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  • Nov 30, 2005, 12:32 AM
    Travel with my older siamese?
    I have an almost 13 year old siamese cat who is extremely attached to me. I dread going out of town, because when I'm gone he mopes and refuses to eat. Once I was away for 8 days, and according to my friend who came to my house to care for him, he didn't touch any food the whole time I was gone. In fact, when I returned, he had lost a substantial amount of weight. Since then, I've never been away from home for more than 2-3 days at a time, because I'm worried about him.

    Now I want to go visit friends who live out of province, and they have invited me to stay for 2 weeks. I'm worried that if I leave the cat for that long, he might die. My friends said I could bring him along if I want. So I guess my question is, should I travel with him? I know he will be extremely depressed if I leave him at home, but I also don't want to stress him out with traveling, since he is an older cat. I would be traveling by plane, and my vet said he could have a kitty sedative for the trip.

    Any opinions would be welcome! I really don't want to forfeit my trip, but I also love my cat! Thanks!
  • Nov 30, 2005, 05:26 AM
    Cats and dogs can become like a member of the family! I know, cause I have a housedog, and many friends have cats that are like family members.
    Yes, I would take your cat with you. If you haven't already, why not just take your cat for a ride in your car, or vehicle? See how it will act, and see if it will ride OK. My dog is a great companion on a trip, and is a good traveler.
    A mild sedative won't hurt, if it's given on the advice of a Vet.
    I do wish you the best.
  • Nov 30, 2005, 07:06 AM
    Yes yes take the kitty with you! Did you know you can train siamese cats to use the toilet? They are the smartest cats.
  • Nov 30, 2005, 08:44 PM
    Thanks to both of you - very good advice! :)

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