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  • Nov 4, 2007, 06:14 PM
    Adding Shower to Existing Tub
    My wife and just bought our first home, actually, we're closing on it this Nov. 29th, and our first project involves installing a shower head. The home we purchased is over fifty years old, and the woman who was living in it, only had a tub and faucet. So, we'll need to add plumbing to the existing setup for a shower head to poke through the wall.

    At this point, I'm looking for any advice on how to tap in to the existing system, making the connection from the copper for the shower head and the chrome-plated part of the head that actually comes through the wall, and general tips to keep in mind. I have some experience with plumbing, as I worked for a plumber one summer in high school, but that was a while back. And this is our only shower in the house, so I really can't muck it up... I'm being very cautious. Thanks for any advice in advance.
  • Nov 5, 2007, 05:27 PM

    we'll need to add plumbing to the existing setup for a shower head to poke through the wall.
    Why tear up the wall to mount a shower why not install a exposed shower valve, raiser and head,(see images). You may check them out at ; This is just one manufacturer there are lots of exposed showers if you're interested. Regards, Tom

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