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  • Sep 15, 2007, 04:57 PM
    Custody for my grandchildren
    Hi I have a court date next month for I'm taking my son and his girlfriend there so I can go for custody of the children the ages are 13 month and 2 month old .Does anyone know how I would have to go about to prove unfit. They live with my daughter in a 3 bdrm trailer and she has her own family as well. Every time the kids get into it the girlfriend goes to her parents and they play these games like my grandmother is taking me to domestic shelter and u can't c the kids etc. etc. The girl will be 21 in December along with my son and she can't think for herself her parents and grandmother does it for her. Any Advice? :mad: A very upset grandma
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:41 PM
    A lot will depend on the judge, but you will normally have to prove that the children are not being feed properly, not cleaned, that there is something that places the children in danger.
    Merely taking the kids tolive with the children's mother in her mothers home is just life.

    If you son wants to separate and file for custody, but you are going to have to prove not only their mother but your son is unfit and this is not going to be easy. I would assume your attorney has told you that there is little chance of this winning
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:57 PM
    The girlfriend does not live with her mother not that would be a problem the two kids need a lot of growing up to do. I feel bad for the babies my son and his girlfriend don't have a home really,my son works part time and she refuses. Her family tell her it's a man job to do that as we all know it takes 2 these day's . My son and her did go file joint but as kids things aren't as important I guess. As god as my witness he knows I been preeching to these children. And when my son leaves for early in the morning she leaves with the kids before they are fed and bath. And if it is raining she has to walk them 2-3 blocks down the street to be pick up and we are not allow to even call her @ her parents nor is my son allowed in front of drive way either they feel we are not part of the children lives her family does I feel she been mentally or phycial abuse as growing up she is soon to be 21 and her family has to think and tell her what to do I told her that she and my son are the parents of the kids not me not her family anyone .I really don't want to do this I hope it is a wake up call before cps or someone else steps in but I also know I won't get custody but I will get my visitation and they can't stop that when they go to play there mind games when it hits them.I pray every night to god for some type of guidance and soon he will answer my prayers I know he will.Thank YOu

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