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  • Jul 5, 2005, 06:43 AM
    Is it normal for pups to dream, cry out, and have her eyes wide open like she's scared? She's 9 weeks old and often "runs" in her sleep and makes noises, which is normal, she "sucks" as if she's nursing, which I also know is normal, but a couple of times it's as if she's afraid of something, "running" while sleeping, makes a loud cry and her eyes spring open. We wake her at this time and she's fine. Just wondering if that is normal or not.
  • Jul 5, 2005, 07:44 AM
    Everything except opening the eyes is normal. I don't remember seeing that. Our Sheba, 8 month Lab, Golden cross is very vocal in her sleep. Out in public, we have had to wake her up. We have dreams that frighten us sometimes, so maybe it is normal for dogs too. Dreaming is a good explanation of some of their behavior when they are sleeping, but I have read that it has not been scientifically proven that dogs dream.

    9 weeks is a very important time for a puppy. Be sure she is exposed now to noise, children, strangers, traffic, or anything else she will need to be comfortable around later. She also needs time with other dogs, young ones that will play. Be very careful to make sure any dogs she is around are healthy and have their shots. A parvo shot may or may not have taken yet.

    Exposing her to wide variety of experiences now, will help her avoid fear in the future and fewer bad dreams. She has a very confusing world to adjust to now. Do not force her if she shows fear, but don't coddle her with baby talk either. Remain confident and happy yourself, going up to what she fears, patting and talking to it.
  • Jul 5, 2005, 09:27 AM
    Thank you labman, Brina went to the vets today for her second set of shots, and he more or less said the same as you did *S*, he added that if when we wake her from these "dreams" and she wakes right away, or snaps out of it right away, then they are just dreams and not seizures like I was worried about.
    She is very socialized, we go to puppy school weekly and take her pretty well everywhere with us that's allowed. She's been to our Canada festivities, our local pet supplies store and drives with me to drop off and pick up hubby at work where she becomes the center of attention, we are now in the process of trying to find other pets her age to set up "play" dates. Tomorrow she goes to visit the nursing home with me. Thank you for setting my mind at ease this morning.
  • Jul 5, 2005, 10:56 PM
    I have an 11 week old lab, and she's very active in her sleep. She sleeps with her eyes half open a lot. Sometimes her third eyelid is closed when she does it, and sometimes it's not. The first time I noticed it, she was in REM sleep, so I thought she was having a seizure. Personally, I think dogs dream, even if scientists don't know if they do.
    Also, I have a neighbor who has a two year old lab, and they play great together. At first, I was afraid he'd be too rough on my little Annie, but she can hold her own. You might be surprised at how well an older dog and your pup will play together.
  • Jul 6, 2005, 03:52 AM
    We have a 5 yr old Mastiff that comes over to play with Brina, they're really good together, but when the mastiff gets fed up and has had enough "puppy" play, he plants his large paw on the pup and then lays down with her pinned *L*
  • Jul 6, 2005, 06:12 AM
    It just amazes me how well the older dogs play with the puppies. Those sharp little teeth that hurt us must hurt them too. Still, they seem to enjoy it. I do notice the older dog sometimes will pick up a toy and drag the little one around letting it hang on the toy.

    I have been very pleased how our friend's big, male 3 year old Lab plays with Sheba when they come to visit.

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