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  • Sep 20, 2007, 10:14 PM
    40 Day juice fasting!
    Hey Everyone,
    I am embarking on a 40 day juice fast for two reasons; to cure obsessive eating and weight loss. Research I have done indicates that following a juice fast can not only cause weight loss, but actually cure diseases and addictions! The problem is that I keep running into mental road blocks.
    The first time I started was Sunday. Then I benged Monday night, but I got right back up the next morning and started it over. That time I lasted half way through the third day and then ate again tonight. The problem is that I didn't eat because I was feeling depraved or starving. In fact, I felt quite satisfied and energetic. Rather, I ate out of habit. I felt the need to eat because I have always been raised to "eat everything on your plate, and if you dont eat a lot or a certain amount then you're not healthy, and a healthy diet contains bread, dairy, and meat as well as other foods." I think it's the typical American diet struggle. Now, however, I am finding that quite the opposite is true, and although I know this, I still find it hard to alter my thinking on the subject especially in a moment of decision.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I might do to help with this or are doing a similar thing as well and have any personal experiences they would be willing to share? And is there anyone on here who is doing a juice fast who would be willing to talk each other through the process on here or just online?

    Tomorrow is a new day and a new day 1... (Im so sick of day ones!).

  • Sep 21, 2007, 02:57 AM
    Have you ever heard of the Hallelujah diet? It is a diet that consists of mostly juices, but includes raw foods such as greens and fruit. My aunt who has MD tried the diet and lost over 50 pounds in three months. She never had any cravings, except for coffee. The fact that you still get to eat at appointed times may help you. Good luck!
  • Sep 21, 2007, 04:12 AM
    Juice Fasting part 2 - effects of the juice fast
    Juice Fasting - effects and tips
    Side effects of the juice fast

    There are certain side effects that you may encounter when you commence your juice fast. When you start your fast your body will be trying to eliminate a large amount of toxins from its cells. The noticeable effects of this can include headaches, nause and dizziness as the blood receives waste toxins from your cells. This is a natural part of the detox. Many people who fast believe that the fast is complete 2 days after this uncomfortable stage of the juice fast has ended. You may also experience bad breath and a 'furry' tongue as the body attempts to expel toxins through the throat and mouth.

    You may experience a surge in energy levels when juice fasting and while gentle exercise such as walking is OK, intense exercise such as weight lifting, long distance running etc are not recommended.

    After fasting your mind will be more alert and your energy levels will be higher. You may also experience an increased sex drive.

    Juice fasting tips

    A common error with people entering the world of juice fasting is the idea to 'stock up on fuel' the night before the fast commences by having a large meal. This is entirely the wrong thing to do. You should have a light, easy to digest meal such as steamed fish and vegetables the night before a juice fast to 'ease' the body into the fasting process.

    Try to have some variety in your detox juices so that you don't get bored or sick of the same juice taste all the time. An added benefit of this is that your body will receive a wider array of vitamins, phytochemicals, minerals and enzymes for use in its cell generation and cell repair.

    Make sure you drink your juice as soon as you have finished making it as otherwise the enzymes in the juice will start digesting the other nutrients in the juice.

    Do not use shop bought juice as these have a much lower nutritional content due to the preservation techniques used in their preparation, i.e. heat treated juices lose their nutritional enzymes value.

    Try and make sure that you drink filtered or purified water rather than tap or mineral water. This is because you don't want to cancel out the fast cleansing effect by introducing unknown minerals, chlorine etc into your body through unfiltered and unpurified water.

    You should not smoke or drink alcohol during your fast as these actions introduce toxins into your body and defeat some of the main purposes of juice fasting. After your fast make sure you have had a few solid meals before drinking alcohol as your body will be more susceptible to its effects.

    When you finish your fast ease your body back into solid foods with simple easy to digest food such as soup or porridge.
    16 Essential Juice Fasting Tips
    16 Essential Juice Fasting Tips
    By: Oliver Villaverde

    Fasting is inexpensive, it does not cost much if you decide to administer it. All you need is determination and patience and your doctors guidance. Remember to never administer fasting on your own or without ample information.

    Fasting is one of the most effective ways of treating deceases and it is also considered as one of the cornerstone of natural healing. It is also scientific and Biblical, almost all religion in the world acknowledge fasting as a way to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit.

    When we fast our skin, lungs, kidney and bowels dispose of the accumulated waste and toxins we have in our internal system that causes deceases. Fasting regenerates the blood, and repairs the different tissues and cells of our body.

    I suggest that you printout this article and post it in your refrigerator and workplace in order to keep you reminded of what to do. I will also be recording a show about Fasting on the “Ollie Style Radio Show” which can be heard on the internet at Ollie Style Radio Show

    Here are the fifteen Tips:

    1. Drinking natural juices or water is said to be the best way to go if you are starting to fast. Experts stress that drinking alkaline juice is better than water so drink fruit juices.

    2. You should only drink fresh juices. To prepare alkaline juices you should use fresh fruits like grapes and oranges as it normalizes all body processes and flushes out uric acid and other organic acids faster.

    3. Organic Juices should be taken immediately after preparation.

    4. Do not drink powdered, canned, or frozen juices. Only fresh juices should be used.

    5. Your bowels should be emptied, ask your physician about enema. Enemas should be done at least every other day during fasting, it reduces or eliminates gas or decomposing wastes in your stomach or bowels.

    6. While fasting, you should get enough fresh air, drink only juices or warm water not cold water.

    7. Your water or juice intake should be six to eight glasses a day.

    8. Avoid strenuous physical activities. Take only short walks.

    9. Get as much mental and physical rest during fasting.

    10. If you experience vomiting, diarrhea or dizziness and it does not cease, stop the fast. Take cooked vegetables slowly do not overeat. Only take moderate amounts of food.

    11. Do not take cold water when bathing, it is advisable to use warm or neutral water, also take a bath everyday.

    12. If you can't sleep at night while fasting, take a warm bath.

    13. For starters fast only for two to three days.

    14. If the three days is over do not eat solid food immediately. Eat slowly, and in small amounts. Chew the food thoroughly, and do not over eat. Gradually eat your food.

    15. It is also advisable to take the same alkaline juices that you took while gradually returning to your normal food intake. Remember to eat your food slowly and you will be out of harms way.

    16. Always consult a health professional when fasting.

    During fasting self digestion occurs. The body eliminates or burns the bad tissues and bad cells in our body, this is the way our body cures and rejuvenates itself. When we fast, regeneration or the building up of new cells is hastened by the amino acids released by the cells in our body. Fasting helps our lungs, liver, and kidneys function more effectively because the burden of having deceased cells and wastes is taken off these internal organs, thus giving these organs rest and as a result fasting not only cleans and clears our body but also our mind.
  • Nov 29, 2007, 03:32 PM
    I am 51 years old in good health, about 5'10” 186 lbs work out five days per week. I am considering fasting for the first time. How should I start? Can I drink juices during my fasting period? How should I begin, can I drink juices for the period of my fasting?
  • Nov 30, 2007, 10:00 AM
    Follow pretty much everything everybody has told you so far.

    Start your day with water (not tap) and some fresh fruits (grapefruit is good for weight loss).
    What Firmbeliver said is very accurate. Fasting is to cleanse out the toxins so we are less susceptible to diseases.
    Alkaline balances your bodies PH
    Also Throw away the table salt and use fine granulated sea salt.
    Take taurine to balance your sodium/potassium levels
    Eat yogurt but not an hour within the time you eat dairy or take calcium.

    Also do not put unrealistic goals on yourself.
    Plan your fast for a week at a time and include healthy foods to snack on.
    Clean your plate but make it easy by not filling it with stuff you don't want in your cleansing diet. Eat the healthy foods others have said like the hallelujah diet.

    Eat only natural foods and N0 frozen prepared meals, junk food, fast food or diet food.
  • Jul 30, 2008, 07:15 AM
    I have done a 25 day fast before, and the best thing I can tell you is that the first 5-7 days are the hardest, because you want to eat every crumb you see, but if you get past that, the rest is seriously easy, and you feel so much better, for the bad breath, just keep gum stocked.. Make sure it's the stuff with out aspartame in it, and don’t drink just any juice, make sure you bye fresh veggies, and fruit, and juice it with a juicer, also make a point to drink vegetable and or beef/chicken broth, but most of all.. Drink a cap load of water.. That will help your body clean out the toxins. If you end up going for the full 40 days, you have to make sure you have all that intake, because after 10 days, your body essentially starts feeding off the fats in your body, not sugars.. That’s why you lose weight, but after about 30 days, your organs can start to shut down, so be really careful once you get to that mark. Once you get to about day 6-10 you'll notice too that you don’t poop a lot.. this is when you need to be careful.. Because you won't for about 2 days, and then all of a sudden.. You’ll have wicked bad weird.. stool but it will be a tar substance, this is all the toxins that your body is cleaning out of you intestines. Watch out for that.. got me a few times.. Other than that I'm not sure what else I can tell you.. o.. Dairy product.. after about 10 days.. stay far away.. the will make you really sick to your stomach. -have fun
  • Jul 30, 2008, 07:26 AM
    Also if you do a long fast you have to gradually work your way back to eating
    Never just start by eating a full dinner
    Start back with Jello, pudding, mashed potatoes, etc... then meat and heavy foods last.
  • Aug 22, 2008, 07:45 AM
    So, just to update you guys, I'm doing another forty day fast , I am currently on day 22, feeling fine, getting to that point where I hit a bit of a wall.. wanting to quit, but drinking lots of fresh pressed juice and water, so I'm feeling really good, my body has cleaned its self out really well, having a lot of good side affect, skin is clearing up,. no caffine means no caffine addiction.. which means no headaches if I don't get any, tons of energy, sleep a lot better, get a lot more rest out of sleep. Any questions give me a shout!
  • Feb 10, 2009, 11:32 PM

    At first blush, it may sound like a strange concept; to drink plain, hot water. You probably wouldn't think there would be any benefit, health wise, to do so. Sure, we all know drinking cold water, on a regular basis, is good for us. However, some experts believe that drinking hot water can be just as beneficial as drinking cold water, but for different reasons. The main purpose of drinking any liquid, water in particular, is to hydrate our body. Either hot or cold water will serve this purpose. Obviously, cold water sounds more tempting than hot water.

    There is some evidence to suggest you can benefit from some extra calories being burned by drinking cold water. The body has to regulate its temperature to around 98.6 degrees. Drinking cold water forces the body to work a little harder to bring the temperature back up. Cold water is absorbed into the blood stream more easily. By being absorbed into the blood stream easier, it helps to keep your body better hydrated. Especially after heavy physical activity and a lot of sweating has occurred. So, with all these benefits of drinking cold water, what benefit could drinking hot water possibly have? Would purifying your body be a good enough reason? Drinking hot water is kind of like going to a sauna.

    When you drink a glass or two of hot water, your body temperature will increase a little. Just like when you drink cold water, and your body had to regulate temperature by heating up, the hot water will cause your body to want to cool down. The way our bodies cool down is by sweating. When we sweat from drinking hot water, we are helping to purify our bloodstreams. We literally sweat out the toxins which have built up in our body.

    Some evidence suggests that by drinking hot water, we remove built up deposits in our nervous system. These deposits are responsible for creating negative thoughts and emotions. By removing these build ups, we can help to purify our thoughts and put us in a better emotional state. Drinking hot water can also actually purify the toxins out of your body.
  • Nov 28, 2010, 11:03 AM
    Hi there can I prepare the juice the night before ready for my first juice fast guys
  • Feb 1, 2011, 06:02 PM
    I would love to know someone who would do this 30 day juice fast with me... no one that I know or work with has the will power to do it. Is there someone out there that can support me and do this fast with me? Id love to do 40 days, but I cannot do it alone. Ive done 25 days before... it was great . I just need a boost. I will start tomorrow, but it would be great to have someone who is doing it as well. Elisabeth
  • Feb 2, 2011, 12:00 PM
    Comment on JohannaAdams21's post
    Johanna, how did you get started without falling backwards and eating food? If you can give me some tips, Id love that. Liz
  • Apr 30, 2011, 02:58 AM
    You can but your not suppose to because the enzymes will start using up the nutrients. Its best to drink it shortly after being prepared.
  • Aug 8, 2011, 10:35 PM
    I'm planning on doing a 40 day liquid/juice fast starting in a few days and was wondering what would be some good preparation techniques to take before commencing with the fast? Thanks in advance and God bless...
  • Nov 12, 2011, 07:31 PM
    Hey I'm on my second juice fast I find it easy as I eat very healthy and workout but Lately I've noticed my cravings have been out of hand with the weather change. Just to give advise to those getting ready to start, I've tried water fasts and could not make it more than 2 days the juice fast helps provide your body with nutrients to help heal. My Advise is to do your first fast for 5 days Days 2-3 are the toughest. Once you hit day 4 it your appetite changes dramatically. Keep yourself away from food and others eating it makes it hard, out of sight out of mind. I would take baths or showers twice a day it's nice an theraptic. Another tip try to drink juice after making it. I often store just enough to last half day then I make a second batch in the afternoon. You will benefit much more as the vitamins do deplete over time. Another tip is not to think about it as much as possible. Keep thinking one day at a time. After you get through your first 5 day fast it becomes easier personally once I hit day 5 I don't crave food I just really miss different flavors etc. I'm on day 4 of my second fast and my goal is to lose a significant amount as I have a Hypothyroid I find it near impossible to lose weight this is the first time in 7 years I've successfully lost weight. It's hard but you have to remember the reward of healing your body and slimming down once you do it eating well is easy. Also your body needs time to adjust to eating again so the first couple of days stick to soups and raw food until you adjust the amazing thing is that after this fast your appetite changes completely.
  • Jan 17, 2012, 05:32 AM
    I realize this thread is old. BUT if anyone is still around... To the creator of this thread:

    Try meditation. You have said specifically that it is in your head and not in your stomach. There is no magic cure to food addiction. Try easing into the juice fast by starting with raw foods for a few days and during your fast get some friends or family members to support you. Whenever you feel the need to binge call them up and talk it out. If you don't have anyone then do what I said before and meditate. This is a perfect time to really connect with your body, observe your cravings and ask yourself why you are having them. I have had binge eating disorder in the past and sometimes it seems like there is no way out. I have done water fasting and am starting a 30 day juice fast tomorrow! I have researched like crazy and I feel prepared.

    To troymason-nonono. Juices start losing their nutrition almost immediately. Try drinking the juice within an hour of preparation. I realize that this is impoactical for those working and with other obligations but try juicing right before you leave the house (You can always clean up when you get home right? :] )
  • Feb 6, 2012, 03:51 PM
    Having completed a 40 day fast and a 42 day fast, I have to say most of the above advise is great, I add bee pollen and spirulina to my juices and intuit which fruit or vegetables I need to juice, the first week of the first fast was the toughest. On the second fast my mind and body knew what to expect and was much easier.
    The enemas seemed to really help the process, and each time I got more and more energy, the longer the fast went on.
    Its good to drink cleansing tea, like nettle and burdock, and you may wish to take phllysimum husks to cleanse the bowel. Also I usually add camomile tea and honey to the enemas as its better for the body not to use plain water.
    It becomes like a meditation, clears the mind, and as you fast it is great to shed negative thoughts and clear out other things in your life that require attention.
    Yoga, and gentle walks help and the body becomes much more flexible and all the senses heighten.
    Bathing is essential and you may wish to add epsom salt to the bath, and dry brush your skin to assist in detoxification.
    It definitely rejuvenates the whole system and this year I start my fast on the 22 and feb and inspired a few others are joining me this year, being spiritual helps me and guides me through this amazing journey.
    Blessings to you all, happy fasting
  • Feb 20, 2012, 01:25 PM
    The best thing to do is drink your juice right away. After time oxidation happens and you start to loose the enzymes that are so beneficial. Since this is not easy and most of us do not have the time to prepare fresh juice throughout the day, you can store it in the fridge. You will need a jar (glass is best) with a tight lid & try to fill it completely so there is little air inside. I would never drink any fresh juice longer than 24 hours or if it begins to turn a brownish color. Some people also use vacuum sealed jars, bags, etc. in short, store in a tightly sealed jar, limit air as much as possible & drink within 24 hours.
  • Feb 20, 2012, 01:27 PM
    The best thing to do is drink your juice right away. After time oxidation happens and you start to loose the enzymes that are so beneficial. Since this is not easy and most of us do not have the time to prepare fresh juice throughout the day, you can store it in the fridge. You will need a jar (glass is best) with a tight lid & try to fill it completely so there is little air inside. I would never drink any fresh juice longer than 24 hours or if it begins to turn a brownish color. Some people also use vacuum sealed jars, bags, etc. in short, store in a tightly sealed jar, limit air as much as possible & drink within 24 hours. Good luck, keep at it, it gets easier quickly!

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