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  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:20 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    This has to be the face of God
    I shot this pic on Thanksgiving Day about 8 years ago. Picture was taken from my son's backyard; he lives on the water. I just happen to look out the patio door and caught this view. I raced to my car, parked in the front of the house, grabbed my camera, ran back inside and out the patio door. And this was the result of that mad dash.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:22 AM
    That is a beautiful picture! Breathtaking!
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:23 AM
    You forgot something ?
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:28 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    That is a beautiful picture! breathtaking!

    I took it out and put it back in, larger. Yes it is a wonderful photo. Good Lord can anybody outpaint that?. sigh! :rolleyes:
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:30 AM
    Chek, what other creative talents are you hiding? :)
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:30 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle
    You forgot something ?

    Sorry, Tickle, you caught it in transition... I took it out for a sec, then put it back in in larger format so the picture would be bigger. I love this shot and this is the shot I keep looking for again and again when I cart my camera around.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:57 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Chek, what other creative talents are you hiding??:)

    Um... LOL... now that you ask, I sing and can dance up a storm. I also do sand sculpture, and am currently working on a design for PM machine - perpetual motion. It'll have to mostly hand-carved because of the precision required to get the thing to work.

    I know, I'm annoying... can't sit still for a sec!
  • Sep 23, 2007, 06:01 AM
    Sand sculptures?Wow.

    Chek you impress me,with your artistic talent!:)

    You will have to explain what a PM machine is though.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 09:42 AM

    Originally Posted by firmbeliever
    Sand sculptures?Wow.

    Chek you impress me,with your artistic talent!:)

    You will have to explain what a PM machine is though.

    Well... didn't make it into work and it's the first day on the job. Oy! It couldn't be helped. I jumped in the shower this morning and when I came out, I heard this voice saying, "you have two new messages." It was my son calling me, telling me to hurry and get to his house because his wife just went into labor. She was scheduled for a C-section on Wednesday but babies make the rules, we mamas don't.
    I had to go! I had to watch their 3 year old; Daddy can't bring him into the delivery room. I called the job and explained as best I could. They said it was all right, but I don't know... we'll see what happens when I call them back later to see if I still have a job.
    Right now I am at my son's house watching the little guy; he's really easy to take care of... happy little guy. His daddy will be swinging by here in an hour or so, so I can go see the new grand daughter. WOW! Just realized, she is born on the same day as my last born.

    About the PM machine... short for Perpetual Motion... it is a gizmo that has no particular form or shape or size; any and all of that is allowable providing the thing can do what it is hoped it will do and that is to simply stay in perpetual motion... never stopping. Wind up clocks are partly like that. Pull the chain down and the clock will run for as long as 13 days with no help from electricity. If you can visualize that concept then you can take it a step further and factor in an element that can make the clock work longer... even FOREVER! Scientists the world over say it can't be done, and in fact HAS never been done. Personally, I don't agree. Of course there are many, many others who thought as I do and they haven't succeeded either in making one that works.
    I kind of sense that it can be done! Don't know why or what makes me say that, I just KNOW it is all. Just like I knew I could build the cannon and everything else I built even though I never built anything like them before. I simply know I can build it.

    Then, too, I see now that scientists are changing the requirement format for the PM machine... WHIMPS!! NOW, the machine has to NOT only run perpetually, but also put out more energy than it uses to make it work. How whimpy does that sound? You thinkin' what I'm thinking? That maybe, just maybe they are changing their minds , and that now they are thinking it CAN be done, hence the qualification upgrade?
    LOL! Anyway, I am drawing up some things. Always build it in my head first, but then this one started to get complicated so much so that I had to start drawing it up. I'm not one for bothering much with penciling anything up; drawing stuff, I just go at, cold. I am NO GENIUS here. NOT for moment! I'm just stubborn is all, but it's that stubbornness that sure taught me a lot over the years. Many mistakes, but many more improvements!
  • Sep 23, 2007, 09:52 AM
    Congrats Grandma Chek!;)

    I think I can understand the wound up clock,
    But what would this PM machine be used for?

    Stubbornness just might get you the results you are looking for in building this PM machine.:)
  • Sep 23, 2007, 12:15 PM
    Thanks Firm... she is just too adorable! I can't wait to get my hands on her!! I am back home now waiting for visiting hours so's I can do just that!

    Ok the PM MACHINE: think about it... we're talking about a machine that produces MORE ENERGY than it uses with no help from any other energy source other than its own built-in momentum, and of course gravity. Wouldn't it be nice to have your car go forever, no refueling? A PM device could make that happen for you. It would be worth kazillions and not only because it will no doubt become a new energy source, but also because it is assumed it can't be built.

    I was talking about this with this physics professor last month ( teaches at a college in PA) -- through emails etc -- he is all about explaining why a PM machine can't be built and or why it can't work. I stumbled across his web site when I was checking out what other people were coming up with as far as their latest attempts went... of course, all failed attempts.
    I got a huge kick out of seeing some of the weird and whacky, yet ingenious gizmos these people were turning out. Amazing stuff! Now these guys (and they were ALL guys) were mostly engineers of some sort... you know... they had names with a whole bunch of letters after it, and all that. So I got to thinking. Know what? Maybe these guys all got the same locked-up brain! One wired by the constrictions formed by the kudos of contemporary science. I barely went to school, so I don't have any of that tying me down.

    What prompted me to write the physics teacher, was that he pointed out, that from all the emails he received discussing PM Machines; he has never heard from a single woman, then added, what does that infer?
    HAH! Yeah, well, time for a change, Jack, I thought! So I emailed him and took him to task just a tad. I asked him this question,
    "How could you as a scientist say that building a PM Machine is impossible
    according to the "known" laws of physics." That sentence in itself negates
    The statement. You are stating that you do not know everything, so how
    Can you possibly know it can't be done? "

    He replied "Good question! But there are some things we do know!" Well, "some things" doesn't cut it with me. We did go on to correspond for quite a bit more after that.

    My peabrain logic tells me there is weakness there, and where there is weakness... there is a loophole and loopholes contain answers, a way in. That to me means something is going to give. Give up its answers? Maybe. I know a heckava lot of inventions came about as the result of happy mistakes. Not planned, but DISCOVERED by accident. They didn't know what they were about to trip over. Neither do I? But telling people it can't be done (shame on you Professor) already puts folk's brains in a choke-hold. Why would anyone bother after reading his blog? Ideas like that belong back with the dotes who believed the earth was flat. NOT in this day and age.
  • Sep 23, 2007, 12:42 PM
    Thanks Chek for the explanation, I get it, so this would be a more environment friendly method too for cars etc...

    If you could only come up with a new invention idea.;).

    I am rooting for you, GO CHEK! you have the brains to get there... :)
  • Sep 23, 2007, 01:09 PM
    I just wish I could get inside chek's picture.
    By the way, here's a picture I took, when I went to the beach. The dog is my aunt's.
    Just thought I would also share a view.

  • Sep 23, 2007, 04:45 PM

    Originally Posted by METERRE
    I just wish I could get inside chek's picture.
    By the way, here's a picture I took, when i went to the beach. The dog is my aunt's.
    Just thought I would also share a view.


    Don't tell me where this beach here, because I would be there in a flash with a fist-full of carving knives going after that driftwood(?) tree(?). Phenomenal shot, just awesome!

    All right, now I'm mad all over again, it brought a really bad memory to mind. One I thought I had gotten over.

    About 25 years ago... yep waaaay back then... we bought our first house. The house was about a block from a dead end street that ended in a small strip of beach, hardly anyone went there that's how small it was. Since I was a city kid just moved to the burbs, I would walk down there and check out the water view for about 15, 20 minutes and walk back home. This was my habit when I walked my dog. Every time I went there I'd spot this old piece of driftwood just laying there in the sand. I could see it was an interesting piece, but when I went to flip it over I saw that it had a couple of million bugs scurrying all over it and in it so I let it drop and never went near it again.
    FOR THREE YEARS, that old piece of driftwood just laid there on that beach. The last time I went to that beach, I just kept looking at it becoming more and more drawn to it. That's it, I thought... that thing is coming home with me today! So... I ran home, got an old sheet and brought it with me back to the beach, only this time I went back with my car.
    When I got to the driftwood, I began kicking it all over the place making it roll over and over. This seem to knock all its freeloaders clean off! I then rolled the wood onto the sheet, wrapped her good and put it in my car. No easy feat this, the piece was about 4 feet long and about 2 and half ft wide. Felt like it weighed about 40 lbs.

    Anyway, when I got her home, I hosed her down good, and then sat her smack dab in the middle of my front lawn. The amazing thing about this piece was the way I set her up. Laying there on the beach you really couldn't see it, but turn her straight up, tall-ways, she looked just like this most spectacular church I saw when I was in Italy. Or maybe it was an opera house (La Scalla Opera house?), anyway, every inch of this building had a carved figure or design on it... I mean EVERY inch! Positively the most exquisite structure I've ever seen. Carved figures stood to either side of every window and opening. THAT'S EXACTLY what my piece of driftwood looked like. It looked just like that church/whatever, with huge front doors open, steeple above steeple, carved statues aside small openings and a wonderful structure at the top that resembled a belfry. It was an unbelievable piece! I was delighted that I finally went after it and brought it back home.

    Well... let me tell you! I put it on the front lawn that afternoon, next morning it was gone!! And I know somebody local took it, because you could not see it all that well if you were driving by, you HAD to be walking to notice what it was. So some passer-by saw it's magnificents up close, and that was that. Till this day I would like to sneak into everybody's backyard on the block and see if my driftwood is there. Of course, I know I am not allowed to do that, but boy, nothing would give me greater pleasure. Because not only would I pick it up and take it back, but I'd make plenty of noise while doing it, hoping the crook who took it will come out and try to stop me. They broke my heart when they stole it from me. I couldn't believe it! That piece laid on the beach ALL THOSE YEARS, and they waited for me to show them its potential?

    How sad is that? Well, anyway, didn't mean to cast a shadow over your lovely photo; it just brought that old memory back. But I'm not kidding... if I ever see that piece again, And I will KNOW it if I do, she's coming back with me, period!
  • Sep 23, 2007, 07:05 PM

    Originally Posted by chek101
    I shot this pic on Thanksgiving Day about 8 years ago. Picture was taken from my son's backyard; he lives on the water. I just happen to look out the patio door and caught this view. I raced to my car, parked in the front of the house, grabbed my camera, ran back inside and out the patio door. And this was the result of that mad dash.

    Very peaceful and relaxing. Good eye. You are a great photographer!
  • Sep 24, 2007, 02:33 AM
    Chek you have great talent! It is beautiful!
  • Sep 24, 2007, 02:38 AM
    I am not privy to the other responses, but I do want to say GREAT SHOT! Lighten up the bottom a bit and it might be something that could be a fine painting if someone wanted to turn it into such a thing.
  • Sep 24, 2007, 02:56 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    This is a picture of one of my favorite places.
  • Sep 24, 2007, 02:57 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    The face of God is amazing. Isn't it. (;
  • Sep 24, 2007, 03:15 AM
    Dear Jesushelper76,

    I think that they are great shots too!


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