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  • Aug 30, 2005, 07:53 AM
    Am I Pregnant??
    Hi, I am just having a little bit of a problem. OK here goes, I am a week late for my period, I literally just got done taking a pregnancy test (neg). My period has been normal since the day I started5 years ago. Today is day 37 since my last period. The only things I have noticed significantly are that 1.) I have been EXTREMELY hungry. I am a very petite 105lb girl and all I do is sit there and think about eating a big loaf of bread or something odd. THen after I eat dinner between 6-8 before I go to bed I can hear my stomach growling. 2.)The past 2 weeks I have been a moody . Sometimes I feel so deppressed and that I want to cry or 10 minutes later I'm like yeah I have the best life ever! And finally 3.) I can kind of feel like everything smells to me. Things I wouldn't have normally been able to smell are now like what the hell? OK< after sitting here reading my novel of a story, can anybody help? And give me good advice. I know to wait and take the test again, but has any pregnant moms out there had any of these sympoms early in? And maybe has someone not tested positive after a few weeks of being late? THANK YOU TO ANY ONE WHO REPLIES> I <3 U 4EVER :D
  • Aug 30, 2005, 10:12 AM
    I would say that you should wait at least a week (two would be better) and test again. If that was implantation bleeding it may take that long for you to have enough hormones to test positive on a HPT. It may also just be random spotting..
  • Jul 29, 2010, 02:31 AM
    Hi Aztek,
    My husband and I is trying to get pregnant.My LMP was June 15 last month but today is July 29 already.I have a light brownish bleeding right now and I don't know if this is implantation bleeding.It is very little,feels hungry,moody and I don't feel any cramping at all.I am wondering also if I am pregnant.Please post me your update since we are experiencing the same thing.

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