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  • Aug 6, 2007, 08:34 AM
    What are your hobbies
    Dear memebers,

    Would u help a 24/7 single hard worker find a hobby please?:D

    I mean, I do hang out with my girl friends, going to nursing home help with the elders. I do read, study about plants and acupuncture.

    I want to play golf but it's kind of expensive for me at this moment.

    What do you guys do on weekends? What are your hobbies?:)

    Thank you for sharing with me if you'd like to.
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:13 PM
    Have you checked out the local YMCA to see what classes they offer?
    Check in the paper on the weekends to see if there are any community events or sometimes your city will have a website with what is going on.
    I like to go bowling, fishing, hiking or any kind of sports outdoors.
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:20 PM
    I belong to knitting and crocheting circles, rock climb, go running with friends, go for a hike, now that its summer get down the shore and have fun, going to museums, taking pilates.

    You have some pretty good hobbies already. There is lots of stuff. If you're interested in a crafty hobby going to a store like Michael's will give you tons of ideas of things to try.
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:23 PM
    Or if you have a hobby lobby near by check it out as well.
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:23 PM
    Thanks for our advice!:)
    Give me very good options, thanks
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:41 PM
    What about swimming lessons and swimming competitions?

    Is there any other sport your interested in?
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:48 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    What about swimming lessons and swimming competitions?

    Is there any other sport your interested in?

    Swimming I agree with, it is a good thing even if you don't do it for competition, but just float on water and relax.

    As a stay at home mom juggling kid ,husband and home and all things in between, I would say value your free time nicespringgirl
    you seem to be doing quite a lot even now...
    so take time out to relax, as you are learning things like acupuncture, I am sure you will learn that the whole body is whole system of many functions which go on simultaneasly and you should give your body time to unwind...

    and as you are studying plants why not go for nature walks?
  • Aug 6, 2007, 12:54 PM
    Thank you!Swimming sounds good, I think that is the best sport for me now.

    Mmmm... I achieved Black Belt in martial arts( I am tough:D). I enjoyed it a lot though.:)

    I want to do something just relaxing,try to balance myself,not to intimidate people.:D
  • Aug 6, 2007, 01:16 PM
    I pretend that I know Kung Foo when I jump down a whole flight of stairs I yell "HiYa" That is just one of my many hobbies and I love it. Taking charge and just picking something is hard, you should try many things then one will grab you and take you away into never land... Hugs sweet. You are a wonderful soul! I am soon going to stop with the smokies and get back on track and start jogging, I forgot that I loved it and enjoy the 30 minutes with music and no interference... on a more serious not we will just have to see if I lose a knee or hip. I am now cracking myself up so I must leave... LOL
  • Aug 6, 2007, 01:19 PM
    Aw, thanks, you are so funny:D
    Lately "Askmehelpdesk" has become one of my hobbies:D
    I studied Martial Arts because my mum is a professional instructor.
  • Aug 6, 2007, 04:17 PM
    I suggest if you want to do something relaxing don't take up golf. :)

    No it is a good sport and maybe you could talk to a local professional in your area about how you can take it up cheaply. He may have some second hand clubs he can lend you or sell you cheaply and if he see's your passionate about the game he may be willing to give you some cheap (maybe even free) lessons.

    But it is a great sport and by the sounds of it you are very disciplined which is a huge advantage.

    Not like me and my foul temper. Lots of broken clubs in my bag. :)
  • Aug 6, 2007, 04:26 PM
    I don't get mad I just start swingin like I don't care. I unerstand how it is though...
    How about some good ole fashion girls football? If my body could handle it, I would be there. Kick boxing, can you tell where I am going with this. I feel a bit aggressive so I will think about it and anwer again later... Oh, wait what about taking yoga and becoming an instructor.. That is it, you would be great!
  • Aug 6, 2007, 07:00 PM
    Ever thought about writing, possibly poetry, or even picking up an instrument. It can very relaxing, and good emotional experience, with tons of opportunities...
  • Aug 6, 2007, 09:32 PM

    Originally Posted by wizzkid89
    Ever thought about writing, possibly poetry, or even picking up an instrument. It can very relaxing, and good emotional experience, with tons of opportunities...

    Best idea yet! Love it!
  • Aug 7, 2007, 11:27 AM
    For me, I like anything that involves using a ball. I may not be great but I have fun. I love to dance and sing in my room, I am pretty good (but not American Idol or So YOu Think YOu Can Dance Good)
    I still like to climb trees, I always love a good book. I think poetry readings and book clubs are a lot of fun.. I enjoy going out with friends and seeing movies, going to museums and sometimes just standing in Barnes and NObles and reading while drinking a STarbucks is a blast!
    I love to swim, I suck at boogey boarding but I still try. I do like to golf and I do think its relaxing, just expensive. Oh yeah going bowling or playing pool is pretty cool too. Just no kiddie bumbers on the bowling lane.
    If I think of some others I will jump back on, but I am starting to ramble on and well, you all have heard enough I am sure!!
  • Aug 7, 2007, 08:30 PM
    Some of my hobbies are:

    1. Chess = Internet chess Club Member

    2. Guitar = classical, flamenco, popular, rock

    3. Writing novels, short stories and poetry

    4. Digital Art = abstract + landscape

    5. Participation on Internet discussion forums.

    6. Reading literature of interest

    7. Aerobics and resistance exercises

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