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  • Jun 18, 2007, 11:17 AM
    Love Is All Around You!
    This is my favorite saying in the whole world. What is yours and why and when did it hit you and what kind of situations have brought you to that conclusion? Who made you who you are? Who or what brings the best and worst out of you? How many kids do you have, how many do you not have for whatever reason? Are you married single or on your way to something special? Are you religious or spiritual? Did you brush your teeth today? Clean the toilets? Did you have breakfast today? Love is all around you! THAT IS FOR SURE!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 11:35 AM
    My favorite saying is "There is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train"

    One of my doctor friends told me this when I finished my first year of nursing school.

    My hubby brings our both the best and the worst in me
    4 kids
    Married twice
    Religious and spiritual
    Yes I brushed my teeth
    My daughter cleans the toilets
    Yes I had breakfast (rye toast)
  • Jun 18, 2007, 11:37 AM
    Wow, good job J_9, sounds like a beautiful life you have then, eh? Especially since there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 11:49 AM

    Originally Posted by startover22
    This is my favorite saying in the whole world. What is yours and why and when did it hit you and what kind of situations have brought you to that conclusion? Who made you who you are? Who or what brings the best and worst out of you? How many kids do you have, how many do you not have for whatever reason? Are you married single or on your way to something special? Are you religious or spiritual? Did you brush your teeth today? Clean the toilets? Did you have breakfast today? Love is all around you! THAT IS FOR SURE!

    I love this thread you started start.

    Okay, This is biblical but I love this golden rule I think we should all live by.

    “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

    I have always been very spiritual and somewhat religious I think there is a big difference between the two. I have been reading the bible on my own since I was 9. I think that God the father, was my only true father and role model growing up.

    People who communicate well and love to share their thoughts and feelings bring out the good in me. People who are impatient and angry bring out the worst in me.

    I have 2 children.
    The first baby was a miscarriage.
    Our second, my beautiful baby boy.
    I did not brush my teeth today.
    Cleaned the toilet the other day.
    Yes, Had breakfast. BLT Sandwich.

    I love your saying. Love is all around you. That is what I want for everybody to. Love, to give. Love to receive.

  • Jun 18, 2007, 11:55 AM
    Wow, Joe, love your saying all to well. I say it and try to live by it everyday of my life. When I have more time, I will give you the Start profile, I just have to wait till rest cause as you know I am a stay at home mom with extras! Hugs to you joe, I think you are doing great, except for the teeth thing, I would advise you to brush in the morning so that BLT (my favorite sanwhich exclude the tomato and add avacado) doesn't stick to your teeth...
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:08 PM
    Thanks to you all for replying, sounds like we are all doing pretty well. I have to say growing up I never took anything in. It is all starting to come together for me and I feel like I need to express it to everyone. There are so many people in my life that has shown the LOVE that is all around me, so hence the Love is all around you theme!
    My husband can kick me down and bring me back up! He is and always will be mine! I have learned a lot from my life and that has made me into who I am, my journey changes constantly so I do too. I will always have my "base" but sometimes you have to be in the situation to be able to talk about a situation... I believe in God, I don't have a religion, I am very spiritual and I agree that there is a difference in the two. I get upset because I haven't even gotten past a few words in the bible but I really want to read the whole thing. Just need to get off my butt and get it done. I brush my teeth to often and people that are around me a lot know this as a fact. I scrubbed the toilet on Friday as some of you already know. I had 10 cups of coffee for breakfast and lunch is right around the corner so too late for breakfast. Wish I didn't drink so much coffee and I wish I would eat at least a banana for breakfast. I hope this thread brings out the best for all of us even though we may say the worst through it! Like I love Marlboro Red's although I quit smoking them, I still love them with my new "healthy heart" Have a wonderful time reading about your fellow posters, maybe we can add a few questions in here..? Hugs to you all, Start

    Don't know how I missed it, but I love all four of my children, they are the light of my life...
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:28 PM
    I think that is a great idea. More people will join in and asking other questions at other times. Great idea.

    Yes, I think you brush your teeth way too much. Too much fluoride is not good for you eighter. Hee Hee. Maybe you should quit fluoride.

    I will not say how often I brush my teeth but what I will say is that I usually go to the dentist every seven years. NO cavities.

    Oh, my 10 cups of coffee for breakfast. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I hope you start eating that banana.

    Children are very important. They are so innocent and such a beautiful gift from God.

    It sounds like your doing very very well except for the coffee. Hee Hee

    I hope this thread brings out the best in everyone too. Lots of hugs.

    Joe, Superbaby and Wife.
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:31 PM
    Just be sure to tell, the Super Family they are welcome to put in their two cents! Thanks, you always have something great to add!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:36 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22
    This is my favorite saying in the whole world. What is yours and why and when did it hit you and what kind of situations have brought you to that conclusion? Who made you who you are? Who or what brings the best and worst out of you? How many kids do you have, how many do you not have for whatever reason? Are you married single or on your way to something special? Are you religious or spiritual? Did you brush your teeth today? Clean the toilets? Did you have breakfast today? Love is all around you! THAT IS FOR SURE!

    Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together. ~Pearl S. Buck

    Having a wild little two year old made me love this quote. He has his ups and downs, but he knows no matter what I love him and always will.

    My mother made me who I am, without her I don't know if I would be the person I am today.

    My husband brings out both the best and worst in me.

    I have two beautiful baby boys who I love more than anything.

    I am married to a wonderful man.

    I am not religious, but I hope people don't look down on me for it.

    I brushed my teeth today, and the toilets are on today's agenda.

    I don't usually eat breakfast, I'm not very hungry in the morning.
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:44 PM
    Nice to meet you NauticalStar420, nice motto! I love it and understand it all the way through! Another poster gave me a little inspirational saying, "never look down on someone unless you are helping them up!" What do you think about that?? I am jealous of you because it wasn't till I met my husband that I actually became anything or someone for that matter. I wish I would have had someone that meant that much to me when I was growing up! I plan on being there for my children so they can say nice things about me too when they are older! Hugs to you 420, can't wait to hear from you again!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:49 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22
    Nice to meet you NauticalStar420, nice motto! I love it and understand it all the way through! Another poster gave me a little inspirational saying, "never look down on someone unless you are helping them up!" What do you think about that???? I am jealous of you because it wasn't till I met my husband that I actually became anything or someone for that matter. I wish I would have had someone that meant that much to me when I was growing up! I plan on being there for my children so they can say nice things about me too when they are older!! Hugs to you 420, can't wait to hear from you again!

    That is a very nice little saying! I don't have a bad thing to say about my mother, she is wonderful! I'm sure your kids will feel that way about you, you sound like such a nice person! :)
  • Jun 18, 2007, 01:51 PM
    I have one you may not have heard of...

    If everyone had a just a little Startover22 in them, the world would be a much happier and beautiful place to be.

    Start - You are so precious and always bring a smile to my face and heart. You are just complete sunshine! :)

    Just wanted to be sure to tell you that.

    Great thread here Start!!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 02:37 PM
    Start I will be back later. Getting ready to feed the baby.
  • Jun 18, 2007, 02:49 PM
    You are wonderful too start! And this thread was a wonderful one for you to start too!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 03:43 PM
    I think you covered enough territory with this thread, this should be safe for a while here. LOL Well. I don't want to come off sounding too cliché. I think the motto that stands out for me is, you can't really love anyone until you love yourself. It became so clear to me after becoming a mom at 24. I didn't think I was really good at anything or that worthy, but when I held my daughter for the first time, she looked at me with complete love and adoration. She was part of me, and it made me see, I can't be all that bad. That is the day I began to love myself again. I lost that somewhere around age 11 or 12 after my parents got divorced and my mom decided to be with another woman. It was so difficult to accept myself as normal at that age anyway and with that, it became really hard. That is when I stopped talking to God for a long time. I grew up a Catholic and became a spiritual warrior in the face of politics and bull@@$@ religion. I respect it, I just don't buy it. I had a son three years later and I had a newfound sense of self respect and worth. I used to want six until I realized two was all I could handle. My husband showed me unconditional love and support also. He is source of strength and stability for me, and he has also helped me to believe in myself and see my potential. I gave up law school so I could stay home with my little man. That was humbling to say the least. After I finally figured out I loved law and had the nerve to go back and get my Bachelors. I actually do well in school this time and I find my calling to be an Appellate attorney. or maybe a Supreme Court Justice. The dreams were big, but my journey as a mother had begun again and I needed to give him the same attention. So the dreams changed again and I took on role of trying to be Super Mom. I wasn't going to miss a thing. ITs great having babies and raising little tots, but ohhh they are so much work. What if I screw them up? What is my biggest downfall? My lack of patience, my anger and inability to deal with selfish and mean people. That is what gets me the most. I love openly and freely and I accept it freely in return, that is what I live by too. I get angry and impatient, but I get over it really quick. I have a big mouth, I say what I feel and I am honest to a fault. Am I on my way to something special? I feel like everyday is special but I still think I am kid trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up! Then I realize, I am and I don't know yet!! My teenage years were turbulent and lonely and they taught me the most. I am still learning about how to deal with change, another toughie for me and how to not be so attached to those I love. I could go on with more but I will give someone else a turn now...
  • Jun 18, 2007, 04:31 PM
    Hello start,

    Life is so precious and so delecate that is why it is best to treat everybody right. What goes around comes around. My husband has been a good influence in my life. I had one baby it was a miscarriage. Now I have Joshua he is eight months old and he is doing great. I would love to have Two or four children because I think they are so precious. I am married and happy. I am a catholic but I am more spiritual. I am going to brush my teeth before going to bed. Yes I had breakfest. Toast and fruit. The baby made a big mess on me today. Poop everywhere. Now it is time for the baby to go to sleep.

  • Jun 18, 2007, 05:28 PM

    Originally Posted by shatteredsoul
    I think you covered enough territory with this thread, this should be safe for a while here. LOL Well. I don't want to come off sounding too cliche. I think the motto that stands out for me is, you can't really love anyone until you love yourself. It became so clear to me after becoming a mom at 24. I didn't think I was really good at anything or that worthy, but when I held my daughter for the first time, she looked at me with complete love and adoration. She was part of me, and it made me see, I can't be all that bad. That is the day I began to love myself again. I lost that somewhere around age 11 or 12 after my parents got divorced and my mom decided to be with another woman. It was so difficult to accept myself as normal at that age anyway and with that, it became really hard. That is when I stopped talking to God for a long time. I grew up a Catholic and became a spiritual warrior in the face of politics and bull@@$@ religion. I respect it, I just don't buy it. I had a son three years later and I had a newfound sense of self respect and worth. I used to want six until I realized two was all I could handle. My husband showed me unconditional love and support also. He is source of strength and stability for me, and he has also helped me to believe in myself and see my potential. I gave up law school so I could stay home with my little man. That was humbling to say the least. After I finally figured out I loved law and had the nerve to go back and get my Bachelors. I actually do well in school this time and I find my calling to be an Appellate attorney., or maybe a Supreme Court Justice. The dreams were big, but my journey as a mother had begun again and I needed to give him the same attention. So the dreams changed again and I took on role of trying to be Super Mom. I wasn't going to miss a thing. ITs great having babies and raising little tots, but ohhh they are so much work. What if I screw them up? What is my biggest downfall? My lack of patience, my anger and inability to deal with selfish and mean people. That is what gets me the most. I love openly and freely and I accept it freely in return, that is what I live by too. I get angry and impatient, but I get over it really quick. I have a big mouth, I say what I feel and I am honest to a fault. Am I on my way to something special? I feel like everyday is special but I still think I am kid trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up!! Then I realize, I am and I don't know yet!!!My teenage years were turbulent and lonely and they taught me the most. I am still learning about how to deal with change, another toughie for me and how to not be so attached to those I love. I could go on with more but I will give someone else a turn now.....

    Shattered, what about your teeth? Your toilet? Your breakfast? Hugs to you Shattered, you know I love you!
  • Jun 18, 2007, 05:57 PM

    Originally Posted by startover22
    This is my favorite saying in the whole world. What is yours and why and when did it hit you and what kind of situations have brought you to that conclusion? Who made you who you are? Who or what brings the best and worst out of you? How many kids do you have, how many do you not have for whatever reason? Are you married single or on your way to something special? Are you religious or spiritual? Did you brush your teeth today? Clean the toilets? Did you have breakfast today? Love is all around you! THAT IS FOR SURE!

    Karma works. It's my favorite saying because... well... it does! The good things that I put out there, unselfishly, will come back to me. The bad things that I put out there, unthinkingly, will come back to me. Same goes for others... so that guy who flipped me off on the freeway... he'll get his. Oh yes.

    I made me who I am. All of my choices, good and bad, have brought me to where I am today. I had a lot of help and love from family and friends, but I take responsibility for my own life.

    My husband always brings out the best in me. Stupid people bring out the worst.

    I don't have one child, because I placed her for adoption.

    I'm married, and that's something really special.

    I wouldn't say I'm religious or spiritual... more like I have faith.

    I did brush my teeth (twice now!) and didn't clean the toilet (that's a Saturday job).

    I always have breakfast. Best to start the day out right.
  • Jun 19, 2007, 04:02 AM
    Well for breakfast I had a protein bar and a bottle of water, half the time I skip breakfast. I am trying to be better about that. I brush in the am and the pm and I usually clean my toilets every couple days because my son is a slob when he is in there. Sometimes I make him do it!! Yes Synnen, what goes around comes back around, that is the truth!! I was just thinking that when some jerk cut me off the other day, and when these girls cut me and my husband in line at the movies. So instead of screaming at them, I trust the universe will give it right back! HUgs to you too start, love you too...
  • Jun 19, 2007, 07:56 AM
    Synnen, you are too "cool". I really think you are great. Anser me this, why do some people think it is wrong to believe in karma instead of say it is Gods work. I know a strong little debate but I have to ask, it has always confused me and has stopped me from using the word Karma many times. Just being honest because as you all know I am "growing" and need to know all of the things that make this world work inorder to be comepletely comfy!

    Shattered, great response, my son's are sloppy too. I still believe what you do comes back around! Good morning everyone!

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