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  • Nov 28, 2007, 01:13 PM
    My soon to be ex-husband says terrible things about me
    My ex is an unstable person- hospitalized several times for his mental illness. He persists is telling people we know that I am harmful to our children and that if it weren't for the money he would call DSS and take them away. Most of our friends and family know this is a lie, but it is still very hurtful to me. I have worked very hard to keep our children safe and happy through a difficult time. How can I get him to stop?
  • Nov 28, 2007, 01:21 PM
    He's mentally ill, you can't get him to stop only he can do that. Did you ever consider a restraining order or temporary protection order? He is verbally abusing you by saying those things, being unstable I imagine much worse. I've been there. I know it's hard, but I would get as far away from him as possible, and cut off any non-business communications. It is possible. I don't know what relationship your children have with him, but if he is tarnishing your character around them, do you really want him around them? I am sorry you are going through this, Good luck.
  • Nov 28, 2007, 02:29 PM

    Originally Posted by sprite620
    My ex is an unstable person- hospitalized several times for his mental illness. He persists is telling people we know that I am harmful to our children and that if it weren't for the money he would call DSS and take them away. Most of our friends and family know this is a lie, but it is still very hurtful to me. I have worked very hard to keep our children safe and happy through a difficult time. How can I get him to stop?

    To be honest, there's nothing you can really do because of his mental instability. You can get a restraining order/protection order against him, but those are only good if they catch him breaking the order. Then the courts will just say he's mentally unstable and there's nothing they can do. I've been down this road myself. I had an abusive/alcoholic/wife beater now ex-husband. I had the orders on him too, but they had to catch him "in the act" to press charges on him. May I ask, how old are the children? This could be damaging to them as well. My daughter use to see my ex and me fight all the time and the abusive language. I finally said enough was enough, and kept my daughter away from him. It was for the better interest of my daughter. Best of luck to you and your children.

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