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  • Jun 23, 2007, 01:48 PM
    How do you know when your ovulating after a miscarriage ?
    How do you know when your ovulating after a miscarriage

    As I stated earlier I had miscarriage a few days ago and I am still bleeding, but my doctor said I could start trying right away for another baby ( While I am still bleeding). So how does that work though, am I ovulating even though I am miscarrying? How can I know when my eggs are ready?
  • Jun 23, 2007, 01:50 PM
    Sorry but you did not get very good advice from your doctor. Do you really think it is okay to start trying again even though your body has not healed up yet? You already know my answer from my posts from before.

  • Jun 23, 2007, 01:59 PM
    Yah I do know that is isn't a good way to go, I am just trying to see where my doctor got this piece of advice from. See it doesn't make since to me, since my body is trying to let go of the embryo. So what makes the doctor think I can get pregnant again ( I think she may be off her rocker). I will take some time to heal and let my body take its way
  • Jun 23, 2007, 02:10 PM
    That is the best way.
  • Jun 25, 2007, 01:07 PM
    Really sorry about your miscarriage. I hope you have good luck soon. I agree you are unlikely to be ovulating if you are still bleeding, though I suppose it's not impossible. It makes more sense to let your body recover and also your mind and take your time.

    You can tell when you are ovulating, generally, by taking your temperature every day with a special thermometer, and by looking at the quality of the mucus --if it's clear and stringier than usual, you'll probably ovulate within a day or two. And you can try anytime in those two days.

    Also, if your cycles are 28 days and very regular, you will ovulate about 14 days after your period starts. But if your cycles are irregular, that won't help. Or if they are shorter, you can figure it out maybe. Here's how: The time from ovulating to the beginning of your period should be almost exactly 14 days (maybe 13.5). The time from the first day of your period to the day of ovulation can be any length. But, if you are regular, you can probably guess it. Like if your cycle is always 23 days, then 23-14 = 9 days. So look for the temperature spike 9 days after your period starts, and look for the change in mucus about 7 days after your period starts.

    Sperm can last up to four days (even a week, but that's rare). It's best to try a day or two before you ovulate (look for the change in mucus a couple of days before and the spike in temperature). Or try on the same day. But don't wait until you've already ovulated, because the egg becomes less fertile just 12 hours after you ovulate. Don't wait, and have fun!
    Just Asking
  • Jun 25, 2007, 08:33 PM
    I must say that I am very shocked that your doctor told you that you could start trying to conceive immediately, while you are still bleeding, and since this just happened a few days ago.I would highly going to a new doctor, at least for a second opinion. It is usually suggested that you wait one or two periods before trying again, as this allows your body some time to heal and regulate again. Also gives you a breathing break emotionally. As far as knowing when you are ovulating again, there are two things I would suggest. Ovulation predictor kits, and basal body temping (Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - these will help you to know when you are ovulating. Good luck to you, I hope all goes well, that you can get some better advice from a knowledgeable doctor, and that you have a healthy pregnancy and baby soon.
  • Jun 25, 2007, 08:39 PM
    As you know, I recently miscarried two weeks ago and I believe that I ovulated a few days ago(side pain, clear discharge,. the usual ovulation stuff). If you are trying to find out exactly when you are ovulating treat your m/c as if it were your "period," and start using an ovulation predictor kit about ten or so days from the day you started to miscarry. Good luck!
  • Jun 25, 2007, 08:50 PM
    Thank's guys I will go see another doctor I think she was trying to make me feel better, because I was so heartbroken when all this happened. I will take at least 2 months of the baby making activity. I think I need to just relax have a bit of faith and just let nature take its course, if the man upstairs says it's time for me to be a mom it will happen.
  • Jun 25, 2007, 08:52 PM
    That's the way to approach it!
  • Aug 29, 2008, 08:56 AM
    I hope you are not taking advise from the people who have responded to you!
    Listen to your doctor
    She is right
    You are 40% more likely to get pregnant straight after a miscarriage than at any other time
    Ovulation should be timed from the date of your missed period and NOT from the date of your miscarriage.
    If your doctor doesn't see any reason for delaying then you should take the higher odds of getting pregnant and run with it

    And every other speculator giving incorrect advice.. you should be ashamed of yourselves if this girl missed her window because of you!

    A close friend of mine was pregnant 2 weeks after her miscarriage and is now in her second trimester and I had a miscarriage on Wednesday and although upset by it I will be taking advantage of my increased odds and will start trying again next week.

    Good luck with getting pregnant.

  • Aug 29, 2008, 11:32 AM
    First of all, pay attention to the posting dates, as this question and the answers were posted over a year ago.
    Second of all, in this particular situation, it was very unwise to begin trying to get pregnant again right away, as she had only miscarried days before, AND was still bleeding. Very unhealthy and risky. It is true that you are more likely to get pregnant easier and faster after being pregnant, even if you miscarry, HOWEVER no one should ever being having sex while bleeding after pregnancy/miscarriage, as it increases your chances for infection, as well as damage. It is wise to allow your body time to completely heal itself and get rid of the remains of the miscarriage. Not only that, but allowing your body to have a few cycles before trying again is common doctoral advice, and is helpful in not only allowing your body to heal and reset, but also in helping better determine a due date/fetal age when you do get pregnant again, and also making sure that your body is better prepared to support your next pregnancy.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with suggesting that a woman get a second opinion from a different doctor, particularly when it is in reference to her health and the health of her future pregnancies.
    As always, this is an advice only site. We do not nor should anyone other then their doctor ever try to self diagnose someone over the internet. You may also want to consider that any number of these women (or men with experience on behalf of their wives) could have easily experienced their own miscarriage(s) in the past, and are giving advice based on what they were told by their doctors. Do not be so quick to anger over these postings, its simply people giving advice and opinions from their own experiences and knowledge from such in an effort to help.
  • Feb 25, 2010, 06:12 PM
    I totally agree aml12345.
  • Feb 25, 2010, 06:13 PM

    You can conceive after a miscarriage, before you have a cycle. Your doc was right!
  • Mar 7, 2010, 11:44 AM

    Can you get pregnant right after a miscarriage, when are you likely to ovulate?
  • Jun 9, 2010, 01:48 PM

    I am actually searching for answers as well. I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks May 1, 2010. I had no idea that I was pregnant. We still would not have known anything if it was not for the pain that I had during the miscarriage and me seeking help from my doctor. I was also told by my doctor (whom I trust) that it is safe to try again. She also checked everything to make sure that everything was OK.. So my husband and I are in the process of (getting it on).. lol.. Good luck
  • Jun 9, 2010, 03:53 PM

    Sorry for your loss blacky. I hope you don't have to try too long for success.

    Some doctors will suggest waiting until you have had at least a period or two, but that is mostly for dating purposes. With the use of ultrasound, however, this is no longer necessary.

    It can take some women a few cycles for things to get back on track, but for others, cycles become regular right away. Since you ovulate before a period, you could potentially become pregnant without seeing a return of your periods. This is not the norm however. You could use ovulation kits to try and determine when ovulation is likely to occur.

    Good luck to you!
  • Jul 6, 2010, 04:40 PM
    My docter told me the same most likely you already past most of your baby and your docter most likely felt you where healthy enough to continue trying for a baby I was told if I wanted to up my chances for a boy to try when ovulating male sperm swims faster but dies faster as well
  • Dec 2, 2010, 10:02 AM
    I agree with aml I see an OBGYN a midwife and a perinatal specialist and all have said I could start right away, I just miscarried this last week and using an ovulation kit am finding out that I have started ovulating just 4 days after I stopped bleeding from my m/c!! All of my doctors and midwives said I could start trying as soon as I am ready!
  • Feb 7, 2011, 02:59 PM
    You can start after you miscarriage I think you should wait till you stop bleeding. But there is no medical reason to wait a couple month after miscarriage. The only reason people use to wait is that back in the day they only could tell how far along you are by your last period... but guess what welcome to 2011!! We have ultrasounds now to tell us that. Your body is doing the same thing during a miscarriage that you normailly do in a period.
  • May 9, 2011, 08:43 PM
    I had a miscarriage on March 26th and I still don't have my period . I'm pretty sure that you'll have to wait after your next period to try again , but you will most likely ovulate like 14 days after .

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