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  • Sep 4, 2005, 08:33 AM
    Sarah Lynn1
    Are there any new weight loss products?
    Hi, Are there any new weight loss products on the market that I could try?
  • Sep 7, 2005, 06:51 PM
    going crazy in st pete
    Sesamin- or



    Those are 3 that come to mind. Sesamin is just a good product for overall health. It isn't a stimulant which can be good for some people.

    HEAT and Scorch both have some stimulants such as caffeine and synephrine in them. As always us caution when taking anything that has such ingredients
  • Sep 15, 2005, 09:20 PM
    Weight loss Products
    Well there are many in the market including products like slimmers asisst
    In fact you can chat with someone who can guide you on weight loss tips and suggest you products
    For more information on weight loss chat click on the link
  • Sep 23, 2005, 04:57 AM
    Stay away of non-natural products and use Google
    This link to find some of them.
  • Oct 2, 2005, 08:31 PM
    There is a new Gastric bypass pill. I haven't tried it, but this nurse who follows sbd has an ad on her site. Hope it helps
  • Oct 3, 2005, 04:53 AM

    Originally Posted by ab-solute
    There is a new Gastric bypass pill. I haven't tried it, but this nurse who follows sbd has an ad on her site. Hope it helps

    What is that pill doing, ab-solute ? Do you that a Gastric bypass is in order ? What happened to the natural eating style ? :confused:
  • Oct 4, 2005, 11:29 AM
    I've been battling with my weight forever (so it seems) I've tried everything going
    I went to the doc's a few months ago, and he gave me reductil... I also take green tea tablets (in the hope my blood pressure won't go up , because that's a side effect)
    I've managed to drop a stone in two months... and begin to be more active aswel.
    My life seems to be getting on a positive route now , as I've have encluded st johns wort as well.. . as I had depression too

    My life is beginning not revolve around food , and what I'm going to eat next.

    I eat to survive now, eat to make my life long. I do self meditation to maintain a positive outlook on life.

    And I feel fantastic,. lets hope I can leave the tablets behind when I'm done!! Lol
  • Oct 10, 2005, 09:25 AM

    Originally Posted by millie335
    and i feel fantastic , ........lets hope i can leave the tablets behind when im done !!! lol

    Wow... that's great Millie. To be honest, I have a little depression problem myself. What kind of meditation are you doing ? Does it apply to anybody ?
  • Oct 10, 2005, 07:08 PM

    Originally Posted by Shidoshi
    What is that pill doing, ab-solute ? Do you that a Gastric bypass is in order ? What happened to the natural eating style ? :confused:

    Don't know anything about it other than I've heard it helps people to feel as full as if they had had a Gastric bypass. That's all I know. Natural is the best way, I agree... but some people may need something to make them feel full for a jump start huh?
  • Oct 11, 2005, 06:49 AM

    Originally Posted by ab-solute
    Natural is the best way, I agree...but some people may need something to make them feel full for a jump start huh?

    Thanks for agreeing with me. I've always been a sucker for the natural ways. I never took aspirin if I had flu or allergy. I am more of a tea man... you know. I only take pills when its absolutely necessary to take them.
  • Oct 11, 2005, 10:09 AM
    I take st johns wort for depression , it waas recommended by my doctor, as I refused to take the chemical ones with all the side effects

    I've been taking it for about 2 months now , and feel a lot better. My doc says I should take it for 9 months in total.

    I started talking it in August, and he said I would feel 100 % by January. So I suppose its a slow process... but after 8 years of feeling , a few more months seem like nothing!

    He also pescribed exersise to build up my seratoinin levels . I do 10 minutes per day... thats all.

    With any depression , I feel you still got to want to win. You still need to give yourself a push... I'd just had enough... all I ever did was shout & cry all the time!
  • Oct 12, 2005, 12:36 PM

    Originally Posted by millie335
    with any depression , i feel you still got to want to win. you still need to give yourself a push......i'd just had enough.....all i ever did was shout & cry all the time !!

    I never thought that exercise could help you decrease your levels of depression... but it could be possible... you know. You noticed how good you feel after you jog for 10 or 20 minutes ?
  • Nov 20, 2005, 09:57 AM
    Have tried M.A.N. Scorch to lose weight...
    I've been very impressed w/ this product. I started it almost 2 weeks ago and have already lost 4 pounds w/o really trying. My cravings have been minimized, but I've definitely had to drink more water because I get dehydrated. I was taking 2 in the morning and another 2 before 4pm and found that amount to make me extremely moody and short-tempered, so I cut back to to a day.
    There are times when it's easy for me to eat healthy, but there are other times when it takes a boulder over the head to get me to stop gorging on ice cream so this product helps give me that little bit of willpower I need.
  • Nov 20, 2005, 07:25 PM

    Originally Posted by going crazy in st pete
    Sesamin- or



    Those are 3 that come to mind. Sesamin is just a good product for overall health. It isn't a stimulant which can be good for some people.

    HEAT and Scorch both have some stimulants such as caffeine and synephrine in them. As always us caution when taking anything that has such ingredients

    I prefer no stimulants myself... hard to sleep at night and I hate the jitters. ;)
  • Feb 17, 2006, 01:30 PM
    My dear millie335,
    You wrote that you are practicing meditation to control your weight. I am interested in meditation for some other purpose. I have been trying for last one year to be successful but have not been able to get anywhere. Can you please guide me on this subject.

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