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  • Jun 26, 2007, 07:53 PM
    REALLY BAFFLED: is my house haunted?
    Well, I've thought my house is haunted in some way for quite a while, just for strange goings on and what would seem like poltergeist activity. Inspired by the work of mediums and "ghost hunters" I decided to see if I could get a reaction from what might be a spirit. This is what I found;

    I was in the downstairs toilet early in the day looking for a coat and I heard a noise, like a thump upstairs, and I knew I was alone in the house.. so I was intrigued. I called out, to see if anything was there with me, and the fan which comes on with the light suddenly changed noises, the lightswitch seemed to sway slightly and it went really cold around my legs...

    Later on, sat in my living room, I decided to try calling out again. So I did, I asked for a change in temperature, a sound or something, and at first there was nothing.

    But then I heard a sound like someone sitting down on a chair, just as I asked for a sign. I asked for them to do it again and I heard a sound of a birthday card moving right next to me. So I sat back down and called out for a "Mrs Smith", the woman who I know lived here before us. The fan on the computer changed sounds and my feet went cold, and I heard what sounded like a breath from the other side of the room..

    So I called out for my dad. I asked him to touch me or make a sound.. and my arm grew really cold, I felt a tickling on my neck and I became really emotional all of a sudden.

    My friend Rachel was watching on webcam, she couldn't see any lights or movements but I swear I kept seeing things moving in the reflection of the window as I was calling out.

    Also my mums room, got to be the most active if there is any spirit there. A few weeks ago, my mums makeup bag was on her bed, around the middle. I was in the bathroom when I heard something drop, so I went into my mums bedroom and on the floor was a mascara. But how could it have rolled all the way off the middle of the bed? Also, there is often a smell of perfume from a part of the room that has none anywhere near it, even though I've not experienced this for a while, and I hear thumps when I'm downstairs regularly. Also, I went upstairs one night to find the door closed. It's NEVER closed unless someone's getting changed or something but everyone was in bed and my mum was away with work...

    Another thing, a couple of years ago, my brother purchased a new CD player. He hadn't played it yet and there wasn't a CD in it, and he'd decided to try it out in the morning. But in the middle of the night, the CD player suddenly turned on, full volume, obviously scaring us all. There seemed to be no way of explaining this, and this is a relatively new part of the house so what could have made it turn on when it wasn't even plugged in?

    So I was wondering, what does all this mean? Is it good proof of maybe an active spirit or two or is it me being paranoid? I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me on this because I am baffled and looking for a decent explanation!
  • Jun 27, 2007, 01:05 AM
    The truth is... If you think your house is haunted then it is. We create our own reality from the thoughts we entertain. I do not believe in ghosts. But if you do then there are ways to deal with it. You can simply ask it to leave, but you must really want it to leave. Do not hold onto it out of curiosity or for attention. If it scares you remain calm, the more frightened you become the more active it seems to become. Bottom line... It is you doing it and you can make it go away.
  • Sep 21, 2007, 05:15 AM
    The New Testament teacks ; all demons (ghosts) we as belivers in Christ's death for our sins and resurection cast out in Jesus name will go.

  • Sep 21, 2007, 08:53 PM
    If I were you I would not go around requesting these ghosts to show themselves to you or try to contact them in otherways.

    The best way is to ask them to politely leave your home as it is not theirs.

    As ghosts are an unknown entity, you can never be sure if they are good or evil and in inviting them to reveal themselves to you may put you in harms way.
  • Sep 22, 2007, 12:48 AM
    Hi... I have two questions for you... you have mentioned that you have called for Mrs. smith & your dad... Are they alive or.. Another thing, are you the only member of your family who is having these incidents or other members of your family too had gone through similar things?? Since when you have been living in this house?? If you post more info maybe it will give us clear picture...

    Ms. Redrose
  • Sep 22, 2007, 12:50 AM
    I forgot to ask you if you or your brothers or sisters had played with ouija board? Did you know Mrs. smith?? The best thing for rthe time being is to stop communicating with it... because you ll lose control on it and you might get yourself hurt... also if you can daily prayers asking GOD for protection it will be great...

    Ms. Redrose
  • Sep 26, 2007, 09:27 AM
    It sounds like you have some suspicious activity, but I wouldn't look too much into the fan's changing speeds on your computer and such. This is a regular occurrence on most computers and is not paranormal. However your other experience, coldness, noises, and such are classic paranormal phenomeon. You don't seem to mind them too much so if they're not bothering you, then you simply need accept them as part of your home's "character", if you want to remove them there are many simple ways to achieve this.

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