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  • Jul 11, 2007, 02:36 PM
    How can I be more confident around guys?
    Being around guys always scares me to death, and I don't know why. Whenever one of them comes up to talk to me, I don't know what to say, so I end up saying something stupid or even mean. How can I be more comfortable around guys?
  • Jul 11, 2007, 04:30 PM

    You need to understand that you have something to offer them. They are lucky to have the chance to talk with you. You're a special Lady and you know it.

    Now that you feel good about yourself just think of guys as people. Not guys or girls just a person. If you run out of something to say look around and find something you can see and talk about it. Its easy to talk about something you can see.

    If none of the above work, give him a great Big Kiss to break the ice hehehe.

    Good Luck
  • Jul 11, 2007, 06:46 PM
    Sometimes I feel the same way too but you just got to suck it up and pretend you isn't nervous even if your a nervous wreck inside.. guys really isn't nuthin to be nervous about, they are just regular people just like you! They even get nervous sometimes too! Just tell them that your nervous so when your a little shy around them or you act kind of mean then they will know the reason why but guys kind of understand and know why your acting a certain way, especially when your playing with your shirt,hair or something when your talking to them then you know your nervous... but what I do is just MAKE yourself feel comfortable around them.. just try flirting and talking to boys you don't like for practice and then when its time to talk to a guy that you really like then you won't be as nervous but yea I know how you feel because sometimes I'm nervous around guys too but guys think that's cute and it really isn't a bad thing
  • Jul 11, 2007, 08:53 PM
    Well... I Would Have To Agree With Dennis777... Just When A Guy Approaches You Talk About What You Did That Day Or Ask Him What He Did... Have A Normal Conversation.. Don't Say Anything That Will Embarrass You Though... Just Talk About Things That Happenend And Everything Will Be Fine.. Good Luck! :)
  • Jul 11, 2007, 11:04 PM
    I think that to be confident around guys, you have to be confident with yourself... if you aren't happy with yourself then you will be self-conscious around them... so you need to be happy with you first!
  • Jul 23, 2007, 09:56 AM
    I use to be the same:o but when I started secondary school I invited a few boys in the class to the cinima or even just down the park being around them more and chating to them about footy or what they like helps you get a long with them more now I don't worry any more I am always laughing and joking with them
    Remember anything is possible if you believe in your self:) ;) :) ;)
  • Jul 23, 2007, 10:38 AM
    Be confident on yourself!
    Write down several positive affirmations to feel more confident. For example, "I am a smart and energetic student," or "I am a loving and caring girl who knows her friends' needs." Keep the list handy while you perform your daily visualizations.
    If you are not confident about your look or body then let me tell you this:As a woman u need to learn love your body - Fall in love with your own body. Never make negative comments about your body and point out your faults to a guy. If your body is not up to speed, keep quiet and just start working out. Guys hate to hear you drone on about your body. It is a horrible turn off and then they will start noticing all the flaws you point out.

    Go overboard to look absolutely fantastic every day, making the very most of what you have with clothing, smelling good.Stand up tall.
    Then your confidence kicks in!;)
    Good luck girl!
  • Apr 9, 2010, 04:22 PM
  • Apr 12, 2010, 04:45 AM

    Having a lot of male friends helps you how to act and be more confident around guys. Start with going out in groups until you feel more comfortable, then start going out alone afterwards.

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