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  • Aug 19, 2007, 10:42 AM
    Willl grils ever like me
    I'm 17 and I've never had a girlfriend. I ve also never had any contact with a girl I mean I've never kissed,held hands or hug or anything. I've seen the way the girls look at me as if they have disgust in there eyes and I'm worryed if any woman will ever see me differently. I have no idea what to do .

    p.s. a lot of my friend say I need to lower my standers but they are all ready lower than all of my friends
  • Aug 19, 2007, 07:02 PM
    Hun you'll get there someday... don't worry... and you may b paranoid when u said u see girls look at you in discust. Are you shy around girls?
  • Aug 19, 2007, 07:18 PM
    I don't think you need to lower your standards you need to raise your feelings about yourself.

    It sounds like you don't think very highly of yourself and no one likes to be around someone who doesn't like themselves. No one can like you until you like you no one can love you until you love you.

    Work on yourself confidence and I think you'll find you will have less problems. The better you feel about yourself the easier it will be to approach girls or people in general without fear of them thinking negative thoughts about you.

    You'll get there kid! Just give it some time and energy.
  • Aug 19, 2007, 07:19 PM
    Don't worry there's always someone for everybody maybe you haven't found that person yet
  • Aug 20, 2007, 10:40 AM
    You I'm shy because I have ask out girls before and they all have said no in total I've asked out about 16 girls since I was like 14 and now I'm 17 and things haven't changed
  • Aug 22, 2007, 03:40 PM
    Things will change soon enough, You don't need a girlfriend to have fun, have fun while you can still lots of life ahead of you.
  • Aug 22, 2007, 08:33 PM
    Aww! Don't worry, take chances, when you see a girl you like... get to know her more and ask her out! Don't be so shy... dont worry one day, your soulmate will arrive.
  • Aug 22, 2007, 09:00 PM

    The secret to picking up Girls is not to try at all. The secret to getting them to want to be with you is to like yourself and your life. It shows and if you honestly enjoy who you are Girls will see it and want to be around you.

    Another problem Guys have is they try to act like they think others want them to act not like who they are. That never works. Be who you are and the Ladies will be all over you. A good way to look at it is if you have to try to fit in with your friends then find new friends. You should never have to try to fit in if you do your living a lie and the Girls will see it in you.

    Always hold your head high, always have good things to say about others, When your day is going bad look at the positive and it will always change for you. We have the power to make our life positive or negative. Learn to use that power and I know your life will change for the better.

  • Aug 23, 2007, 12:07 PM

    Originally Posted by undisclosed
    im 17 and ive never had a girlfriend. i ve also never had any contact with a girl i mean ive never kissed,held hands or hug or anything. ive seen the way the girls look at me as if they have disgust in there eyes and im worryed if any woman will ever see me differently. i have no idea what to do .

    p.s. alot of my friend say i need to lower my standers but they are all ready lower than all of my friends

    Hi there,

    Please don't worry about yourself. You are only 17, it's the best time to put effort at school, are you planning on going to college soon? I think you should go. Now contribute yourself to school ,leadership and making friends. I understand you have high standards, hey, it's good. U know who you are, where you hold in society. U know many people in this world are doing "BTN"(Better than none), they date randomly, just to have fun and to be like everyone else. Even if all your friends have a date, u still don't have to compare yourself to others. It's your life, you are looking for what u want, nobody's business.
    Don't feel left, don't lower your standards, and don't cry if you don't have one!
  • Aug 23, 2007, 12:10 PM
    Oh by the way, what are your dating standards, it will be interesting to see, then maybe we'll help you more on the additional information you've provided.:)
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:34 PM
    I'm 16 and I've onli had 1 girlfriend who I onli met through friend from skool 9 months ago... we are nw still together... I 2 was lyk you before my friend introduced us... I always thot girls h8ed me and that they thot I was repulsive

    I think that you should put your standards as low as possible and get a few girls to help boost your confidence and you never no you mite lyk one of those girls
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:40 PM

    Originally Posted by gerardymolawd
    I think that you should put your standards as low as possible and get a few girls to help boost your confidence and u never no u mite lyk one of those girls

    First of all chat speak is not allowed on Ask Me Help Desk your post is practically unreadable.

    Second of all I cannot believe that you are asking him to lower his standards and date whatever he can pick up. That's not a very responsible answer. You are telling him to use girls in order to build up his self confidence. That is simply appalling.
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:44 PM
    RE Glinda of OZ

    Im not just telling him to use girls!! :mad: Im simply telling him he needs to lower his standards to gain confidence for himself ad then mayb he himself will recognise that beauty does not matter and that it's the personality that counts!! Sorry I did not mantion that in my first message though it is a bit hard to concentrate seeing as it is 3 AM
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:47 PM
    Here is what lowering your standards to boost your confidence reads as: date a bunch of girls that view as ugly or desperate who will worship you to make you feel better about yourself.

    I think what you are trying to say is that maybe he should widen his scope and try to get to know lots of different girls to see what else he may like.

    Be careful of how you word things it could make people believe you are condoning being a player.
  • Aug 23, 2007, 06:50 PM
    I agree with you now its just I'm from a different country from you and over here wee word things a little bit diffrently so its possibly hard to understand what I meant but that's what I was trying to put across
  • Aug 24, 2007, 02:37 PM
    Umm I'm a girl to
  • Aug 24, 2007, 06:34 PM
  • Aug 24, 2007, 06:36 PM

    Originally Posted by undisclosed
    umm im a girl to

    That would have been good to know. Information is slightly different then. In the future please be certain to include all salient points in your post.

    Chances are its harder to find people to date when you are gay in high school. Once you get out into the real world the chances of meeting other gay people are greatly increased based on where you live.
  • Jan 21, 2008, 04:43 AM
    You being a girl puts a differenet spin on things... you should first put yourself out there and maybe join a few clubs with people who are als in the same position as yourself

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