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  • Jul 23, 2007, 12:33 PM
    Hypocritical Religion
    Why is it that Christians judge people that are different from themselves? If you are an Atheist, so to speak, you are viewed as a devil worshipper, or an outcast. But in the Bible, Matthew 7:1-3 it says "Judge not or thou shall be judged the same way on Judgement Day".

    To me this is hypocritical. What do you think?
  • Jul 23, 2007, 01:31 PM

    Why is it that Christians judge people that are different from themselves?
    Good question, why does anyone judge people that are different from themselves? I have years of experience on forums such as this - not to mention reading and watching the news, listening to talk radio, my everyday existence - and I find it doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not. And, in spite of those 'Christians' you speak of, it seems to me that Christians are judged more harshly than the other way around. Everyone has this inherent pride it seems, an inexplicable need to feel superior to others - it is not something peculiar to Christianity.


    If you are an Atheist, so to speak, you are viewed as a devil worshipper, or an outcast. But in the Bible, Matthew 7:1-3 it says "Judge not or thou shall be judged the same way on Judgement Day".
    None of us should pass judgment on someone else until we put ourself in their shoes. That's not to say we should never judge others, but it serves us well to judge ourselves first and also first be charitable toward others.


    To me this is hypocritical. What do you think?
    Like I hinted at before, there are more than enough hypocrites to go around. Christians should know better, but what's everyone else's excuse?
  • Jul 23, 2007, 02:56 PM
    Yes, this one verse in matthew is one of the most used verses by the Heathen and non beleivers who do not want to be called for their sins and perversions.

    But one also has to take it into context and along with all of the other many verses that tell us to help our fellow man, to talk to them and correct them ( so correcting them, telling them what they are doing wrong is not judging) and we are even to bring them in front of our church if they refuse to change.

    And to be honest it is not judging if you merely use Gods words, since a person who does not accept Jesus as their savior is doomed, plain and simple, just keep reading the bible and you will find dozens of verses that tell you that a atheist is doomed and not saved, So I don't have to judge them, God has already judged them, and told us that in the bible.

    So yes I can say without judging you, that if you are a atheist you are doomed to hell, because the bible says you are.

    But I will go further a real atheist does not care, they don't believe, but would not care if I did believe. Those who pretend to be a atheist but attack the Christian faith are wolves in sheep clothing but for worst, since they are working for the devil attacking christians.

    And of course Judge is a very poor translation, not even sure why it was used, if you look into the greek word Krinon you will see that it deals more with assuming things or even sue at law. But the main thing it also was written to christians in general about christians, that we are not to judge their faith, their belief in God, It is easy to tell a non beleiver who proclaims to be one what will happen to them, they bible tells us, we merely repeat Gods words to them.

    You either serve God ( and Jesus) or you serve the devil, there is no between.
  • Jul 23, 2007, 03:06 PM
    It's OK to judge or classify an activity or a behavior as being wrong or right. Jesus himself as well as the OT and NT tells us which behaviors are to be classified that way. For example, adultery, murder, theft, bearing false witness, disrespect of parents, idolatry, and the host of behaviors, such as child sacrifices which the Caananites were practicing are described as wrong and we are expected to view these behaviors as being wrong.

    Society is kept civilized via judgement and classification of behaviors as right or wrong
    And the sanctioning of them accordingly. Criminals are ostracized while well-behaved citizens are praised.

    As the poster above tells us, this is a human tendency not Just a Christian one. So in essence what you are really disagreeing with is human nature itself. Correct?
  • Jul 23, 2007, 03:26 PM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    yes, this one verse in matthew is one of the most used verses by the Heathen and non beleivers who do not want to be called for thier sins and perversions.

    But one also has to take it into context and along with all of the other many verses that tell us to help our fellow man, to talk to them and correct them ( so correcting them, telling them what they are doing wrong is not judging) and we are even to bring them in front of our church if they refuse to change.

    And to be honest it is not judging if you merely use Gods words, since a person who does not accept Jesus as thier savior is doomed, plain and simple, just keep reading the bible and you will find dozens of verses that tell you that a athiest is doomed and not saved, So I don't have to judge them, God has already judged them, and told us that in the bible.

    So yes I can say without judging you, that if you are a athiest you are doomed to hell, because the bible says you are.

    But I will go futher a real athiest does not care, they don't beleive, but would not care if I did beleive. Those who pretend to be a athiest but attack the Christian faith are wolves in sheep clothing but for worst, since they are working for the devil attacking christians.

    And of course Judge is a very poor translation, not even sure why it was used, if you look into the greek word Krinon you will see that it deals more with assuming things or even sue at law. But the main thing it also was written to christians in general about christians, that we are not to judge thier faith, thier beleif in God, It is easy to tell a non beleiver who proclaims to be one what will happen to them, they bible tells us, we merely repeat Gods words to them.

    You either serve God ( and Jesus) or you serve the devil, there is no inbetween.

    First of all, how can I be doomed to hell when I do not even believe in Hell? Can you show me physical evidence that Hell exists, and I will go there?

    Second of all, I am in no way attacking the Christian faith, I am simply pointing out flaws.

    Third, you talk about the words of God being written in the Bible but are you sure that that was actually "God" saying those passages? You can hold an apple in your hand, and can believe and have faith that its an orange, but when you finally open your eyes and see it, and feel it, belief and faith has nothing to do with it. You KNOW that its still just an apple.

    As far as me having to choose one side or the other, I do not believe that either side exists, I believe in science. So if I have to pick a side, I will believe what can be proven, not a folklore.
  • Jul 23, 2007, 03:32 PM
    It does not matter if you don't believe, you are doomed because you don't believe in Christ, Read the bible, you seem to know it, and want to try to use it against Christians.

    So if you don't believe, why come to a Christian board, because you want to attack, ( you call it pointing out flaws) if you don't believe there is a god why care ? Because those that don't believe serve another master and you do their will.
  • Jul 23, 2007, 03:39 PM
    You're right. I do know the Bible, along with many other types of religion.

    I come to the Christianity board because I have knowledge that I feel can be useful to someone else, along with me learning new things. While I have been answering questions on this forum I have stated my opinion, which is not a crime. I'm sure I have made a lot of people angry, but everyone has a right to their opinion.

    You're right about the fact that I don't believe there is a God, but I do have a great knowledge of Christianity, Baptist, Atheist, Satanist and other religions. My goal here is to educate and possibly learn something new. What I have been involved in thus far can be classified as conversations. No real question has been asked.
  • Jul 23, 2007, 03:53 PM

    Originally Posted by otto186
    Why is it that Christians judge people that are different from themselves? If you are an Atheist, so to speak, you are viewed as a devil worshipper, or an outcast. But in the Bible, Matthew 7:1-3 it says "Judge not or thou shall be judged the same way on Judgement Day".

    To me this is hypocritical. What do you think?

    Yes it is.

    But aren't you judging Christians yourself? Implying that they are judgemental and hypocritical.

    I am judgemental, I am human. Haven't you ever judged someone based on their gender, age, ethnicity, the way they dress, or the way they talk, on the way they behave, or what they believe in?

    I am hypocritical, I am human.

    I realize these things about myself, that is why I need a Savior.

    Grace and Peace
  • Jul 23, 2007, 04:54 PM
    Lucas Ammons
    Guys, Guys! Science and religion actually complament each other. I'm a baptist. I beilive that god created all things and that he designed all life to adept to its surrondings, which are ever changing. Look up: divine design. Furthermore science says that all the living matter and non-living matter in the universe is made of recycled star gases. "And God formed man the dust of the earth, breathing into his nostrils the breath of life."-- Genesis. God means for all of us to live in harmony, I know its hard, I'm nowere near perfect neither of us is. We all have sins, Lord knows I done the same thing I'm preaching against. We have have not the power to change hearts only god does, so pray for a person that does not know god, talk to them but in gental manner don't try not to get puffed with how much you, because in god's eyes we know next to nothing.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by otto186
    I come to the Christianity board because I have knowledge that I feel can be useful to someone else, along with me learning new things. While I have been answering questions on this forum I have stated my opinion, which is not a crime. I'm sure I have made a lot of people angry, but everyone has a right to their opinion.

    otto186, do you really want to help and learn, or would you rather be "simply pointing out flaws"? My experience tells me critics of Christianity would much rather be pointing out flaws, which is counterproductive when it comes to helping and learning. So help me learn something since you believe in science...

    I read yesterday on a University of Michigan website that, "In the very beginning there was nothing except for a plasma soup." Do you believe that, and if so how what is "plasma soup" and how did it come into being?
  • Jul 24, 2007, 07:39 AM

    Originally Posted by otto186
    If you are an Atheist, so to speak, you are viewed as a devil worshipper, or an outcast.

    Hello otto:

    I'm an atheist. I have Christian friends. As far as I know, they don't view me that way.

    Do you speechdude?

    I don't know. Looks to me like YOU'RE the one doing the judging.

  • Jul 24, 2007, 09:37 AM
    Primarily, you are talking about *Funda-Evangelical Christians*, the uneducated Christians by and large, not mainline Christians such as Episcopalians or Presbyterians, etc.

    For some reason, many are unable to understand that they are to improve themselves in their Walk with Christ, not attack others and ignore their faults!

    I think of that unfortunate Tammy Faye Bakker who died a couple of days ago. She and her husband swindled poor gullible F/E Christians out of huge amounts of money to build their mansion and other endeavors... out of pure greed and hypocrisy. Yet, the woman thought she would "go to heaven" because she "loved the Lord". IN the Christian worldview, she is more likely burning in hell.

    Fundi-Ev Christianity in America today has been corrupted by its marriage with Politics just like anything else is *always corrupted* by Politics.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 09:45 AM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello otto:

    I'm an atheist. I have Christian friends. As far as I know, they don't view me that way.

    Do you speechdude?

    I dunno. Looks to me like YOU'RE the one doing the judging.


    There are a couple registered here that have posted just what the OP wrote. I can dig up links if you want.

    Edit to add:
  • Jul 24, 2007, 10:07 AM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello otto:

    I'm an atheist. I have Christian friends. As far as I know, they don't view me that way.

    Do you speechdude?

    I dunno. Looks to me like YOU'RE the one doing the judging.


    Ex, I'd have a cold beer with you any day. Oops, Christians aren't supposed to like beer are they? I guess I'm a hypocrite after all :D
  • Jul 24, 2007, 10:15 AM

    Originally Posted by Choux
    Primarily, you are talking about *Funda-Evangelical Christians*, the uneducated Christians by and large, not mainline Christians such as Episcopalians or Presbyterians, etc.

    Choux, thank you for helping prove my point.


    For some reason, many are unable to understand that they are to improve themselves in their Walk with Christ, not attack others and ignore their faults!
    Ditto what I just said. You people seem to be under the impression that only Christians should be held accountable for their hypocrisy, their unwarranted attacks on others and improving their own "walk" in this world.


    I think of that unfortunate Tammy Faye Bakker who died a couple of days ago. She and her husband swindled poor gullible F/E Christians out of huge amounts of money to build their mansion and other endeavors... out of pure greed and hypocrisy. Yet, the woman thought she would "go to heaven" because she "loved the Lord". IN the Christian worldview, she is more likely burning in hell.
    Wrong! She may have erred in her "greed and hypocricy" but the Christian worldview is none of us are worthy of heaven without relying on faith and trust in Jesus and His sacrifice. It's not about us Choux, it's about what Jesus did on our behalf.


    Fundi-Ev Christianity in America today has been corrupted by its marriage with Politics just like anything else is *always corrupted* by Politics.
    Like I asked before what's everyone else's excuse?
  • Jul 24, 2007, 07:58 PM
    I think you have it wrong, Christians don't judge people but follow their religion which is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. When a Christian finds someone appearently ignorant of the message, a Christian will tell you about Jesus and the reason for his life and death which is to allow you to overcome sin. You think that by telling you that without Jesus you are a sinner and therefore lost is judgement, you are incorrect. As an atheist you are lost and will inevietably suffer judgement.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 08:06 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete
    I think you have it wrong, Christians don't judge people but follow their religion which is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. When a Christian finds someone appearently ignorant of the message, a Christian will tell you about Jesus and the reason for his life and death which is to allow you to overcome sin. You think that by telling you that without Jesus you are a sinner and therefore lost is judgement, you are incorrect. As an athiest you are lost and will inevietably suffer judgement.

    Of course I'm lost, I'm very bad with directions LOL. :)
  • Jul 24, 2007, 08:13 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx
    otto186, do you really want to help and learn, or would you rather be "simply pointing out flaws"? My experience tells me critics of Christianity would much rather be pointing out flaws, which is counterproductive when it comes to helping and learning. So help me learn something since you believe in science...

    I read yesterday on a University of Michigan website that, "In the very beginning there was nothing except for a plasma soup." Do you believe that, and if so how what is "plasma soup" and how did it come into being?

    I can't find any information on "plasma soup", and that was the only sentence about it in that whole article.

    This is new to me, for I have not heard of it before. I couldn't tell you what plasma soup is, but I stand by the Big Bang Theory 100%.
  • Jul 24, 2007, 08:15 PM

    Originally Posted by excon
    Hello otto:

    I'm an atheist. I have Christian friends. As far as I know, they don't view me that way.

    Do you speechdude?

    I dunno. Looks to me like YOU'RE the one doing the judging.


    First, what the heck is speechdude?

    I'm not judging anybody, just merely making observations on what I've seen in my experiences.
  • Jul 25, 2007, 02:57 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete
    As an athiest you are lost and will inevietably suffer judgement.

    No one is lost just because they do not practice the same religion as you do. You simply feel superior to them which is a misguided attitude.

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