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  • Sep 15, 2007, 01:22 PM
    My House Is Haunted!

    I live in a haunted house. The ghost seems to bother me the most, but everyone else has seen things happen too. I have actually seen the ghosts face. I get things throwns at me, I get locked out of my room, things get stolen, my hair gets pulled out. I see shadows all the time, and I get pinched. I am depressed all the time. I live in fear, and I can't even sleep in my own room. We've tried EVERYTHING but the ghost won't leave. And every time I talk to it, just asking it nicely to go to the other side or leave. Things get worse and worse. I'm only 15 and this is getting way out of hand. I've had thoughts to run away. My mom won't move either. Its seems she'd rather keep living here and have us all be tortured,is there any way I can convince her we NEED to move?
  • Sep 15, 2007, 01:25 PM
    Girl I Would Move And Beg Her To Death!! :d
  • Sep 15, 2007, 01:26 PM
    Has your mother tried having the house blessed? I have heard of that working in some cases. :)
  • Sep 15, 2007, 01:34 PM
    We've tried having all that stuff done, but I did some research, and since ghosts are the study of the " unknown" nobody really knows how to get rid of ghosts and God does not step in to save the life of a small child being abused, so why would He step in to remove a spirit?
  • Sep 15, 2007, 02:25 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm
    we've tried having all that stuff done, but i did some research, and since ghosts are the study of the " unknown" nobody really knows how to get rid of ghosts and God does not step in to save the life of a small child being abused, so why would He step in to remove a spirit?

    As you sound like there's no way to get this ghost out of your house, would you be willing to try out something I suggest?
    It is from my religion,but if you are desperate, why not try it and find out if it helps.

    Do let me know...
  • Sep 15, 2007, 04:10 PM
    I also lived in a haunted house for 2 years. After this time, the ghost left. There are several things you can do. First, consider if anyone living in the house has wronged anyone that you know of. Sometimes spirits will become angry at injustice. Second, put a bowl of water in the light of the full moon for 3 nights. Every night, go out and say a prayer over it, asking that it be holy water. Sprinkle it in every room of the house, while asking God to remove the spirit. Third, consider using a voice recorder. A digital recorder works best. You will not be able to hear a voice with a tape recorder. We did this in my house. You ask the spirit why it is there and then leave the room and leave the recorder on. Come back after a while and play it back. You may be shocked to hear the spirit's voice answering your questions. I don't know why they can talk on recorders but not in real life, but they can. If you use a tape recorder like on an answering machine, they will answer with bangs or clanging sounds. To do this ask the spirit politely to speak to you. Then tell it to answer with one bang for yes and two for no. Listen to the blank tape before you do this so that you know there are no noises like that on it to begin with. You ask a question and then hit record. Let it run for at least 2 min. Then play it back and you might be surprised. It's kind of like that movie White Noise, except they made it all scary and its really not. I was surprised when this worked. Using the yes/no format, we were able to find out that the ghost in my house was a young woman who committed suicide. I think she just wanted to be able to communicate because after that, she went away. Its been two years and we've never seen another sign of our house being haunted. Spirits can't hurt you, but please take what they say and do with a grain of salt. Never do anything a spirit tells you to do, that you don't want to do. There are spirits who will try to trick you as well as benevelent spirits who will help you. I know this sounds nuts, but give it a shot. If you think you'll be scared, have a friend do it with you. Also, if you use a non digital recorder, it might just sound like breaking glass or someone banging on something metal.
    Also, I believe when a spirit manefests itself, it is not tied to the location but rather to the person. Spirits manifest in this way to increase our awareness of life after death and spirituality. Look at it as a spooky lesson. This way, you will know spirits are real, while some people may struggle with that issue. Consider it an opportunity for spiritual growth. If it is scaring you, ask it nicely to please not startle you or appear to you. Say a prayer to God to protect you, and then don't worry. It may be annoying, but it can't hurt you. God Bless YOU!;)
  • Sep 15, 2007, 04:17 PM
    K I lived in α hαunted house- I αlso mαde α forum too..

    Well I moved out one but when I wαs there I ignored it.. αt first it pissed them the hell off-- trust me but if you show no feαr αnd ignore it they go αwαy-- it worked for me :)

    Good luck to yα
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:34 PM
    We have lived at this house for my whole life, and have always had problems. We've tried prayers before, but every time we say a prayer, or ask it questions or just to leave us alone, everything gets worse. I get things thrown at me now, or my hair ripped out or pinched
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:44 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm

    i live in a haunted house. the ghost seems to bother me the most, but everyone else has seen things happen too. i have actually seen the ghosts face. I get things throwns at me, i get locked out of my room, things get stolen, my hair gets pulled out. i see shadows all the time, and i get pinched. I am depressed all the time. i live in fear, and i can't even sleep in my own room. we've tried EVERYTHING but the ghost wont leave. and every time i talk to it, just asking it nicely to go to the other side or leave. things get worse and worse. im only 15 and this is getting way out of hand. ive had thoughts to run away. My mom wont move either. its seems she'd rather keep living here and have us all be tortured,is there any way i can convince her we NEED to move?

    This sounds like a disturbed person who died and then did not go "into the light" so you are dealing with someone very upset, angry they are dead, perhaps jealous you are alive and he/she is not. In denial they are "dead".. dead meaning discarnate.. "without a physical body".. not actually.. really dead, just without a body.

    I've never lived in a haunted house or apartment, I would think by day it would be fun, but I know that this sounds very scary and disturbing. It could also be a poltergeist, which means its excess psychic energy that is coming from you, and not actually a haunting. A lot of times it comes from a female herself, just during or after puberty.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:48 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm
    we've tried having all that stuff done, but i did some research, and since ghosts are the study of the " unknown" nobody really knows how to get rid of ghosts and God does not step in to save the life of a small child being abused, so why would He step in to remove a spirit?

    That's a very good point, which is why most people have spirit guides.. there's a lot of order going on. Every soul has a free will and if they don't want to "move on" they will not until they are ready. Some time collector souls have to come for them and entice them to move on.. in actuality they can haunt a spot for hundreds of years, but to them it doesn't feel as though a lot of time has gone by!

    You know, you could meditate on your spirit guide to deal with this ghost, focusing on your guide and visualizing a ray of light going from you and connecting to your guide. There is great power in visualization. Telepathically focus and tell your guide that you want your guide to deal with this ghost and have this ghost moved on to a different dimension. See what happens. There's many ways to go about this.

    This could be a learning lesson for you on how to deal with this matter, and a test to see if you can rise to the challenge instead of self destructing or becoming fearful.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 05:53 PM
    I know I should try doing things like that but I feel like the ghost is angry that I'm trying to make it leave, whenever I try anything at all to make it leave, everything gets worse. After all, the ghost was there First
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:21 PM
    K this is coming from my point of view αnd if αny of this is true you should stop or throw it out αnd see whαt the results αre in the home.. I gαurentee you it'll stop:

    Is there αnything in your house? Like this:

    -witchcrαft [you doing this or some αrtifαcts thαt αre relαted to it like the oujiα boαrd?]
    -porn [i know sounds weird but porn brings demons in your house.. no lie-- k porn lovers you cαn get α stαb αt me now]
    -horror films [like the excorcism of emily rose?. αnything like thαt... ]
    -horoscopes, tαrot cαrd... follows through with witchcrαft...
    -heαvy medαl music, rock, rαp, emo? [bαsicαlly cussing αnd sαtαn worshiping, I wαnnα kill myself or my mom kind of music.. ]

    Here αre something's thαt could contribute to it:
    -pre mαritαl sex [gαy or strαight]
    -cutting self or hurting self
    -killing? [i don't know but it is possible]
    -sαtαnic rituαls?

    Like I sαid stop these αnd then you'll be αt peαce.. I'm sure there is α source to bringing this "demon" or "ghost" to your home..

    "evil" to comes in when α door is open for it
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:24 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm
    I know i should try doing things like that but i feel like the ghost is angry that I'm trying to make it leave, whenever I try anything at all to make it leave, everything gets worse. After all, the ghost was there First

    Don't do it in the house then, do it away from the house. Your guide is powerful.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:24 PM

    Originally Posted by saraispiel19
    k this is coming from my point of view αnd if αny of this is true you should stop or throw it out αnd see whαt the results αre in the home.. i gαurentee you it'll stop:

    is there αnything in your house? like this:

    -witchcrαft [you doing this or some αrtifαcts thαt αre relαted to it like the oujiα boαrd?]
    -porn [i know sounds wierd but porn brings demons in your lie-- k porn lovers you cαn get α stαb αt me now]
    -horror films [like the excorcism of emily rose?..αnything like thαt...]
    -horoscopes, tαrot cαrd...follows through with witchcrαft...
    -heαvy medαl music, rock, rαp, emo? [bαsicαlly cussing αnd sαtαn worshiping, i wαnnα kill myself or my mom kind of music..]

    here αre somethings thαt could contribute to it:
    -pre mαritαl sex [gαy or strαight]
    -cutting self or hurting self

    like i sαid stop these αnd then you'll be αt peαce.. i'm sure there is α source to bringing this "demon" or "ghost" to your home..

    there αlwαys is αn open door for "evil" to come in

    Lol, none of these things happen at my house:confused:
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:27 PM
    Is αnyone in the house doing αnything on thαt list?

    --i'm pretty much concerned for your well-being now.. since you αre now experiencing getting your hαir pulled out αnd things thrown αt you..
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:33 PM
    You know normally I wouldn't say anything about someone else's post, but I have to say something here. I have studied the paranormal for decades and have had only positive spiritual experiences since as early as I can remember, at the age of 7, 11, 12, etc.

    I have never had a negative spiritual experience IN MY LIFE. Don't plan to either.

    Most of what you wrote here is ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY UNTRUE.

    There's nothing wrong w/ "tarot, astrology" those are intelligent studies that have science behind them. There is as great deal of fear involved with people who think this way, and they are always told to think this way. All my life I've had to hear people say things like this, and they were the most unhappy people, claiming to be religious or thinking they were on some "right path" and committing all kinds of "sins" themselves instead.. having affairs with married people, involved people, cheating, lying, swearing, judging, etc. They claim that "noones perfect" when they get caught.. like Jim Jones, Jim Baker, Tammy Faye, and an endless array of hypocrites who do not know the first thing about spirituality other than to repress everyone's natural abilities and say that its either "wrong" or "evil". My god, that is absolutely EVIL in of itself to do to people! That's robbing them of their own spirit, and what their souls can do, its stripping them of their psychic abilities, denying their passion and creativity, their very spirit! You wonder why this world is so effed up? Look around and see all the rules and regulations of most religions, and know why there are still wars going on, always over religions and the religions all thinking they are the only right one, and that they will actually kill people to prove it?

    Where have people gone in their minds when they forget that spirituality is NOT about killing?

    Its just not right for people to judge what they don't understand based on what they were told by fear based teachings. There are a tremendous amount of good people out there creating good in the world and not perpetuating fear based beliefs that are believed and repeated because someone else told someone to believe that. The best thing you can do is do your OWN RESEARCH and not just mimic what your parents or religion claims to know, when they know very little actually.

    There's nothing wrong w/ wicca. There's nothing wrong w/ porn.. unless a person is addicted to it and it interferes with their relationship. That's all subjective anyway.

    There's nothing wrong with astrology, it is an immensely accurate science. There's nothing wrong with tarot, it can tell you what's going on faster than anything else. Nothing wrong w/ hypnosis either, I guess you have a problem w/ that because someone told you it was wrong too.

    The problem with today's religions is that they spend their time condemning anything, and everyone that doesn't share in their beliefs, and that is beyond arrogance. There's also no proof for what they claim to believe is true.

    Most major religions don't believe in reincarnation and yet Jesus always said "You will be born again" and yet the political rulers of the time in past ages have edited the bible so much, you wouldn't recognize it.

    I consider it child abuse when a parent teaches such hate to their children.

    Physical objects, rap, heavy metal is not the culprit, it is always the individual.

    Most of the time when someone thinks they have a "GHOST" in their house, and it's a negative one, its not because that ghost just HAPPENED to be there by coincidence, its because you attracted it based on your beliefs and your families beliefs per the "law of attraction". What you believe becomes what you see.

    If you are having negative spiritual experiences, that tells you something about yourself. You have to rise above your negativities. This is not something totally detached from you. You can't blame it on everything else in your house or in the world, except you. C'mon! Lol


    Originally Posted by saraispiel19
    k this is coming from my point of view αnd if αny of this is true you should stop or throw it out αnd see whαt the results αre in the home.. i gαurentee you it'll stop:

    is there αnything in your house? like this:

    -witchcrαft [you doing this or some αrtifαcts thαt αre relαted to it like the oujiα boαrd?]
    -porn [i know sounds wierd but porn brings demons in your lie-- k porn lovers you cαn get α stαb αt me now]
    -horror films [like the excorcism of emily rose?..αnything like thαt...]
    -horoscopes, tαrot cαrd...follows through with witchcrαft...
    -heαvy medαl music, rock, rαp, emo? [bαsicαlly cussing αnd sαtαn worshiping, i wαnnα kill myself or my mom kind of music..]

    here αre somethings thαt could contribute to it:
    -pre mαritαl sex [gαy or strαight]
    -cutting self or hurting self

    like i sαid stop these αnd then you'll be αt peαce.. i'm sure there is α source to bringing this "demon" or "ghost" to your home..

    "evil" to comes in when α door is open for it

  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:37 PM
    Its just so confusing because I've always been a happy person, until things started happening, and I'm only 15, so I don't see how I can change anything
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:37 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm
    lol, none of these things happen at my house:confused:

    That also just proves my point.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:41 PM

    Originally Posted by strangeparoxysm
    Its just so confusing because i've always been a happy person, until things started happening, and im only 15, so i dont see how i can change anything

    Didn't you say you've always lived there? How long has it been happening? Just curious.
  • Sep 15, 2007, 06:42 PM
    Its been happening even before I was born

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