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  • Nov 3, 2005, 09:28 AM
    IS Grimm Reaper real?
    Does anyone have any thoughts on the grimm reaper? Is he/it real or just an imaginative imagine we've conjured through fear of death?
  • Nov 3, 2005, 09:46 AM
    There have been many reports of near death experiences where the person says they saw a light in a tunnel but I have yet to hear a report that says they saw a guy in a black robe with a scythe.
  • Nov 3, 2005, 09:53 AM
    As a man thinks, so is he
    It is important to know the convictions of your heart... for some the Grimm Reaper is real, for others, he is the Death Angel and yet others discount the whole ideal regarding it as fantasy, child's play. However,you must know that what you think about the subject holds the most authentic validity.

    Some people have spoke of a dark presence overshadowing them, which they have referred to as the Grimm Reaper, Death Angel, forces of good/evil, energy of loss of light, etc. these people have stated such experience, encounter has had life altering effects, for many it serves as a point of reference to when life took on a new meaning, when their desire, their zeal increased and now they are fearless because they have seen death and decide to live.

    Many refute such accounts, some say because it has never happened to them or of anyone they know; therefore... lack of experience, non-existing encounter equates to that which is not real; however, it is important to note that we all do not experience the same things, furthermore it could be an expression of time before such becomes one's portion.

    Understand that the images created equates to the imagination of its author, its creator, most accounts that I have heard, the image of the dark presence was subtle, yet startling, above all... real to the one who encountered/experienced it.
  • Nov 3, 2005, 03:45 PM
    Need Karma and Shenda,
    I have heard the same about the light and tunnel. I have not though heard of anyone actually experiencing a grimm reaper or dark shadow, so to say.
    Before my son passed I, my son, two daughters and two of our friends saw a dark shadow that sort of hung around us. It was not only within our home but seemed to lurk in the shadows. After my son passed it seemed to be gone. Now it is back again. It does not carry a scythe. It appears to be a dark shadow in a hooded type thing. When it is present it is very cold and gives a eerie feeling. Those who did not, have not experienced this form joked that it was the grimm reaper. We didn't find it funny but I suppose anything is possible.
    A man I spoke to said two weeks before his heart attack he had a dark image hanging about. He said, he wasn't sure why but he just had this feeling it was a sign of death. After his heart attack the image was gone... but his wife passed two days later. HE and his wife were/are christians and he firmly believed this dark image was not a message that someone was going to a dark place but rather the image is dark because death can leave "us" in a sort of darkness. Sowhen we feel a loved one may pass the image is transformed into a dark shadow.
    I was just curious if anyone else had similar experiences.
    Thanks, blessings, Anna
  • Mar 11, 2006, 07:14 AM
    There is no such thing as the grim reaper, it's a just some rubbish made up like vampires and werewolves. Also there is no light at the end of the tunnel. These are personal opinions.
  • May 30, 2006, 05:38 PM
    From my understanding there are angels and other spirits who visit us when we dye, there intention is to make the process easier and to show us where to go so we don't get lost. If however someone has a demon attached to them, the demon will scout around looking for a new host to attach to.
  • Apr 28, 2007, 10:53 AM
    well i think the grimm reaper is real beacuse its showed its self to me. resently and i have been having rele bad luck so there for it is real.

    see ya
  • Apr 28, 2007, 01:09 PM

    Originally Posted by death666
    well i think the grimm reaper is real beacuse its showed its self to me. resently and i have been having rele bad luck so there for it is real.

    see ya

    Dude, you call yourself death666 so I'm guessing you and death and the devil are subjects near to your heart.
  • Dec 18, 2007, 11:23 AM
    My dad is dyeing, I saw it lastnight, it came from his room, and was watching me. Maybe because I am his care taker. I am not crazy. It was large, dark and blocked the light coming from his room. I took the look not a glance as personel. I was not afraid of it. After 30 seconds I completely turned to look at it and it was gone. I need to help finish up funeral arragments only my dad can sign for. Maybe he was telling me to get a move on it! Who knows?
  • Jun 16, 2008, 08:01 PM
    The grim reaper real? Naw.

    Death is not grim.It is a wonderful event of returning to your original home.And if someone does see this so called "grim reaper" they are either A: mentally disturbed or they B: have seen a dark entity which is never good.
  • Jun 26, 2008, 10:58 PM
    My grandmother is 100 years old, and the past 6 months. She has become very frail. Her mind is very sharp. But for the past month or so, occasionally she see's men walking towards her. She says there are a few of them walking single file towards her, and that there faces are pale. She will say do you see them. Usually I tell her my view is blocked and I can't see very well. She has seen these men 5 or 6 times. I don't want to scare her and tell her no one is there, but my heart is telling me her time is coming soon.
  • Jun 27, 2008, 01:52 PM
    I don't think there is a grim reaper literally but as the above post said many people see 'the other side' and know it is their time.
  • Jul 8, 2008, 04:47 PM
    Well I was hit by a car two month ago as soon hit and fell down I saw some dark hood figure coming to me then he disappeared and after that I feel like when I go by a busy street I was hit on a really busy street I feel like something trying to get me I think the grim reaper real and I think trying to get me and my mom
  • Jul 9, 2008, 07:16 PM

    Originally Posted by sharonsusan
    My grandmother is 100 years old, and the past 6 mos. she has become very frail. Her mind is very sharp. But for the past month or so, occasionally she see's men walking towards her. She says there are a few of them walking single file towards her, and that there faces are pale. She will say do you see them. Usually I tell her my view is blocked and I can't see very well. She has seen these men 5 or 6 times. I don't want to scare her and tell her no one is there, but my heart is telling me her time is coming soon.

    Ask her to describe these men more.Are they dressed in any particular garment? How does she feel when she sees them?

    It is possible for people to be "near death" the "veil" is thinner and they could see "the other side" more clear.
  • Sep 7, 2008, 11:06 AM
    In Sorrow
    I believe in the grim-reaper although I have never seen him. He is known as Azrael, and he was given that Job by God to pull the soul out of the body within 30 or 40 days from the time the leaf falls from the sky with the persons name on it that must die. He is so powerful that he is bound with 70,000 chains. Some people believe in him, others don't but I have read about people who have had encounters with the grim reaper. I will give you a that talks about this, and this is Non-Fiction but real.

    The Azrael Project Online-Westgate Necromantic

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