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  • Nov 4, 2005, 09:42 PM
    Have a small problem
    [ :confused:

    Hi I am running windows 98Se. Celeron 850MHz.ATI viedo card and creative sound blaster live. I have my on board sound card shut off. 256 ram. I don't know what else I can tell you about my puter... Ok here is my problem When I go on to the internet to check my email at Yahoo my computer sometimes shut down and restarts and I sometimes get a blue screen with something to do with error VXD. How can I stop this from happening? Can anyone help me :)
    Dragonlady :p
  • Nov 5, 2005, 02:10 AM
    Did you by any chance get the opportunity to read the whole message? It would help which *.vxd file the message is referring to, so try and write it down the next time and let us know which one. It will also help if you give us a little more information, such as, how long this has been going on, and did you install/uninstall anything else before this happened. One example, but with WinXP, is my friend allows automatic updates and since the last one, she can't get into the net anymore - but problems like this would need on-hand help..

    Why did you have your card disabled?

    We have a Win98 expert here who will be online sometime today and he'll catch it - It would help if you placed the OS type in the title of the message so that they can find your questions more quick. Just be patient, and you'll get help soon. A helpful hint on the way, if you make regular backups, try to do a restore to a time when your 'puter' worked correctly. You might be missing more than just that one driver..
    Good luck.
  • Nov 5, 2005, 03:22 AM
    where did my other answer go?? but, here's another one.
    I just answered to this thread, but don't see it. So, I'll write another one in hopes that my previous will pop up. If you make regular backups of your important files, try and use a restore of a time when your Yahoo worked. There might be more than just one driver missing. One cannot stress enough that backing up your valued information is very important and should never be put on the 'back burner' of things to do. Be patient, there is a 98 expert who will sign on soon.

    Good Luck.
  • Nov 5, 2005, 05:00 AM
    Blue death screen
    Hi, Dragonlady,
    I also use Win98SE, with the Creative Sound Blaster Live! Value. I also have experienced, about 5 times, over the last 5 years, the blue death screen with VXD errors.
    One major question: Have you reinstalled Win98/98SE within the last year?
    Normally, Win98/98SE has to be reinstalled within a year, due to it corrupting its operating system files!
    I would first try these Maintenance Steps, which are used to keep Win98/98SE running smoothly, up to a certain point.

    Registry Repair should be done whenever there are problems:

    To Repair the Registery:
    Turn off the computer; or reboot; then immediately press F8, (or, could be F5) located on top of the keyboard. Keep it press down until an options window comes up, then release it.
    (If F8 or F5 doesn't work, then re-boot, and immediately press down the CTRL key, hold down until it comes up to the options screen).
    Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select "Command Prompt Only".
    Press Enter
    You will now see C:>
    Type in SCANREG /FIX (there is a space between the G and the / ).
    You will now see C:>SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    This will take about 5 minutes or so.
    when finished, press Enter for OK.
    Manually, turn off the computer, wait a few seconds, the turn it back on.
    If you don't have the "Command Prompt Only" option, then re-boot the computer normally.
    Go to Start/ShutDown, then choose "restart in ms-dos mode".
    It will come up to C:\windows.
    Type in CD C:\
    It will look like C:>windows CD C:\
    Press Enter.
    It will then be at the C:> prompt.
    Then type in SCANREG /FIX
    Press Enter
    When it returns to the C:> prompt, then manually turn off the computer, and turn it back on.

    Win98/98SE Regular Maintenance
    All of these should be run whenever Win98/98SE starts giving problems. It will keep the computer running smoothly.

    Before doing any of the following; turn off wallpaper and screensavers before re-starting or re-booting the computer.

    Safe Mode is best where indicated, because most programs are not running meaning their files are closed, or not in use. This allows them to be scanned much better, repaired, or defragged better.

    1. Scandisk
    Start in Safe Mode by:
    Re-boot the computer, and immediately after starting up, Press and hold down, F8, at top of keypad.
    When the options show on the screen, use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select
    "Safe Mode".
    Press Enter
    After it boots to Safe Mode, go to Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools, and click on Scandisk.
    (It is faster if set on "Standard", the "Thorough" usually is not needed and takes a long, long time).
    Click on "Start" and let it run until finished.

    2. Defrag
    When Scandisk is finished, click on "Close".
    Now, go back to the same place, but this time, click on "Defrag".
    Click on OK, and wait until it finishes (might take 1 hour if not done within a month).
    After it finishes, Click on OK or whatever.
    Then, re-boot.

    The following Boot Disk has to be done only one time.

    Also, a "must have" is a Boot Disk, for Win98/98SE. One never knows when the computer might not load windows and go to the desktop... it does happen.

    Here are steps to make one:

    Insert the Win98/98SE CD in the CD-ROM drive.
    Go to Start/Programs/Windows Explorer
    Double click on D:/ , if that is your CD-ROM drive letter.
    Find and open the folder; Tools/Mtsutil/Fat32ebd (stands for Emergency Boot Disk)
    Double click on the file Fat32ebd.exe and follow the instructions to create the Boot Disk.
    Then remove the CD from the CD-ROM.

    Now, we must test the Boot Disk to see if it works.
    Shut down the computer; then turn it back on with the Boot Disk still in the computer.
    When a screen comes up, use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to select "Boot with CD-ROM support". Then press Enter.
    It will show some things about the computer, and then come up to the A:> prompt.
    Now, insert a CD (any will do) into the CD-ROM.
    Wait until it "spins" and the light goes off.
    Now, at the A:> prompt, type in DIR D:
    It will now look like A:>DIR D:
    It should show all the files on the CD.
    If so, the Boot Disk is good. If NOT, repeat all the above.
    If it's good, then remove the CD, manually turn off the computer, and remove the Boot Disk. Turn on the computer and it's ready to go.

    If you don't already know the above step-by-step procedures, Please try all of them. It might work for now to keep away the errors. If you don't have a Floppy Boot Disc, please make one. You can also print these instructions for future reference if you wish.
    I do hope the above works for you. If you do all the above, and then keep getting VXD errors, it is time to do a "delete and install windows". That is a pain, cause then all the printers, scanners, all programs, have to be reinstalled, which usually takes me personally, about 3 days to complete!
    All the re-boots above are necessary, cause 98/98SE needs a reboot to complete the configuration settings. I wish you good luck.
  • Nov 5, 2005, 07:44 AM
    Attaboy fredg
    I got one of those stupid 'spread it around' messages again, so I just wanted to let you know that my confidence in you and Win98 series just went up one more step!
  • Nov 5, 2005, 07:58 AM
    Thank you
    Thank you, Chery, for your confidence and kindness. I, also, got one of those "spread it around some more" messages when I clicked on your "rate me"!
    Win98/98SE can be a real pain sometimes. But, my wife uses some older photo/image programs (MS Picture It99 for one) that will not run under 2000 and up. I would LOVE to install 2000, and get rid of these "corruption of operating system files" things. Win2000 is much more stable, but, that's life!
    Thanks again.
  • Nov 5, 2005, 08:21 AM
    Welcome fredg, and thanks too
    I for one am really glad to have you help, as one of my PCs has 95 first, then 98. And I have to use both to 'clean' it. My friend just bought a little Fujitsu notebook with 4 GB and Win98, so I use your advice to help her. She wanted to use XP but it would take too much space. Even if we get those little aggitating messages, consider my approval unless I state otherwise.
  • Nov 5, 2005, 12:00 PM
    A small problem
    Yes I have reformated two days ago. I have printed off the maintenance steps and will try them. I went on to check my email and I got this: Have to extract one file from installation disk( Msvcrt.dll ) and change it to Msvcrt.old. I have done this step, Also my puter just shut down and restarted all by it's self. I keep on getting a error with Kernell 32.dll.
    Dragonlady ;)
  • Nov 5, 2005, 12:54 PM
    Blue screen of death
    Ok I did the maintenance steps, but when I went to play a game in the internet the blue screen came back up with this:

    An exception OE has occurred at 0028:C000BACA in VXD VMN(O1) + OOOOACA. This was called from OO28:COOOBAB9 in VXD VMN (O1) + OOOOAAB9. It may be possible to continue normally.

    * press any key to attempt to contiune
    * press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restar your computer. You will lose any unsaved information in all applications.

    When I pressed any key, the screen came up with the same thing. I have to press any key many times before anything will happen. What happens after is the puter restars itself and the scan disk come up because windows was not shut down right.

    I hope this helps any of you out there and helps me fix my problem. :eek:
  • Nov 5, 2005, 05:27 PM
    It might take a little while, but help is on the way! You did good with providing the info - the more we get, the better help you'll receive..
  • Nov 5, 2005, 06:47 PM

    Originally Posted by Chery
    It might take a little while, but help is on the way! You did good with providing the info - the more we get, the better help you'll receive..

    :) Thanks Chery
  • Nov 6, 2005, 03:30 AM
    Kernall32 errors are serious

    Originally Posted by dragonlady
    Yes I have reformated two days ago. I have printed off the maintenance steps and will try them. I went on to check my email and I got this: Have to extract one file from installation disk( Msvcrt.dll ) and change it to Msvcrt.old. I have done this step, Also my puter just shut down and restarted all by it's self. I keep on getting a error with Kernell 32.dll.
    Dragonlady ;)

    You said here that you reformated a few days ago, in that case my best advice would be to do it again and reinstall WIndows.
    BEFORE you put anything else on the computer make sure that it is FULLY updated from Micro$oft.
    Then slowly start to reinstall the software that youu have on it.
  • Nov 6, 2005, 04:10 AM
    The message with "kernel32.dll" tells it all.
    Unfortunately, that file is THE main Windows 98/98SE file. It runs windows, so to speak.
    You will have to do a "delete and install windows" from your Install CD's for Win98/98SE.
    There is no other way around it.
    Then, have to install all the programs again, such as Word, email configurations, etc, and printer, scanner, etc.
    I disagree with the post about "fully updating" all the Security patches from Microsoft with Win98/98SE; especially the Internet Explorer Security Patch and the main one for Outlook Express. I tried these, had to reinstall windows 98SE.
    Some of these security patches will definitely show you the "blue death" screen! I don't have ANY security patches installed on my computer, and I use the phone line dial-up.
    I would caution about installing all these Security patches.
  • Nov 6, 2005, 04:44 AM
    Worth a try!
    Hi, nobody seems to have mentioned System File Checker yet, before you re-format the computer, give it a try.

    Click start -> run -> type "SFC" and press OK.

    You will probably need your windows CD when this runs.

    Good Luck!
  • Nov 6, 2005, 04:48 AM
    I didn't mention the SFC (System File Checker) in Win98/98SE, because in the 5 yrs I have used 98SE, it really hasn't helped any. It finds files that it says are corrupt, but after extracting it from c:/cabs or where ever it is, it doesn't help the particular issue.
    Also, you cannot extract the "kernel32.dll" file, cause windows won't let you. It is not a "standalone" file. It is windows 98.
  • Nov 6, 2005, 04:51 AM
    I tried giving Curlyben a good rating, with an add-on about the patches from Windows update not being good for 98, but I get the dreaded "You must pass around some....."
    Sorry, Curlyben.
    Maybe next time it will let me give you an "approve".!
  • Nov 6, 2005, 04:54 AM
    Fred, are you saying she shouldn't even try it??
  • Nov 6, 2005, 05:30 AM
    Thanks Fred but...
    FULLY patching a clean machine wouldn't cause any harm at all, at least it will give an excellent base to start from.

    Normally patchs only cause problems on older establish machine, causing a conflict with installed programs.

    At least when starting from a clean machne the whole OS can be made as stable as possible before installing anything else.
  • Nov 6, 2005, 05:35 AM

    Originally Posted by fredg
    The message with "kernel32.dll" tells it all.
    Unfortunately, that file is THE main Windows 98/98SE file. It runs windows, so to speak.
    You will have to do a "delete and install windows" from your Install CD's for Win98/98SE.
    There is no other way around it.
    Then, have to install all the programs again, such as Word, email configurations, etc, and printer, scanner, etc.
    I disagree with the post about "fully updating" all the Security patches from Microsoft with Win98/98SE; especially the Internet Explorer Security Patch and the main one for Outlook Express. I tried these, had to reinstall windows 98SE.
    Some of these security patches will definitely show you the "blue death" screen! I don't have ANY security patches installed on my computer, and I use the phone line dial-up.
    I would caution about installing all these Security patches.

    I AGREE here, as not all security patches or updates are good for your computer. I have mine set to manual install, so that I can choose which ones I want - as when I had automatic install - a lot went wrong. I always advise manual install and try one at a time, when it goes wrong, I get rid of it before installing the next. This is a long and tedious process, but it is better to take a while and not have to reinstall the operating system and all my applications and drivers, configurations, etc, again. Good luck.
    Once you have your 'puter' set up just the way you want it, please make a backup of it all and stay up to date and safe. Check the program on this link for a backup program to download for free. my fingers for you.
  • Nov 6, 2005, 05:43 AM
    For Fred:


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