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  • Aug 31, 2007, 08:39 AM
    Cant remember the title
    Im looking for the title of a book I read as required reading in 6th or 7th grade in the US. The book was about a nuclear war I think that had virtually killed off the human race, and there are maybe two characters ( I think kids or teenagers) and they are roaming the distroyed world looking for other people. I think they are siblings. I remember at one point they find a radio with a distant signal and someone who is talking and he thinks he is the only one left too... its in my far mind, I can't remember it all. It was around the time we read Fahrenheit 451, the Giver, and of Mice and Men... any help would be appreciated.. IM trying to collect all of these books I loved so much for my sons to read one day. Anyone know of a list anywhere? I can't remember them all, and most of these books they don't read in schools anymore... thanks:)
  • Aug 31, 2007, 11:36 AM
    Dr D
    Could the book be "Swan Song" by Robert McCammon 7/87? I read it some time ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. It had similarities to The Stand by Mr. King.
  • Aug 31, 2007, 11:46 AM
    No, that's not it, although it looks very interesting... lol

    I want to say it had numbers in the title, because I originally thought it was Fahrenheit 451 before I realized I had the title confused with another book I read then... or maybe it had a letter... something like that...
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:00 PM
    Z for Zachariah!! I knew it would come to me...
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:06 PM
    Dr D
    Well, I tried. If you can snag a copy of Swan Song, I guarantee that you will enjoy it. It was a pretty fat book, and I read it in about 1 1/2 days; it was that good. As long as books are the topic, another one that I highly recommend is: Carrion Comfort, by Dan Simmons. It was about 900 pages with small print and tiny margins. I would go to used book stores and buy up any copies they had, and pass them out to my friends. I love to share. Good luck in your quest.

    PS- I just got your last post. I will check out Z for Zacharia
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:22 PM
    I will... I live at the used book store... remember... it was a book we read in grade school, so I have no idea how big the letters or small the chapters are, I just remember loving it and want my boys to read it one day too.
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:25 PM
    The carrion book sounds great. You seem to be a fantasy/sci-fi reader... are you fond of piers anthony or Orson Scott Card?
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:26 PM
    Ha! I have been looking all over the web for you to find this book, and I come back and refresh the page, and you thought of it yourself! The first thought that came to my mind when reading your post, is that if you like that book you should read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Also Lois Lowry has came out with "sequels" to The Giver. One is Gathering Blue and the other is Messenger.
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:29 PM
    Read them all! Lol. The road is exceptional... the others never have lived up to the Giver, which is still to this day, my all time favortie book.
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:35 PM
    The Giver is definitely on the top of my list. I too am trying to collect all the classics and read them. I read some in high school, but I don't remember much of them, probably too many other things were on my mind at that time! I just bought and read The Handmaid's Tale, which was very good, though I don't recommend that one for your sons. Oh and another very popular book when I was in middle school was a mystery called The Westing Game.
  • Aug 31, 2007, 12:47 PM
    I love the westing game. I remember idolizing Turtle...

    I have on my list right now:
    The Giver
    Animal Farm
    Fahrenheit 451
    Witch of Blackbird pond
    Where the red fern grows
    Charlie and the chocolate factory
    Phantom Tollbooth
    Wrinkle in Time
    Last of the Really Great Wangdoodles
    Chronicles of Narnia
    Wizard of OZ
    Bridge to Terabithia
    My Brother Sam is dead
    Tuck Everlasting
    The Hatchet
    The Cay
    Moon Bridge
    Number the Stars
    Treasure Island
    Manic Magee
    The Pearl
    Around the world in 80 days
    Great gatsby
    My side of the mountain
    From the Mixed up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankleweiler
    Z for Zachariah
    Of Mice and Men
    Flowers for Algernon
    Call of the Wild
    White Fang
    One flew over he cuckoos nest
    Catcher in the rye

    Im still looking for more.. lol.

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