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  • Sep 19, 2007, 09:28 PM
    A lonely pigeon in Montreal Canada - can I have your opinions about her?
    In December 2006 a lonely pigeon appeared in the backyard, and came everyday to get fed (I live in Montreal, Canada, and I put out birdseed for any birds who wish to have some food!) I do not know much about birds and I was wondering if anyone could give me some opinions. Amongst the regular little sparrows and black birds etc. (do not know all of their names) there suddenly appeared a grey pigeon, always alone. She seems to be lost or an outcast... could this be possible? I have always seen pigeons roosting together, sheltered from the cold all together. I am so curious about this pigeon as to why she is alone.
    Last week I noticed my cat out on my enclosed balcony looking up and making some funny excited sounds and there she was - moved in to the top part of the chimney. She is quite a character as she seems to be friendly and always wants to look right into my eyes... she is not afraid (I hope though, that she is afraid of Ginger and does not decide to come and land inside the balcony as there is no roof, only enclosed high recycled windows so that the cats do not jump over the balcony (which happened when Ginger was a kitten and he had a very very serious big surgery from that fall!)... anyways back to the pigeon!!
    I would like to know if anyone has any opinions as to why this pigeon is alone. I do not feed the birds at anytime except the winter. Also, I am worried as to what will happen when the heating is turned on and she has her place at the top of the chimney:( YIKES!!
    Could she be a "homing pigeon" that somehow got lost, or perhaps the location was shut down or..? Thank you for any opinions you send me! :)
  • Sep 21, 2007, 02:43 AM
    Hi when the pigeon comes down to feed have a look at its legs to see if there is a ring or rubber white band on the legs,
    If the bird is a racing pigeon then the bird will have 1 solid closed ring on at least and if it dropped out of a race it will have a rubber band on the opposite leg..

    There are many pigeons that become loners and if they find a regular food source then it will keep coming back to it... when you turn the fire on I'm almost sure the bird will find somewhere else to roost but it will be near by and should come to feed :)
  • Sep 21, 2007, 09:22 AM

    Originally Posted by mrssittingduck
    hi when the pigeon comes down to feed have a look at its legs to see if their is a ring or rubber white band on the legs,
    if the bird is a racing pigeon then the bird will have 1 solid closed ring on at least and if it dropped out of a race it will have a rubber band on the opposite leg..

    their are many pigeons that become loners and if they find a regular food source then it will keep coming back to it...when you turn the fire on im almost sure the bird will find somewhere else to roost but it will be near by and should come to feed :)

    Thank you for your reply. Just to let you know though, that I only feed the birds in the winter. Now it is summer here in Montreal Canada. Also, I am unable to look at its legs because when I feed them I throw the food down into a garden from my balcony and so can not get near to them... so, this pigeon has been hanging around since last March, 7 months ago, even though I do not feed her. And I think she enjoys one of my cats constantly chirping at her wishing he could catch and eat her :(
    Thanks anyway.
  • Sep 22, 2007, 02:57 PM
    If he is hanging around he must have a local food source or nest near by somewhere, as they will stick by a food source, don't worry too much about him or her, just enjoy it while you can...
    In the uk where I am there are pigeons still nesting and rearing chicks so this may be the reason he is still about in the area and coming down constantly as he will be after food for the chicks, as you say he may be lost and got knocked out of a race, or its owner may live locally as many people still have their pigeons out , they are only really locked in when when they are breeding with them or getting them ready for races in other countrys, even then they are still let out in the day to exercise...

    I'm sure the pigeon will be fine, as long as it can fly there is no problems as it can escape if need be,
  • Sep 28, 2007, 01:53 PM

    Originally Posted by mrssittingduck
    hi when the pigeon comes down to feed have a look at its legs to see if their is a ring or rubber white band on the legs,
    if the bird is a racing pigeon then the bird will have 1 solid closed ring on at least and if it dropped out of a race it will have a rubber band on the opposite leg..

    their are many pigeons that become loners and if they find a regular food source then it will keep coming back to it...when you turn the fire on im almost sure the bird will find somewhere else to roost but it will be near by and should come to feed :)

    Help again... the landlord wants the pigeon and also her friend... who recently appeared... maybe a male... and maybe there are babies in there... she wants them out of the chimney... do you know of any non violent way to have them leave the home that they have made up there? Thanks.
  • Sep 29, 2007, 04:57 AM
    Pigeons will keep coming back to a food source so it will be difficult, use reflective items next to where it is nesting , if all else fails you ,may have to wait till they sare away from the spot and light your fire, hopefully then they will vacate the premises, good luck and will ask around my pigeon friends see if anything else can be done,
  • Oct 6, 2007, 07:47 AM

    Originally Posted by mrssittingduck
    pigeons will keep coming back to a food source so it will be difficult, use reflective items next to where it is nesting , if all else fails you ,may have to wait till they sare away from the spot and light your fire, hopefully then they will vacate the premises, good luck and will ask around my pigeon friends see if anything else can be done,

    Thank you for your opinion. Some more news. I have now noticed MORE pigeons
    There are 3 that I see. The landlord told me that they have gone all the way down inside the chimney and it is full of filth, feces etc.

    What worries me is that when the furnace goes on... will they be injured or killed from the heat or can they get out quickly. THe landlord has already used the furnace a couple of times in the past month and it seems that they are still here... :(

    As far as waiting when they are away... I cannot ever tell if they are away or if there is one in the chimney etc. I am ill, if I could I would physically go up on the roof to get them out... what do you think of tying a piece of screening around the open area where they go into the chimney?

    :( :confused: :eek:
  • Oct 6, 2007, 09:22 AM
    Hmm if the chimney is covered in feaces all the way down it is not beause the birds have been down inside it, if a bird was to fall down a chimney it would not be able to get back out by flying as they do not go straight up in the air , in order for them to gain height they must first go across... so you know that the birds do not live all the way down inside the chimney ;\0 they may live on a ledge a little way into the chimney but close enough to the top they can jump out of it, however pigeons usually like to nest in open places and so it is more than likely it is nesting outside by the drain pipes or corners of the roof rather than down the chimney...
    The filth in the chimney will be from a while back unless it is regularly cleaned then you will no stop the filth accumilating and it won't just be off pigeons.

    The chances are if the bird is stuck inside he chimney it would be roasted pigeon as he has had it lit before and not to long time ago, however as the pigeon is still been viewed and withmore in tow then it is safe to say it isn't nesting inside it :)
    If their was a bird in the chimney stuck then you would hear it flapping about and more than likely have dust falling out and you would hear its crys...
    So please don't worry too much about thi,
    However if the pigeon is been a pest and has brought more o it then the only solution is to not feed them, if they haven't got a regular source of food then they will have to move in search of the food..
    If you could get your landlord to go up ontop of the roof and remove any pigeon nest he finds and also any eggs before he has to have the furnace on then this will help, however I'm not sure on your laws about nesting birds and eggs so check with a local authority before getting him to remove them!!
    Or gie the local pest services a ring and tell them of the problem, in the uk pigeons are classed as pests and so pest companys here can and do sort them out...
    The screening should work if you use it properly however you may find the odd bird tangled in it due to them not been used to it being their...

    Best of luck with this,
  • Oct 6, 2007, 11:03 AM

    Originally Posted by mrssittingduck
    hmm if the chimney is covered in feaces all the way down it is not beause the birds have been down inside it, if a bird was to fall down a chimney it would not be able to get back out by flying as they do not go straight up in the air , in order for them to gain height they must first go across... so you know that the birds do not live all the way down inside the chimney ;\0 they may live on a ledge a little way into the chimney but close enough to the top they can jump out of it, however pigeons usually like to nest in open places and so it is more than likely it is nesting outside by the drain pipes or corners of the roof rather than down the chimney ....
    the filth in the chimney will be from a while back unless it is regularly cleaned then you will no stop the filth accumilating and it wont just be off pigeons.

    the chances are if the bird is stuck inside he chimney it would be roasted pigeon as he has had it lit before and not to long time ago, however as the pigeon is still been viewed and withmore in tow then it is safe to say it isnt nesting inside it :)
    if their was a bird in the chimney stuck then you would hear it flapping about and more than likely have dust falling out and you would hear its crys...
    so please dont worry to much about thi,
    however if the pigeon is been a pest and has brought more o it then the only solution is to not feed them, if they havnt got a regular source of food then they will have to move in search of the food ..
    if you could get your landlord to go up ontop of the roof and remove any pigeon nest he finds and also any eggs before he has to have the furnace on then this wil help, however im not sure on your laws about nesting birds and eggs so check with a local authority before getting him to remove them !!!!!
    or gie the local pest services a ring and tell them of the problem, in the uk pigeons are classed as pests and so pest companys here can and do sort them out...
    the screening should work if you use it properly however you may find the odd bird tangled in it due to them not been used to it being their....

    best of luck with this,

    Thanks again... I just find it so odd when I saw THREE coming out of there and all being full grown... YIKES!! Well here in Canada specifically in MOntreal unfortunately we have a terrible system for animals set up and there is no one that would come here and go up on the roof and look in the chimney etc..! I would have to pay someone to do that.
    Well, I guess we will see what happens again when the heating is turned on. I hope that they leave and do not think... hey this is nice and warm!!
    :eek: :(
  • Oct 10, 2007, 09:54 PM
    I would be very careful in getting the pigeons out, pigeon poop can cause serious illness/death. Maybe call a trapper, or a cleaner to get rid of them.
  • Nov 7, 2007, 08:18 PM

    Originally Posted by violet0019
    In December 2006 a lonely pigeon appeared in the backyard, and came everyday to get fed (I live in Montreal, Canada, and I put out birdseed for any birds who wish to have some food!) I do not know much about birds and I was wondering if anyone could give me some opinions. Amongst the regular little sparrows and black birds etc. (do not know all of their names) there suddenly appeared a grey pigeon, always alone. She seems to be lost or an outcast....could this be possible? I have always seen pigeons roosting together, sheltered from the cold all together. I am so curious about this pigeon as to why she is alone.
    Last week I noticed my cat out on my enclosed balcony looking up and making some funny excited sounds and there she was - moved in to the top part of the chimney. She is quite a character as she seems to be friendly and always wants to look right into my eyes....she is not afraid (I hope though, that she is afraid of Ginger and does not decide to come and land inside the balcony as there is no roof, only enclosed high recycled windows so that the cats do not jump over the balcony (which happened when Ginger was a kitten and he had a very very serious big surgery from that fall!)......anyways back to the pigeon!!!!
    I would like to know if anyone has any opinions as to why this pigeon is alone. I do not feed the birds at anytime except the winter. Also, I am worried as to what will happen when the heating is turned on and she has her place at the top of the chimney:( YIKES!!!
    Could she be a "homing pigeon" that somehow got lost, or perhaps the location was shut down or.....??? Thank you for any opinions you send me! :)

    Try feeding pea,s also if she is an homer a life ring will be on the right leg contact a pigeon club if was lost in a race would have a rubber rong on left leg
  • Sep 10, 2009, 03:05 AM
    I know none of you have posted in quite some time but I have a strange story to tell. I was at McDonalds with my wife at the drive through window here in Montreal. We noticed a puffed up pigeon laying on the ground not more than 10 feet away from the nose of our auto. I honked my horn and the little guy flew towards us and landed on my side mirror. I then drove to a parking spot no more than 100 feet away with the bird riding along as if it were totally normal to do so. I extended my hand only to have him peck at my hand a couple of times before he jumped right on. I then passed him over to my wife (I think he has a thing for her) and he rode the whole way home with us on her hand. I decided to take him home because he wasn't acting normally by laying in front of cars at the drive through. Someone would have killed him for sure.

    My question is... is this bird domesticated? Because I have encountered many a pigeon in my time and never, NEVER has one been so friendly and forward... they are usually so skittish and scared of us humans.

    So this bird is now in my garage. The interior door to the garage that leads to the house is metal. I can here him knocking on the door with his beak. This isn't a normal pigeon. I think he wants to come inside. I have 3 cats and a pitbull and they only seem to interest him rather than scare him off. We are all completely confused.

    If anyone has an opinion about this strange behavior please let me know.

    One thing for sure is... here in Montreal, we have really weird pigeons!!

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