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  • Jul 30, 2007, 12:04 AM
    Addiction, Anxiety, and Depression Problems
    I'm 16 years old and starting my junior year of high school in August. I spend most of my days sitting at home alone, abusing drugs and alcohol. I never had many friends growing up (in fact, little to none) and I lost my one real friend since childhood when I began smoking marijuana. I try to be social with him yet he refuses any extensions. I've never had a girlfriend and have become bitterly lonely over the last weeks of this summer. I crave the rarity of social contact yet when I am in those situations I act awkwardly and feel anxious. I am now addicted to marijuana and other drugs and by now I can barely stand to go a day without them. Once school starts I'm planning on getting a job, which I hope will improve my social skills. I'm also hoping to turn down my drug use by using school as something to replace them. Please help me with the direction to take my life and offer any advice.
  • Jul 30, 2007, 02:17 PM
    I think you need to talk to your parents and see if they can take you to a councelor. They can help you with what your feeling when you get around people and suggest things that may help you become more comfortable. Also you really need to stop frying your brain with the drugs. I did alcohol and hard drugs for about 4 years and now my short term memory is fried.
  • Jul 31, 2007, 09:58 AM
    You should volunteer until school starts. There will probably be a youth volunteer organisation in your area you could join. It will give you some purpose and direction and will help you feel better about yourself as you will be helping people. Also you'll get out and meet people. If you join something like that the staff will also help you come out of your shell as they are trained to do that. I really can't recommend this enough.

    Look at this way- you have realised you have a problem, that is a very difficult step. Next you just have to do something about it. Easier said than done I know, but you just have to accept no excuses from yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help either, you don't have to go it alone.

    Good luck
  • Aug 3, 2007, 06:56 PM
    I agree that you should tell your parents what you're feeling. Let them know that you want to talk to a counselor so this problem doesn't get out of control. Are you currently taking any meds for your social anxiety? I think that would be a good idea. You're young and there's help for you. You describe my son when he was 16. I brought him to counseling every week and it helped him so much. Hang in there.
  • Aug 4, 2007, 11:00 AM
    I think by stopping smoking marijuana and other drugs this will help greatly along with counseling, as it's a well known fact that marijuana causes paranioa and anxiety and probably plays a huge part in the way you feel in social situations.
    I speak from experience almost as soon as I stopped smoking marijuana,(when aged 16/17) I improved so much and had never realised until then how much it had affected me and others around me. I found I could concentrate more in college and those 'paranoid' feelings seemed to fade away.
    I think by volunteering and/or joining a sport or activity you will soon make friends and feel part of something.
    Try not to dwell on the past and look forward! Hope this helps :)

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