks.
  • Dec 18, 2005, 03:09 AM
    Hello, orange. There are many ways to help relieve menstrual cramps. The trick is to find one that works for you. Lie down if possible at the first sign of pain, and place a warm heating pad on your abdomen. You can also seek advice from your pharmacist about suitable painkillers. Over the counter medications may be very helpful. For maximum relief, take painkillers before the pain gets too bad. If it's servere PMS see your health care provider or gynecologist.
  • Dec 18, 2005, 05:13 AM
    Advil extra strength would help relieve some of the pain. Being covered with blankets, not being cold. Also drinking warm tea. Laying down as well.
  • Dec 18, 2005, 06:18 AM

    Originally Posted by orange
    Has anyone on the board tried period suppression (taking birth control all the time with no 7 day break) for PMS? I've been on the pill for a while now, but in spite of that I have really wicked PMS and periods... bloating, cold sores, soreness, allergy symptoms, cravings, headaches and insomnia for several days before the period, and then nausea, pain and heavy bleeding during. I've tried different things and been to different doctors without much relief. Not having a period at all seems pretty wonderful at this point. So I am wondering if anyone else has had experiences with period suppression and if it was helpful. Thanks.

    Period suppression is too drastic treatment for PMS. I think you should perhaps try some stronger NSAIDS. It decreases blood flow as well as the pain. Have you visited your gynecologist? I think you should because some pathologies of the cervix, endometrium & other parts of the female tract could cause very severe PMS.
  • Dec 18, 2005, 11:58 AM
    Thanks everyone for your replies, but I guess I didn't elaborate enough on how severe my problem is... I was trying to make the post brief, and maybe that wasn't a good idea. Sorry I wasn't clear.

    As I said, I have been to many doctors and tried many things. I gave up on NSAIDS a long time ago. They simply do not work. I used to take extra-strength advil, but I'd have to take 4 pills at once (more than what you're supposed to take) and then the effects would wear off within 2 hours, and even then the pain would not go away entirely. The doctors tried me on a number of other prescriptions, including ponstan, vioxx, and many others. Then I started going to the ER because the pain was so severe, and would get demerol IV for the first 2-3 days of my period. I have endometriosis and have had 3 surgeries to remove tissue and cut adhesions. I get relief from the surgeries for a few weeks but then the pain returns. The doctors tried to treat me with hormone therapy, but I've had very bad reactions and had to go off it. As I said, I'm currently on birth control, but it's a very low dose, because it's all I can take without getting sick. The doctor suggested period suppression because I said I wanted a hysterectomy. Currently I'm on ms contin, which is basically morphine, for pain. Plus I have very severe PMS...

    My main reason for posting was to ask if anyone had tried period suppression. I'm gathering that no one has, but that's all right... thanks for trying to help anyway.
  • Dec 19, 2005, 01:09 PM
    Well I guess I needn't worry about my period for a while now, as I just found out I'm pregnant!! Totally shocked, as the doctors told me I couldn't get pregnant at all. Obviously I believed them and wasn't as careful as I should have been. But wow... I am excited and hope I am able to carry to term!

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