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  • Jul 6, 2007, 07:21 AM
    Vacation trip
    Hi All,

    I have been dating my b/f now for 2 and 1/2 years few weeks ago his friend decided to plan and trip to Puetor Rico so they left they went for a week. He is currently there now. I was just curious I never been there is it a place were there are a lot of singles or is it a party place? From what I here it's a place that is more for couples but like I said I have never been there. I coudnt figure out why 2 guys would want to go there he said he just wanted to go on vacation with his friend... any input?? Anyone every been there??
  • Jul 6, 2007, 07:33 AM
    It's just a vacation trip. I am going there in 2 weeks. If you go there to meet people, then you will. Just like anywhere else and it doesn't really matter the location. There are single people and places everywhere. That being said, if you trust your boyfriend, you have nothing to worry about. Be at peace and relax this week that he is away and make this your "vacation" as well and do something new or take time to think. Do something other than thinking about this. Worrying never did any good for anybody! Have a good day!
  • Jul 6, 2007, 07:57 AM

    Originally Posted by emopunk7
    It's just a vacation trip. I am going there in 2 weeks. If you go there to meet people, then you will. Just like anywhere else and it doesn't really matter the location. There are single people and places everywhere. That being said, if you trust your bf, you have nothing to worry about. Be at peace and relax this week that he is away and make this your "vacation" as well and do something new or take time to think. Do something other than thinking about this. Worrying never did any good for anybody! Have a good day!

    Yep, I totally agree! Worrying does no good, and if he does have other intentions(good bad), then that's his choices. U can do the same thing to him as well!
  • Jul 6, 2007, 08:00 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    Yep, I totally agree! Worrying does no good, and if he does have other intentions(good bad), then that's his choices. U can do the same thing to him as well!

    This is true, gues it stupid to think of things like that.
  • Jul 6, 2007, 08:09 AM
    But it's good to be aware of this, you never know... so check up on him while he is over there, call him at night. If he doesn't pick up the phone, leave a message (be gentle), ask him about the trip. Remember don't act like you are doubting what he is really doing or showing jealousy... but def. be aware!
  • Jul 6, 2007, 08:15 AM

    Originally Posted by woh337
    but it's good to be aware of this, u never check up on him while he is over there, call him at night. If he doesn't pick up the phone, leave a message (be gentle), ask him about the trip. Remember don't act like u r doubting what he is really doing or showing jealousy...but def. be aware!!

    Well he's been calling me a few times a day we talk for a few minutes at a time. I don't really want to call much since he's on vacation so I only called 1 time. He usually calls me at like 9 last time and then he usually says goodnight and calls the next day in the morning.

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