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  • Sep 26, 2007, 10:06 AM
    Animated Unicorn Movie (Not "Unico" or "Last Unicorn")
    Hello - feeling confident someone might know about this movie given the excellent help identifying "Unico" in a previous post...

    What is this Movie?

    Back in the late 80's when I was a kid in Buffalo, I saw one of those TV movies about a little Unicorn who apparently could also grow into a large Unicorn but only once - the power of its horn allowed this for dire circumstances. What would make the little Unicorn do this? The nearby town's people were being turned into building blocks - hardened humans - to make an evil emperor's castle. In fact, once turned into blocks, they would float into place, forming the structure. The Unicorn decides to set out and stop this evil. It travels a great distance, grows into its larger form and fights the evil emperor; the end battle results in the Unicorn breaking its horn off inside the emperor, thus ending him but also killing the Unicorn. For some reason I remember the unicorn in a lot of pain all the time; wincing, screaming, crying - not bloody, but to a child this would come off as very scary. I remember an image of the dark emperor maybe impaled on a roof top spire; also maybe his face very large in the clouds of the castle during a thunderstorm.

    I get images of this movie sometimes and no one seems to be able to name it. I thought it might be Unico, but the Unicorn in my movie is less cute and more... gracefully animated. Help?
  • Sep 26, 2007, 01:54 PM
    I know you said it wasn't Unico, but the plot you described is the plot to the Unico Sequal,
    "Unico: In the Magic Island" Unico can grow into a large Unicorn if need be. And the block people are from that movie. Possibly you are just remembering the image wrong?
  • Sep 26, 2007, 03:25 PM
    Argh, Unico, my deadliest foe! Will I never be free of him? Shall he haunt me to the ends of eternity?

  • Sep 26, 2007, 10:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Purukivel
    Argh, Unico, my deadliest foe! Will I never be free of him? Shall he haunt me to the ends of eternity?


    Yes, his films have plagued the boards. But I think his cuteness makes up for it. :)
  • May 8, 2009, 06:43 PM

    YouTube - Unico In the Island of Magic 1 of 10 here is the movie your thinking of I was looking for it too and stardust is almost right but it's the island of magic not magic island
  • Jul 12, 2009, 11:18 PM
    I know the movie you are talking about and I know its not Unico I have been trying to find it as well. I remember watching it as a kid the unicorn was little like unico but didn't have the red hair I wish I could find it as well
  • Jul 24, 2009, 11:46 AM
    The littlest unicorn is what I rember I being called. I recall this particular unicorn being a white animated horse with pink mane, the only part of the actual movie I rember is this unicorn is lost in a dark thicket if thorny bushes. My mother had recorded it for me but one day when we were gone one of my aunts had recorded over it to watch NAScar Raceing, I was so sad and angry that memory will never leave me.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 03:19 PM
    I have searched ALL over for a movie called 'the littlest unicorn' with NO luck and had just about decided that I'd dreamed the whole thing up until I read foxy's comment. Yes, small and white and definitely NOT Unico. Would pay to have a copy of this movie
  • Oct 5, 2010, 01:15 PM
    I know exactly what you are talking about, I too have also seen this cartoon movie. A little white Unicorn that is trying to fight off some bizarre evil little wizard that runs all over the place turning people into human shaped stones that float to build his castle. A very sinister movie as I recall! The reason I remember this is because it gave me freaking nightmares. I too would like to know the name of this cartoon movie, my friends think I'm crazy...
  • Oct 5, 2010, 01:32 PM

    As it was stated above
    It is most definitely

    Unico: In the Magic Island
    It's one of the most asked about
    Movies on many movie boards
    view pics
    view movie
  • Oct 8, 2010, 12:44 PM
    Thanks straydog, the pictures helped me verify that Unico in the Magic Island is the movie I've been searching for years.
  • Oct 11, 2010, 07:31 AM
    Comment on thakkas's post
    I stand to be corrected, the movie is in fact Unico in the Magic Island! I'm 38 years old and seen this movie when I was like 9-10 years old, I guess the image the little Unicorn faded over time in my memory of it. THANKS!!
  • Feb 9, 2012, 09:57 AM
    I too remember a movie about a young unicorn WITHOUT red hair and was certain the title was the Littlest Unicorn. I just watched The Last Unicorn and have been watching YouTube segments of the Unico movies, but those weren't the movie I was looking for. I wish I could find the movie that I remember watching.
  • Feb 10, 2012, 09:05 PM
    Do remember anything about the
    Unicorn movie-plot/decade you saw it?
    Can I assume it was all white?
  • Feb 11, 2012, 05:52 AM
    It would have been around the 80's and yep, the unicorn was a kid and all white. I'm almost certain it was called The Littlest Unicorn, but I sure can't find an ounce of proof online that a movie by that title exists, except for a couple of other crazy people like me that seem to remember this one. I don't remember the plot, sorry.
  • Feb 11, 2012, 12:18 PM
    Thanks to everyone. And perhaps now I see that my memory is a combination of movies.

    I just watched the conclusion of Unico: In the Magic Island but it does not end with the Unicorn character breaking its horn off inside the other character. I'm pretty sure this happened but I could be wrong.

    So, can I change the question to: "What movie(s) end with a unicorn breaking its horn off inside their foe?"

  • Feb 11, 2012, 12:19 PM
    Thanks to everyone. And perhaps now I see that my memory is a combination of movies.

    I just watched the conclusion of Unico: In the Magic Island but it does not end with the Unicorn character breaking its horn off inside the other character. I'm pretty sure this happened but I could be wrong.

    So, can I change the question to: "What movie(s) end with a unicorn breaking its horn off inside their foe?"
  • Mar 2, 2012, 05:04 PM
    I'm looking to this movie too!! I'm pretty sure it's the littlest unicorn but I get no results for it on web.. itz not unico... I looked up unico because thatz what I thought his (unicorn ) name was... but not unico and I own and loved the last unicorn... I can't find this movie or its title anywhere but knowing that someone else is remembering the same move too gives me hope someone will find it and get it on internet.. yaaa I thought I was going crazy and a move I watched 400 times ,when I was like 4 or 5 ,was just all in my head --- good I wish I could find this movie -we use to rent it on tape back to back from the little tape rental store -
  • Mar 2, 2012, 05:09 PM
    O m g it is unico the magic island --- thank you!!
  • Mar 2, 2012, 07:49 PM
    Ok, maybe my memory is just bad. I've been watching more of Unico online. Unico does turn into an adult all white unicorn as a result of being loved... so just maybe I confused the kid version of Unico (thinking of an all white kid unicorn) and the all white adult form of the unicorn (but he's still a kid, he didn't age or anything, just got big and all white).

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