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  • Dec 6, 2007, 12:23 PM
    OMG! My friend might be pregnant! :D
    Okay I'm huge on babies I love them! My close friend might be pregnant and me, her, and another friend are super excited! We are getting a test today so she can check but I'm already so excited I'm searching online for stuff for the baby already!! In the case that my friend is pregnant. Does anyone know some good sites or stores for baby stuff (we are currently searching online in Walmart and BabiesRUs). And what all is the best things to get a baby for when it's first born? We are already trying to settle on cribs, changing tables, strollers, and car seats. What else should we look for and try to get asap if she is preggy?

    Any advice for the possible future mother? ^.^ APPRECIATE THE HELP!! THANKIES!!
  • Dec 6, 2007, 12:26 PM
    I would wait till u know as you will be very upset if she is not.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 12:28 PM
    Ya all three of us realize that but we can't help getting all excited. My friend is worried sick about taking the test but more so cause she wants to be! At first she was freaking and now she's so excited. Me and our other friend are squealing and jumping and flipping out. I mean she is showing signs and hasn't had her period for a month.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 01:40 PM
    Test correctly - and FYI, some girls have longer cycles than others. Mine average 33 days (more than a month before I have periods). They become more regular (predictable) when you get older.

    In my experience, the practical (not fun) things are what she will need most. Everyone will like to give her fun/cute things, but that's not what she'll need.

    1. Prenatal vitamins (for her and baby's health) - have her talk to doctor
    2. Diapers, diapers, diapers and wipes. You can never have enough and they are incredibly expensive.
    3. bottles w/liners, nipples, breast pump or formula (don't buy too much in case baby is allergic)
    4. soft wash rags, baby safe soap, nail clippers, thermometer for bath water and for baby when it gets sick, head/neck support for baby, diaper cream, etc.
    5. proper car seat for safety
    6. did I mention diapers?
    7. burp cloths, bibs, blankets, teethers, pacifiers

    This list is a long one, but something's aren't necessary. For example, spare the cost of a diaper bag and just use a large, cheaper tote in the accessories department.
  • Dec 6, 2007, 08:50 PM
    Congratulations on the possibility at least. Onesies were great. They can sleep in them with pants/shorts and then wake up and play in them. They are great and easy to change at all ages. When the baby starts to crawl, there isn't any clothing to get tripped up on. Also, bibs and diapers. Lots of them.

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