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  • Nov 30, 2005, 11:05 AM
    Important Info... moms Need To Read...
    I am a member of this site and I find these posts VERY disturbing. I haven't been with this site long but I felt obligated to share this information with every pregnant woman I could. Please read this and protect your newborn!!

    This site has given me a lot of useful information, I hope it does the same for you.
  • Dec 1, 2005, 02:49 PM
    Thank you Myth
    Most children who are not educated and don't know the depth of responsibility of having children because not educated in the 'facts of life' and consequences don't see all the risks and tragedies until they happen to them. Parents should educate instead of treating their children's natural interests as taboos, no matter what age. And then, unfortunately a lot of clinicians are still treated like 'gods' and act like it too.
  • Dec 1, 2005, 11:34 PM
    I just hope that I can help people to realise that s.i.d.s. is preventable in some cases... I have another site for those who are interested in preventing it. I have come to find out that in the netherlands*spelling* there are no cases of sids and this is a site that may help start preventing it here.

    I plan on getting this crib matress cover myself. :o :) :D
  • Dec 2, 2005, 04:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Myth
    I just hope that I can help people to realise that s.i.d.s. is preventable in some cases... I have another site for those who are interested in preventing it. I have come to find out that in the netherlands*spelling* there are no cases of sids and this is a site that may help start preventing it here.

    I plan on getting this crib matress cover myself. :o :) :D

    It took a while finding it, but it would also be great if you can find the article about the SIDS study done in the Netherlands for us. If you do find it, please post it. Is this the one you mean? Thanks again. Tried to rate you, but already did today, so I hope others appreciate your help and show it.. Good Job. Chery We all do this on our free time and really appreciate feedback if our answers/advice helped or not, please click the Rate This Post link located on the blue date line above our names on the right side, next to the number of the post, click on Approve or Disapprove, and give a comment. Thanks!
  • Dec 2, 2005, 07:12 AM
    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS usually occur in less than a year old babies. Also, it occurs more when the infant is put on a prone position.
  • Dec 2, 2005, 02:28 PM

    Originally Posted by dimples
    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS usually occur in less than a year old babies. Also, it occurs more when the infant is put on a prone position.

    How true, that's why I celebrated my baby's first birthday more than anyone else. That's when the 'panic period' went away. I'd still be interested in the article about the practical nonexistance in the Netherlands, though. My 'baby' is 29 now, so I don't have to worry about her, but I do hope to become a grandmother some day therefore be as uptodate as possible. I do know that in most german hospitals, newborns have a higher rate of temporary sclerosis (2 out of 5) lasting generally 3 to 5 days, and I still have not found a conceivable reason for this - do you have any idea of why this would occur?
  • Dec 2, 2005, 09:45 PM
    Ask and you shall recive
    Well chery you got it! I went back and looked for the post of the article on sids and the lack there of in the netherlands. Well somehow I managed to find that needle in the haystack again. Here's the link.

    The following link is the one left in the post since you can't follow it from the post. I hope this helps everyone. I hope that I'm reaching more people than are posting on this thread.
  • Dec 2, 2005, 10:17 PM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Thanks dear

    Originally Posted by Myth
    Well chery you got it! I went back and looked for the post of the article on sids and the lack there of in the netherlands. Well somehow I managed to find that needle in the haystack again. Here's the link.

    The following link is the one left in the post since you can't follow it from the post. I hope this helps everyone. I hope that i'm reaching more people than are posting on this thread.

    I printed the document into a PDF doc (a 23 pager) and will send it to all the other young couples I know, so a lot will find out about it. I'm going to try and include it here also, so that they only have to open the attachment PDF and save it to disk, without wasting printer ink. Great Job! Thanks again.
    P.S. It worked, the file was not too big to post here, so now anyone wanting a copy can just double click on the PDF attachment and read it when they want. more information on saving your baby, the better!
  • Dec 2, 2005, 10:20 PM
    Thanks chery
    I do hope that many people read and pass along all this information, and buy that mattress cover. I know I have several people that I plan on buying it for. Got to love baby showers. By the way. I took another hpt and it is negative again. I'm not wasting anymore money on those things. I'm going to the dr asap. Making an appointment asap... still next week though
  • Dec 2, 2005, 10:27 PM

    Originally Posted by Myth
    I do hope that many ppl read and pass along all this infomation, and buy that mattress cover. I know I have several ppl that i plan on buying it for. got to love baby showers. btw. I took another hpt and it is neg again. i'm not wasting anymore money on those things. I'm going to the dr asap. Making an appointment asap.... still next week though

    Sorry dear, so now it's time for you to take a break, enjoy the holiday season, keep busy, and let nature take it's course. Still crossing my fingers...
  • Dec 8, 2005, 06:09 AM
    About a month ago, they were airing on the news and newsshows that it was discovered the risk of SIDS can be reduced by as much as 50% for those infants sucking on a pacifier. This was quite a big breakthrough.

    All these years, we've been hearing about how pacifiers weren't good for nursing, for the teeth development, unhygeneic, etc - but now there's a positive on it!
  • Dec 9, 2005, 06:42 AM
    1 Attachment(s)

    Originally Posted by Skinwhite
    About a month ago, they were airing on the news and newsshows that it was discovered the risk of SIDS can be reduced by as much as 50% for those infants sucking on a pacifier. This was quite a big breakthrough.

    All these years, we've been hearing about how pacifiers weren't good for nursing, for the teeth development, unhygeneic, etc - but now there's a positive on it!

    The following PDF file is from 8 December, and there are a few more articles about the subject.
    My daughter never used one, and seeing a three year old child walking around with one never appealed to me, but if it helps prevent SIDS, then at least for the first year sounds OK to me. The threat of SIDS usually is only prominent within the first year of an infants life. Holidays to all.

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