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  • Oct 7, 2007, 10:46 PM
    Michelle's Growth
    Okay, I have started this thread for Michelle at her request. She would like the people who have been helping her the most to participate in the "New" Michelle! This board is for people who are willing to help by staying as positive and honest as possible with the ultimate goal of providing Michelle with support, caring and understanding... while encouraging her personal growth.

    Thanks so much...

    Hugs, Didi
  • Oct 7, 2007, 10:49 PM
    Thank you grammadidi, I tried it myself and it like disappeared.
    Anyway, The reason why I am afraid to go to school tomorrow is a long story and I don't feel like typeing it all but a started talking to a girl on myspace at my school. I made an account making fun of someone else at my school and this girl doesn't like that girl either but I just think that she would think its kind of weird that I never talk to her EVER and I sent her a message saying "this isnt really (the girls name) but i hope you dont like her, i dont." she said "who is this" I said "i'lll tell you but dont tell her or anything" and I told her it was me and we talked a little bit about the other girl and why we don't like her and she said "yeah she just always tries to get attention and i dont like people like that ...." And I can't remember much else said but I sent the last message and she never sent one back but I know she read it. And she sits in front of me in one of my classes and I'm just afraid for some reason. Like she's going to think I'm really immature or something/
  • Oct 7, 2007, 10:56 PM

    Originally Posted by grammadidi
    Okay, I have started this thread for Michelle at her request. She would like the people who have been helping her the most to participate in the "New" Michelle! This board is for people who are willing to help by staying as positive and honest as possible with the ultimate goal of providing Michelle with support, caring and understanding... while encouraging her personal growth.

    Thanks so much...

    Hugs, Didi

    Awesome! Way to go, Didi!
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:02 PM
    Let's talk about going to school on Monday. You need your sleep, so please go to bed soon.

    What would be the biggest advantage in going to school tomorrow?
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:03 PM
    So I have so much I'm worried about but I don't feel too worried. I'm worried about school tomorrow and also I want to ask you all, do you think I should believe that he doesn't find others attractive? Its just that he says that's how he shows affection is by not looking at other people. But should I believe that he doesn't find them attractive?
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:04 PM
    Please answer my question first before I answer yours.

    What would be the biggest advantage in going to school tomorrow?
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:09 PM
    Getting to see my boyfriend and it's the first day of this grading period so I need to start it off right and keep it that way.
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:09 PM

    Originally Posted by br_hjs
    Thankyou grammadidi, i tried it myself and it like dissapeared.
    anyways, The reason why i am afraid to go to school tomorrow is a long story and i dont feel like typeing it all but a started talking to a girl on myspace at my school. I made an account making fun of someone else at my school and this girl doesnt like that girl either but i just think that she would think its kinda weird that i never talk to her EVER and i sent her a message saying "this isnt really (the girls name) but i hope you dont like her, i dont." she said "who is this" i said "i'lll tell you but dont tell her or anything" and i told her it was me and we talked a little bit about the other girl and why we dont like her and she said "yeah she just always tries to get attention and i dont like people like that ...." And i can't remember much else said but i sent the last message and she never sent one back but i know she read it. And she sits in front of me in one of my classes and i'm just afraid for some reason. Like shes going to think i'm really immature or something/

    Well, what is the worst thing that could happen? She thinking that you are immature? People are going to be thinking lots of things about you because of the things that you say and/or write. It is best to try to say good things, or not say anything at all. Don't you think? Even if you don't like someone, it is always good policy to try and say something nice to them to their face or about them when speaking about them with other people. Word does get around about what either party is saying...

    If someone is known as not being very nice, then chances are that most people that are in contact with that person already know that.

    In life, it is best to be an example for others to follow, as long as the example that you set for others to follow is noble, and something to be honored as a way to act or be because of trying to make the world a better place for everyone.

    Most people deserve a second chance at things if they are willing to show that they want to better themselves or others because of the way that they act.
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:11 PM
    Well, if she wasn't so big, I would say something to her face... its just that it take like an hour for me to walk around her.
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:11 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl
    Let's talk about going to school on Monday. You need your sleep, so please go to bed soon.

    What would be the biggest advantage in going to school tomorrow?

    I really like this positive and proactive approach!

    What would be the biggest advantage in going to school tomorrow?
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:36 PM

    Originally Posted by br_hjs
    so i have so much im worried about but i dont feel too worried. I'm worried about school tomorrow and also i want to ask you all, do you think i should believe that he doesnt find others attractive? Its just that he says thats how he shows affection is by not looking at other people. But should i believe that he doesnt find them attractive?

    This is what I'm worried most about... I'm not worried about school, and I know he wouldn't cheat. But its this
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:54 PM
    Well, I think I'm going to go. I'll be back online tomorrow. I'm still worried about the school thing but o well, I got to deal with it sometime and I'll get through it
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:57 PM
    Welcome to your new thread Michelle! :)
  • Oct 7, 2007, 11:59 PM
    Hi Michelle, Let's grow together...
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:00 AM
    Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:13 AM

    Originally Posted by br_hjs
    So I have so much I'm worried about but I don't feel too worried. I'm worried about school tomorrow and also I want to ask you all, do you think I should believe that he doesn't find others attractive? Its just that he says that's how he shows affection is by not looking at other people. But should I believe that he doesn't find them attractive?

    This is what I'm worried most about... I'm not worried about school, and I know he wouldn't cheat. But its this
    I started to answer you from a man's viewpoint. It was going to be somewhat long. I would like to do it correctly, and not in so rude a fashion as we know who! In order for me to do that, I need to get some sleep and think on it before I give you an answer. I would like for what I say to be kind, good and helpful based upon the knowledge of your situation that I already have.

    We all know that you are okay. You are a very likable and lovable person. You also write really well! You could develop your strengths in that area so that you could use it as a potential as part of what you might do to make a career for yourself. But, you need some work on your grammar and punctuation as most of us do. You don't really wish any harm to anyone. You want to try to figure out the things in your life so that you can continue to grow as a person in your individual life as well as that concerning the relationships that you have.

    But, these conversations can go on at another time... I do so want to answer your question about your boyfriend finding others attractive to the best of my ability - after I have gotten a good night's sleep!
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:15 AM

    Originally Posted by br_hjs
    well, i think i'm going to go. i'll be back online tomorrow. i'm still worried about the school thing but o well, i gotta deal with it sometime and i'll get through it

    That's exactly right! You will get through it!
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:18 AM
    Sleep? Sleep? What's that??
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:22 AM
    This is just for Wondergirl, since I had asked her on your other post about what she had done on Sunday.

    I did some things in my home. Went to where I thought the Catfish Jazz Society was meeting (they weren't, I was wrong) so that I could speak with the head of the musician's union here in order to rejoin. Went to play just percussion at the rehearsal for the Quad City Wind Ensemble. Came home. Got on the computer and Internet.

    But, the best part is - and you're going to love this Wondergirl - is that the meeting that I am going to in the morning is for the Friend's of the Rock Island Library. I have been a member for a number of years now. Have also given at least three programs for them in the past.

    Did you know that the Rock Island Public Library is the oldest public library in the State of Illinois?
  • Oct 8, 2007, 12:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl
    Sleep? Sleep? What's that?????

    I think that you are dreaming now, girl! Maybe you have entered this site in your dream, eh?

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