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  • Oct 22, 2007, 09:25 PM
    How can I tell if she cares?
    How can you tell if your ex girlfriend still love you?
  • Oct 23, 2007, 06:38 AM
    Mate, If you have done the No Contact thing, and she calls you know.
    If you haven't, and she still calls, she's just playing you till she is totally over you. Period!
    If you broke it off, than you're a dog for asking, unless you feel like an idiot.
    If she broke it off, than do the NC and wait. Time will tell. You will either be healed, or talking to her, only she will be doing the chasing.
    Advice: Don't go backwards, only forward. There are too many well deserved ladies out there who are as keen as you to find someone special.
    Can't see them. Cause you are on your PC now and not looking.
  • Oct 23, 2007, 08:50 AM

    Originally Posted by dangle25
    How can you tell if your ex girlfriend still love you?

    She'll tell you. If she wants something from you and you've made yourself approachable... it will come out.
  • Oct 23, 2007, 10:14 AM

    Originally Posted by slj1022
    She'll tell you. If she wants something from you and you've made yourself will come out.

    IF you go NC, how does that make you approachable? NC makes you unapproachable, right?
  • Oct 23, 2007, 12:08 PM
    Erm, well personally I wouldn't wait around to find out. Lifes to short. Depends who did the breaking and cirumstances surrounding it.

    If you're the dumper an apology wouldn't go amiss.

    If you're a dumpee, go No contact. This will allow you to heal and let the emotional dust settle. The ex knows where you are? So they would contact you if they wanted to.
  • Oct 23, 2007, 12:43 PM
    Exactly Jiser I totally agree, everyone's ex knows how to get ahold of you. If they have a change of heart they will stop at nothing to let you know. I have given up, I feel like I am just played with emotionally. NC is the only thing that gets me through the day. I Don't even attempt to make any contact at all. I might still be thinking about her all the time, but I will not show it. No more being played with my emotions for someone else's amusement. Heal yourself, you will feel better. I know its hard, but keep it up cause it can only get better if you let it go. Work on yourself is the key...

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