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  • Sep 6, 2007, 06:51 AM
    She gets me every time!
    My Ex GF Who I love and would like to be with keeps breaking N/C. She is dating someone else but we have been totally connected since the break. She always is alluding to a future with me, and how I am her HOME. However I realize that I can't hold her hand while she checks this other guy out. So I've tried to pull back. But she calls me for everything. If I don't answer she calls until she makes contact. I know that she is being sort of manipulative but I still get a guilt trip regardless. Of course I do want to talk to her, But I don't want to only be friends. I have asked her if she only thinks of me as a friend and she replied with"ofcourse not, I love you". I need to show her that I'm the MAN! I know in my heart that she wants to have another chance with me , but it has to happen natuarally. How do I put myself in the best possible position for a fresh start with her?
  • Sep 6, 2007, 11:21 AM
    Please, can you guys gives me a little insight into my situation
  • Sep 6, 2007, 11:30 AM
    Hey man I am no expert here but I'm thinking that you have to totally remove yourself from her. I can see from your post that you already know that... it's whether you are willing to take that step. You have to stop being there for her all of the time. That will get her thinking and wondering. She feels safe with you around, sort of a safety net that she has set up about you. You have to "show" her that you will not be there all of the time... words are one thing but actions speak louder. If a second chance was meant to be it will happen... time will tell... we all have plenty of that. I hope that helps...
  • Sep 6, 2007, 11:49 AM

    As long as she can have you helping her and still have other guys on the side she is going to do that. The problem is if she can do this to you she doesn't care for you in a good way. Her saying she Loves you is just words at this point. Maybe she doesn't know what Love is yet. You need to break away from her 110% and if in time you want her back then great but until then go out and find your Mrs. Right that will treat you like the special Guy you are.


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