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  • Dec 7, 2007, 12:10 PM
    How could this Happen So fast? Love me and then love another?
    This is my exgirlfriend responses in the last weeks I was with here for 4 years the guy she cheated with and she is still with since November 26 2007, He just inherited a large sum of money almost a half of million his mother died and she gets what ever she needs and wants. He is so good to her in everyway more what I can do. This is what had to say on her displays and email to me. I deleted her and block her. I have no contact with her she tries to email me. She don't call because her man is near by he may hear her. Why is she say this it's only 6 weeks? And why is she to bug me or contact me?

    Tonight was the happiest night ever. I was given something wonderful,,
    I found a wonderful man I think he is the one.
    -i had a wonderful weekend in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick….. nice to be home...
    -had great weekend nice to be home
    I found the love I needed, I'm happy………
    Things couldn't be better its going great in my life….
    What a night at the Holiday Inn with rob
    It takes a good man to change a woman and I found him it's about time
    how could one person be so happy
    -i am so happy I could cry………
    Had a wonderful night at the Holiday Inn
    Living life to the fullest being happy first time in a long time and settle down… I love my man so much… (ROB)
    I am so in love it hurts, but the happiest I've been in years.
    I would never betray my man in anyway, < I Love him soooooooomuch>
    Today I fell real hard for Rob; he said something to me that I never ever did think he would say he gave me a ring and the answer I said yes. We are engaged and
    Happy in love Dec 06, 2007
    Lucky in love

    I love Rob too much and I would never ever hurt him to nice of a guy. Rob got me hooked forever may He be may not the most handsome man but one hell of a man and he's mine and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks only me and it just may work I am looking for kindness sweet and someone to love me for me and trust me and now I got it. Rob got a wicket heart and that's awesome and all for me .Good luck and there is something about him that's makes me melt inside. Rob gave me a wonderful gift
    I hope you find the same look inside someone not outside lol
    SAM YOU KNOW I AM ACTUALLY HAPPY FOR ONCE AND IF I GET HURT OH WEL ILL GET OVER IT ALWAYS DO= I WANT TO MAKE ROB HAPPY HE BOUGHT ME A GOLD CHAIN AND A CHARM LAST NIGHT ANYWAY AS LONG AS WRE TOGETHER I Don't CARE AND EVERYONE HAS A PAST AND I WILL CHANGE HIM.SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE IS FINE. I am going to be the bestest and honest girlfriend in the world. When I am trusted to Rob and treated him good I am a good girl and girlfriend and wife for him. Rob will never have to worry about sex I will always keep him satisfied in every way he will never ever turn to a another woman. I swear to I will never hurt anyone again I will be everything that Rob will want me to be ill never betray him in any way... rob will never have to worry about sex I will always keep him satisfied in every way he will never ever turn to another woman and that's the truth I will make sure of that. More then looks to a relationship It's what inside that's counts For me anyway.Yeh it don't hurt it's really how a person makes you feel inside Hope someday we can be friends and you're happy and be safe Protect it with your life. I learned to never lie or keep secrets it only causes trouble and to share 50 50 that really work you know. Well it works Sam I tell rob everything so there are no problems and secrets that kills a relationship. He doesn't like lies or secrets and no bull I will be honest and hide nothing from him ever. He's a though one he just might put me in my place. Promise you that I am not letting him go no way. Sam I don't no what I would do with out him I love him so much. He's got a heart of gold so sweet and nice makes me feel like an angel.
    And we play 0 50\
    Sam: I wish you the best of luck also take care and be safe and good luck just remember the things you did wrong with me and you will be fine when you fall in love again with someone and stop saying that when you look at me you want to throw up because I know better anyway your friend forever Sandra, someday maybe sorry for everything...

    They are now in love and engeaged he is nuts over her
  • Dec 7, 2007, 12:49 PM
    Hey SAm,

    This girl is e-mailing/messaging you commenting on how much she loves her man she CHEATED on you with?

    It's obvious to me that all of what she writes is B.S. I arrive at that conclusion based on the fact that she feels the need to tell you all of this, if it were true than what need does shehave to reiterate it to you??

    This girl is clearly out to lunch and has some SERIOUS issues, I am sure you care for her a lot but she does not seem to concerned about your feelings in that she is directly/indirectly trying to hurt you, whether she realizes this or not I'm not really sure. IF she does know this she is evil, if she doesn't than she is crazy, either wayits time you ended this situation for GOOD.

    I also happened upon the comment made about him giving her more than you could ever. She is kicking you whileyour down and it obviously has done damage to your feelings. SHE better than you, I can't possibly imagine that. I know it won't make you instantly feel better to hear that what this guy got was not what you weren't good enough for, but rather what you don't need. In time you will see that, trust me on that.

    Get rid of her for good!
  • Dec 7, 2007, 02:25 PM
    Im going threw something preety much the same. 3 yrs with a child and in july/07 we split, she left for him. He is way older and is stable. And they are now engaged and to be wed in like a month or two. Keep your head up my man. Things will only get worse before they get better. You as a person will be all right. I promise . YOu are going to be strong and just let her live her life. And by giving her enough rope to hang she will do just that. She is acting out, Let her make her own mistakes. Im not telling you to wait either. Move forward and in time if the feelings are still there then if she returns bonus , but you would feel much different then. Be strong. With in 1 week my ex brought my 2 year old son around this man. I didn't do anything. I just got in touch with my lawyer and did it the legal way. Nothing you will do or say will have a effect on her. You being happy and living it large with out her will piss her off lol. Good luck. Keep your head high. Oh stop talking to her she does not deserve your time. Also try to set out a time of day that you take to think about it and when that time is done, you are too for that day. She doesn't even deserve your thinking time but in time that will dwindle too/.
  • Dec 7, 2007, 06:39 PM

    Lets say the shoe was on the other foot. Your relationship wasn't working and you met someone else. Would you throw it in her face?

    From your post, I would say not. Only unless you wanted to hurt her. And this is what she is doing to you. She is a girl, not a woman.

    Also, when a person jumps into another relationship so fast it is indicative of insecurity as they are looking to lessen the hurt by being distracted with someone else. A secure person would spend some time alone, analyze the relationship and try to figure out what went wrong. Then, improve themselves to be better in the next relationship.

    Let the new guy have her. Soon he will find out what a relationship is like with an immature little, insecure girl.
  • Dec 8, 2007, 09:43 AM
    If I were you I would block any further communications and be glad this guy took your burden off your hands. She is a flake.

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