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  • Oct 25, 2007, 11:53 AM
    Bypassing Url filters
    Hi! I am bypassing my company's url filter for Yahoo. They are mean and don't want to let me check my email. I can get the homepage to come up by entering the IP address instead of the url but I can't sign in. As soon as you hit "sign in" you are directed to the login page which the URL filter blocks.
    Is there a different IP address for the login page?

    Censorship sucks
  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:00 PM
    First this isn't censorship. Second, are you tired of your job? Do you want to get fired?

    A company owns the computer resources and they are entitled to restrict its use. That's not censorship in any way, shape or form. If your company has a stated policy that certain sites will be blocked, that is their right. And attempts on your part to get around those restrictions are grounds for termination. Therefore it would be unethical of us to help you attempt to bypass their restrictions. That's not what this site is about, so forget it.
  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:18 PM
    Scott Gem, I asked for an answer not a lecture and unless you work where I work you are not qualified to determine what is or what is not censorship. Unless you can offer an unbiased, knowledge based answer, leave my questions to the pros.
  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:25 PM
    First, I AM one of the pros. Also as a moderator for this forum I am qualified to present the policy of this site with respect to questions like yours. If you do some research you will find we have always refused to help with such questions.

    As an IT professional, I am very familiar with the issue of company restrictions on employee use of computer resources. There is absolutely NO question that not allowing you to access Yahoo over the company network is not only not censorship, but a reasonable restriction to ensure employee productivity. My company also imposes similar restrictions and even though I know ways to get around them, I would not violate those rules nor risk my job to do so.

    Finally, my answer was unbiased. I would answer the same to anyone trying to bypass valid rules imposed on a computer network. It was also knowledge based, since I am aware of the legalities of such rules.
  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:42 PM
    Once again, this is a "help" site, not a place for Scottgem to impose his opinions and speak for the majority. This was a technical question. Why don't you step down from your soapbox and let someone who knows the answer reply. Funny I didn't read anywhere on this site where it says you should be chastised for having a different opinion.

    Incidentally, did you know that in Saudi Arabia, viewing anything on the internet that the government doesn't approve us is a crime (i.e, websites showing bathing suits). Perhaps you're in the wrong country.
  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:51 PM
    We here at AMHD cannot help you get around any sort of administrative restrictions imposed on a School, Work, or any other network not owned and operated by yourself. These restrictions can include (but are not limited to): Website Blocking policies, Software Installation policies, Email retention policies, Software Configuration policies, Network/Internet usage policies, Network Configuration policies, Forum or Chat Room Bans, Game Server Bans, or any other actions that are deemed "unauthorized" by the owners/administrators of the network in question. Any actions by members of AMHD that would be offered to help in this manner would directly violate the site's TOS

  • Oct 25, 2007, 12:52 PM
    Once again, this is an ETHICAL website. We do not help people violate the rules of the network they use. Once again, I am a Moderator for this site so I have the right and authority to speak on the rules of this site. I am not imposing my opinions, but relating the rules of the site (which I do happen to agree with).

    What you seem to be missing is that I am relating to you the rules of this site. No one is going to give you any different answer that I have. Nor would they be allowed to. I'm not chastising you for having a different opinion, I am chastising you for lacking the ethics to adhere to your company rules.

    And yes I'm fully aware that some countries are draconian in the restrictions they impose. No one is stopping you from using Yahoo, just where you use it from.

    Any further argument over this issue may result in you being removed.

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