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  • Oct 14, 2007, 11:25 AM
    Pit Bull Ban
    What counties ban Pit Bulls in the State of Florida? Thanks for answering.:)
  • Oct 14, 2007, 11:32 AM
    Miami-Dade County for sure, I don't know if there are any others.
  • Oct 14, 2007, 02:23 PM
    I am going to refer you to this blog about pit bulls and Florida:

    Contributors may some good points about checking with your homeowners insurance - some apparently do not insure if the owners have pit bulls.

    See this about banning: Pit Bull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Oct 14, 2007, 03:35 PM
    I know the city of Tamarac (in Broward) as several others requires the dog be registered and insured for $1 million. You can check on your county and city offices website.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 02:08 PM

    Originally Posted by AKaeTrue View Post
    Miami-Dade County for sure, I don't know if there are any others.

    I don't believe Miami still bans Pits and I'm happy about it.

    These breed bans really bother me, but proper tracking of incidents and the relative ratio of Pit Bulls owns, vs attacks should show that it's only a small problem, not directly tied to the breed itself, but to bad owners in general. There should be laws, but not restriction on the breed because, like a lot of us out there, my sweet pit bull is the nicest dog - better than my two chihuahuas and NOT NEARLY as mean. They're all great though : )

    There's a cute article on about sweet pit bulls - check it out PIT BULLS ARE SWEET AND SMART - my.Arfie

    Not a bad site if you like social stuff
  • Apr 30, 2009, 03:24 PM

    This is one of my absolute favorite sites that I like the bring up on these topics.

    Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull

    Often dogs responsible for attacks are misidentified as pitt bulls. I'm not saying that they are not responsible part of the time, but not every time the breed is accused either. Can you find the pitt bull in one try? It's a lot harder then you may think.

    It hs a lot to do with training and breeding. I do not believe any innocent creature should be held accountable for what they have not done. Far too many gentle, sweet pitt bulls suffer for crimes they have not committed. Bans go up and who abides them? The illegal dog fighters? I don't think so. They aren't going to jut turn over or get rid of their money makers any more then they do drugs because they are illegal. It's the family pets that suffer the most.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 06:43 PM

    Can I just ask you why you want a pitbull?
    Sorry if it's personal, I'm just always curious when someone is desperate to get a fighting breed.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 07:06 PM

    Originally Posted by shazamataz View Post
    Can I just ask you why you want a pitbull?
    Sorry if it's personal, I'm just always curious when someone is desperate to get a fighting breed.

    If you do your research, you will find they are actually excellent family pets. Because of their fighting nature, it was bred into them to be non-human aggressive, and bite inhibition was a large part of how they were trained. Their masters would need to be able to get into the fighting ring and get their dog and not worry about being bitten, no matter how hurt or distressed the dog was. Man-biters were culled from the general population.

    When raised properly (like any dog), they are actually excellent pets. It's unfortunate that they have a stigma due to the type of people that get them for their aggressive appearance.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 07:35 PM

    I just find it unfortunate that 90% of dog attacks are by pit bulls or pit bull mixes.
    I've had this argument before so I'm not getting into it.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 07:45 PM

    That statistic is fairly incorrect. There is also a lot more behind the attacks besides just breed. Look into the majority of them and see the background - who the owners are, how the dog was trained? You will see many similarities with most of the dog attacks - even ones with dogs such as labs, or other 'friendly' breeds.

    It just bothers me, seeing as a large amount of the dogs I work with on a regular basis are Pits, and I prefer working with them over other breeds due to their nature.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 07:47 PM

    When I was younger a friend of mine owned a pitbul, it was trained well and treated well... a *sweet* dog.
    It jumped the fence and attacked a 8 year old boy on the street for no reason.

    It's only my opinion but I don't like the breed.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 07:49 PM

    To play devils advocate, I was attacked by a standard poodle at work last week for no reason. Well trained, never had issues.

    Just sayin'.

    Anyway, we'll agree to disagree. :)
  • Apr 30, 2009, 08:05 PM

    No worries Sariss, hope you are OK?
    Everyone's opinion is different :)
  • Apr 30, 2009, 08:10 PM

    Thankfully he was on a leash and I got nothing more than a puncture on my hand. :)
  • Apr 30, 2009, 08:13 PM

    Good to hear it wasn't too bad, still not a nice thing to have happen though :(
  • Apr 30, 2009, 08:18 PM
    Just Dahlia
    When I was young I was attacked by a Saint Bernard and then 3 years ago my brothers Dog (a Dalmatian in the woods) almost ripped my face off. He was on a chain and it was inches.
    I have know 2 Pit Bulls (maybe Mix) that were wonderful dogs, but I also knew the owners (one owner was about 75 years old) I have also called the police on other Pits that have attempted to jump a 8 foot fence when I am walking my dogs. (and reported a chain hanging from a tree, which I'm sure was to "Train" the poor dog.)
    The thing that worries me the most is that their jaws lock and there is no release. (I did hear that you can stick you finger or an object up their butt and they will release (I'm wondering if this is true?)
    Either way... I will not walk my dogs alone, because I am only one person and there are not that many pick up trucks parked on the street that I can throw them into the back of .
    Kind of got off the subject there, sorry.
    They scare me too, but only because of the owners.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 08:25 PM

    That's awful Dahlia :( Yeah I always avoid certain streets or houses because I know the dogs there are viscious, I swear some of them are going to clear the fence one day...
    I've never heard of the butt thing... could be true!
    That's why I asked their reasons behind wanting one :)
  • Apr 30, 2009, 10:15 PM

    The problem with a Pit Bull attack is that once it crosses into the red zone and attacks, its going to be very hard to stop the attack. It would not take much of an attack for a Pit to kill or seriously injure a small child or even an adult if that was the object of the attack. Is it worth risking? I don't think so but I also don't believe in banning a dog just because it is a certain breed, or killing it because it is a certain breed. I rescued my bully from my brother who just wanted to breed her. I talked him into letting me get her fixed and taking over her care and she is a really great dog. She is so sweet and fun and playful. Very friendly dog too. She loves everyone. I think most dangerous Pits Bulls are the result of bad training.
  • Apr 30, 2009, 11:11 PM

    I don't believe in putting an animal down because it has attacked someone, I believe the animal needs to possibly be rehomed and have better supervision and training.
    We don't put down people because they are mentally unstable or abusive. But we do place them in a safe location away from things they can cause harm too.
  • May 1, 2009, 12:23 AM

    It would be nice if there were a place where animals could go and not be put down. We have wild animal places why not for dogs?

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