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  • Jul 30, 2020, 01:55 PM
    DANGER! Trump Wants Election Delayed
    In a major step toward a dictatorship, Trump today tweeted that the presidential election should be delayed. His public reasoning is that mail-in voting is fraudulent. He says this without a scintilla of evidence. His real reason is that he is so far behind in the polls that his chances of re-election are close to zero.

    Even his true-blue sycophants, McConnell and Graham, are aghast at Trump's idea.

    Watch for even more drastic measures from the mouth of this evil man in the days leading up to November 3.
  • Jul 30, 2020, 05:42 PM
    And his next move is to make the presidency for life, oh, can you imagine it, a life without Trump? he is just trying to keep up with his friend Vlad
  • Jul 30, 2020, 05:47 PM
    This dufus will lie cheat and steal anything, so an election is just another thing to steal. We already know he will say anything to change the conversation, so crazy talk to keep from discussing the disastrous economic news is just par for the course. Yes he is desperate, since being booted from office means he could go to jail, so nothing he says or does should be a surprise, because he has always done this crap. The thing about his crazy talk though is he, and a few actually believe it, and may indeed act on it.

    That's when the fun starts.
  • Jul 30, 2020, 06:08 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    That's when the fun starts.

    You have a strange idea of fun. I hold grave fears for the future of your country
  • Jul 30, 2020, 06:56 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    You have a strange idea of fun. I hold grave fears for the future of your country

    I watched today's news briefing. Trump was very subdued, not his usual fast-talking huckster self. He mentioned Herman Cain but not his cause of death or that he had been maskless at the Tulsa campaign gathering. It was a very different Trump today.
  • Jul 30, 2020, 07:39 PM
    The new Postmaster General is a multi-millionaire major donor to Trump who was appointed barely a month ago. So far, under the guise of cutting costs, he is implementing postal-wide rollbacks designed to slow down mail delivery to affect the November election - part of Trump's overall plan to slow down service.

    While it is true that Trump's plan to delay the election will never be carried out, he has effectively diverted attention from the disastrous US GDP dropping 32.7% for the 2ndQ which is the worst drop in US history.

    Trump's failure to effectively manage the Covid crisis is a major factor in the GDP drop. Trump doesn't want that fact discussed. He continues to tell outrageous lies at his daily pressers regarding both the economy and the virus. Right-wing media (FOX-News) shamelessly passes on the lies and fabrications of Trump.
  • Jul 30, 2020, 08:00 PM
    Yes a fall in GDP is serious, but the US has an unlimited ability to recover once CV19 is under control. Efforts should be devoted to beating the virus not shoring up the economy for the sake of appearances. While the election may be on Trump's mind, now is the time to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the country and make the next three months a milestone
  • Jul 31, 2020, 06:15 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    You have a strange idea of fun. I hold grave fears for the future of your country

    Relax Clete, just because the dufus is ranting and raving to keep the news of 3 former presidents were invited, and he was NOT, to deliver eulogies for a fallen hero and the economy is contracting massively, like everybody's will or is, doesn't mean we won't rise to the challenge somehow. Under this management maybe not so fast or easily, but the fun is watching the dufus flail about and flap desperately for attention.
  • Jul 31, 2020, 06:18 AM
    Yes he does look like a flounder out of water
  • Jul 31, 2020, 06:23 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I watched today's news briefing. Trump was very subdued, not his usual fast-talking huckster self. He mentioned Herman Cain but not his cause of death or that he had been maskless at the Tulsa campaign gathering. It was a very different Trump today.

    He didn't mention Louie Gomertt testing positive either.


    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    The new Postmaster General is a multi-millionaire major donor to Trump who was appointed barely a month ago. So far, under the guise of cutting costs, he is implementing postal-wide rollbacks designed to slow down mail delivery to affect the November election - part of Trump's overall plan to slow down service.

    While it is true that Trump's plan to delay the election will never be carried out, he has effectively diverted attention from the disastrous US GDP dropping 32.7% for the 2ndQ which is the worst drop in US history.

    Trump's failure to effectively manage the Covid crisis is a major factor in the GDP drop. Trump doesn't want that fact discussed. He continues to tell outrageous lies at his daily pressers regarding both the economy and the virus. Right-wing media (FOX-News) shamelessly passes on the lies and fabrications of Trump.

    I told you he was a dufus and with Moscow Mitch and the senate stooges squabbling over how to screw the American people out of a few needed bucks we are in limbo. The House has already acted and sent a bill to the senate months ago.
  • Jul 31, 2020, 07:06 AM
    He's just messin . He knows the fools on the Dem side have been parroting this line that he wants to delay the election or will refuse to accept the outcome So he just feeds their paranoia to watch their heads explode . Amazing thing . The Dems who did not accept the outcome of the 2016 election are now accusing him of something they tried ...... to steal an election . lolololol The date of the election is set by Congress . There is zero chance to get the date changed and yet ya'll fell for it
  • Jul 31, 2020, 07:53 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    He's just messin . He knows the fools on the Dem side have been parroting this line that he wants to delay the election or will refuse to accept the outcome So he just feeds their paranoia to watch their heads explode . Amazing thing . The Dems who did not accept the outcome of the 2016 election are now accusing him of something they tried ...... to steal an election . lolololol The date of the election is set by Congress . There is zero chance to get the date changed and yet ya'll fell for it

    Nope. He wants to be President for Life, like Li'l Kim in NK.
  • Jul 31, 2020, 08:40 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    He's just messin . He knows the fools on the Dem side have been parroting this line that he wants to delay the election or will refuse to accept the outcome So he just feeds their paranoia to watch their heads explode . Amazing thing . The Dems who did not accept the outcome of the 2016 election are now accusing him of something they tried ...... to steal an election . lolololol The date of the election is set by Congress . There is zero chance to get the date changed and yet ya'll fell for it

    I agree the dufus is just quacking for attention and reactions, but is that an appropriate response during the most serious of times Tom? I mean he could be pushing Mitch and the senate stooges to address the unemployment benefits set to expire at midnight, instead of letting them run like roaches home without NOTHING being done after MONTHS.


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Nope. He wants to be President for Life, like Li'l Kim in NK.

    He would if he could, but he ain't since, he can't! Of course he knows that and and is desperate to just get 4 more years after the disaster of the last 4 years.

    Everybody except most repubs know that too.
  • Jul 31, 2020, 08:46 AM
    You haven't figured this out yet ? This is his reality show persona . When all the over reaction is over ,he has raised a real problem. NY and Pennsylvania proved that this emphasis on mail in balloting is going to be a disaster .
    As far as the unemployment benefits go ;the level of $ became a serious disincentive to return to work . The Feds if they are extending them at all should reduce the amount .
    If lib states wants to pay more ,take it out of state revenues .
  • Jul 31, 2020, 10:14 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    You haven't figured this out yet ? This is his reality show persona . When all the over reaction is over ,he has raised a real problem. NY and Pennsylvania proved that this emphasis on mail in balloting is going to be a disaster .
    As far as the unemployment benefits go ;the level of $ became a serious disincentive to return to work . The Feds if they are extending them at all should reduce the amount .
    If lib states wants to pay more ,take it out of state revenues .

    The dufus show needs to be canceled, and the disincentive to work is the virus, and until that is effectively addressed, main street needs a bailout, since the current batch of unemployed has no job to go back to, nor prospects for another job. Amazing how repubs ignore that fact. All states are strapped with corona virus expenses, including USPS, and amazing how repubs ignore that too!
  • Jul 31, 2020, 01:01 PM
    so why won't the Dems negotiate on the issue like the Republican requested ? I can tell you that there are many jobs available here and people are not applying for them because of the freebee .
  • Jul 31, 2020, 01:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    so why won't the Dems negotiate on the issue like the Republican requested ? I can tell you that there are many jobs available here and people are not applying for them because of the freebee .

    Jobs for what, e.g.?
  • Jul 31, 2020, 01:28 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    so why won't the Dems negotiate on the issue like the Republican requested ? I can tell you that there are many jobs available here and people are not applying for them because of the freebee .

    There's nothing to negotiate Tom, the house passed a bill, repubs have NADA. Wonder what all those jobs are nobody wants? Wonder if they are safe or are people afraid of getting sick and dying? Or like many jobs that will be available, will people be QUALIFIED for them?
  • Jul 31, 2020, 03:39 PM

    Wonder what all those jobs are nobody wants? Wonder if they are safe or are people afraid of getting sick and dying?
    Our tin pot dictators in the North East brag about how they flattened the curve and in fact the curve in on a downward path .

    So yes many of the jobs that workers had before furlough are available . I'm hiring and so are others in the manufacturing areas . Retail is also hiring for the annual holiday push and with Main street opening up . 740,000 jobs in June and 372,000 in May Restaurants that were closed are hiring , 2.1 million jobs in leisure last month .
    Overall there were gains of 4.8 million jobs in June, the most in records back to 1939

    Problem is that the combined Fed gimme and the standard state unemployment benefit comes close to what their take home would be for going back to work. In many cases the Fed gimme alone was as much as their take home pay. So why would they go back when the Feds are giving them an incentive to not work ?

    As for them being afraid to go back to work well boooooohooooo ! Imagine truckers saying they won't pick up and deliver because they are afraid . Imagine healthcare workers refusing to treat patients because they are afraid . My whole manufacturing crew has worked throughout the pandemic . Some of them don't make much more than the combined unemployment freebee .

    Sorry I don't have sympathy for people who's excuse to not go back to work is they are afraid....and that includes those cry babies in the teacher's unions . I think if there is a job available and they opt out then they should be compelled to forfeit any claim to the benefit .
  • Jul 31, 2020, 04:00 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Sorry I don't have sympathy for people who's excuse to not go back to work is they are afraid....and that includes those cry babies in the teacher's unions . I think if there is a job available and they opt out then they should be compelled to forfeit any claim to the benefit .

    They don't want to be in heaven with Herman Cain.

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