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  • Oct 4, 2005, 09:10 AM
    I'm currently enrolled at the University of Iowa as an accoutning student. In grad school I will be getting a joint law degree with a masters in accounting because I want to be a tax attorney. Any advice on what else I should do outside of my basic course of action?
  • Oct 4, 2005, 11:05 AM
    From the sound of it, you seem to be on top of both appripriate subject already. Good Luck in reaching your goal! P.S. Once there, share your knowledge with the forum please. The more help, the better.
  • Oct 4, 2005, 01:05 PM
    That sounds like a great accomplishment! I wish I could help give some words of advice except You sound like your on your way to a great career and whatever you choose I'm sure it will be the right one, good luck!
  • Oct 4, 2005, 04:30 PM
    You may want to seek an internship at a local tax office to get a hands on feel of the pace and expectation that awaits you, as well as, familiarizing yourself with tax laws in an applicable manner. However, a more excellent way would be to seek out a firm that undergurd or mentor you... you may need to travel outside of Iowa over the summer but it may be well worth it. Due to the overwhelming number of students applying for law school, it will be well worth your while to network with a senior exec. To gain real world experience, to gain a reliable reference and friend, it can not hurt. Sometimes, we need to be resourceful... we must have the knowledge, but we gain an edge due to the people we know.
  • Oct 17, 2005, 02:25 PM
    Well my three years with the IRS, and my 15 yrs or so in accounting I would suggest you get a masters in Taxation NOT accounting. My masters in accounting cover a good deal of International accounting and not something I have been able to apply.
    Give it some thought

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